

3rd rock from the sun


Atrocious! This movie is an abomination. People were moaning midway, some walked out. I don't know if Ron Howard was high when he made this or just didn't care or both, but I regret that I actually paid for this. And that's coming from someone who paid to see Under Siege with Steven Seagal and the Police Academy movies. Seriously do yourself a favor and skip this one. If you enjoyed Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons you will hate this one. Even more so you will ask yourself if this is even from the same people. All I can say is this. If something works please don't try to make it different just so because it's different. Have an idea! This was a total mess from start to beginning and the first 30 minutes where Langdon has hallucinations are barely watchable. Someone was clearly on acid. There is just no other explanation how an accomplished film maker like Howard made something as terrible as this. If someone has that flash thingy from Men in Black please send me a message. I need to get flashed. Twice. Just to make sure.

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So understated, so subtle. Yet so powerful. What a masterpiece this is. Without a doubt the best superhero movie ever made. You ask 50 people what their favorite superhero movie is, Unbreakable will probably not even be mentioned. But that 51st person, the one who says "Unbreakable", that's the one who really knows about movies.

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The Terminator

This is like the 100th time I'm watching The Terminator. I just noticed this for the first time: Sarah hides in a club called Tech Noir so she can use the telephone. The phone is literally ON THE DANCE FLOOR! Hahahahaha. Gotta love the 80s.

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Keeping Up with the Joneses

Gal Gadot. If nothing else I'd watch it for her alone. Plot? Who cares. It's Gal Gadot. They could make a cooking show with her, I'd watch. Hell, they could show her chewing gum for two hours and I'd be all over that.

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Game of Thrones: 6x07 The Broken Man

If the little Mormont girl had 3 dragons, this show would have been over 2 seasons ago. Dayum. Give her the iron throne or a spin off series. Stat.

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The Orville: 1x03 About a Girl

Orville continues the surprising path of character development. Again I have to admit I did not expect this to be a focal point of the show. Judging from the trailer this is a slapstick show. Seems Seth McFarlane has something more ambitious in mind. For that alone I will stay on this ride.

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The Last Samurai

I absolutely love this movie. I realize Tom Cruise is not everyone's cup of tea but a true movie aficionado can remove himself from that and see that the acting, cinematography, story telling, pacing, music, scenery, art production and last but not least the insight in the rich Japanese culture is nothing short of awe inspiring. A beautiful piece of film making that deserves your respect, even if you don't like the man in the leading role for whatever reason.

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Sing Street

Homage to 80s music, first love and big brothers. This was a pleasant surprise in last night's sneak preview. One of the best music movies I have ever seen and easily a top 5 movie for 2016. Watch it!

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Good things first: chemistry between Jackson and Reynolds is off the charts as expected. Their comedic style complement each other very well and carry the movie.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x15 Lower Decks

Shout by Galileo5
BlockedParent2017-03-05T12:50:47Z— updated 2022-07-25T17:50:44Z

One of the very best TNG episodes. It might not have any aliens, time travel, Borg or Spaceship battles but it does something 99% of all other episodes fail to do. It genuinely makes you feel for a non-bridge-crew character. The death of Ensign Sito left a mark on me unlike any other TNG death including Tasha's. Truly heartbroken. She went out like a G. Courage and duty above and beyond.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

No matter your political views or what you think really happened in Benghazi this was a well executed war/combat movie. Of course Michael Bay will use the typical slow mo on the American flag here and there but all in all this was solid movie making with a director at the helm that was able to capture the chaos and insanity of firefights where you can't tell your enemies from your friendlies.

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Stranger Things: 2x07 Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

Easily the weakest episode of ST2 up until now. What were they thinking going away from the boys and doing this just so 11 ends up with an epiphany and goes back to Hawkins? Needless to say looking for a sibling who turns out has taken the evil/criminal road line is one of the most overused plot lines in the history of television and is so unworthy of this show.

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Stripped down to its core this is probably the most romantic of all superhero movies. Man and woman immortal and bound together by cosmic fate live through centuries being chased by bad guys, only having each other to protect. But they can't be together or else they become mortal. In order to save his life the woman leaves the man upon learning he won't remember her after waking up from a life threatening injury, which he sustained while protecting her. Many decades he has become Hancock a no-good, booze drinking, alcoholic excuse of a superhero and she is a married housewife with a son. They meet again and the love story that has been going on for thousands of years continues in modern day LA. Now THAT'S original storytelling, Thanks to its unique mythological undertones Hancock is easily one of my top 3 superhero movies of all time.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

There are only three movie franchises where the sequel is better than the original. Rocky, Star Wars and Terminator.

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The Great Escape

This is one of the first movies my father showed me, when I was about 12 years old. That was over 30 years ago. To this day it is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is also the first movie I remember that made the specific point that not all German soldiers were Nazis. And there was quite some animosity between the military branches like the German Air Force towards the SS and Gestapo. There is this neat little scene in the office of the camp leading officer and it's awesome to see how he really doesn't even care about the Hitler salute. As a teenager that was an important distinction and it is sad that to this day a lot of people still don't know that a lot of German soldiers actually hated the Nazis and only kept on fighting for patriotism. The German officer even says he just hopes he can survive the war together with the prisoners as comfortably as possible. This was made in 1963. To this day not many WWII care to make a distinction between SS and other German military. For me this is the greatest triumph of this movie.

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True Detective: 3x08 Now Am Found

Loved the characters, loved the interwoven timelines. The reveal of what happened was a huge let down. Not only in the sense of what events actually transpired but also HOW it was revealed to us. Junius/June/Watts dumped the whole truth on us in a 15 minute monologue. I’m sorry but maybe in a show called True Detective we might enjoy detectives actually doing detective work to get behind that truth. But the one eyed guy just playing Mr. Exposition seems rushed and lazy.

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The Passage

Gotta say I’m impressed with Mark Paul-Gosselaar. Not bad for the Saved By The Bell guy. The pilot falls a bit flat at the midpoint and I‘m not sure Fox is a great home for The Passage. Would have loved to see it on AMC or HBO, but hey I‘m glad they are making one of my favorite books into a tv show. As I said Gosselaar shows surprising depth in this role. And the little girl is off to a strong start too. I hope they can keep the show going at this level. Btw, music selection for the show is great!

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Stranger Things: 2x03 Chapter Three: The Pollywog

I think Nancy is hot. There, I said it.

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Manhunt: 1x01 UNABOM

It's good, acting is good, script is solid and premise holds my attention. However the time jump structure is a mess. Why go back and forth between 95 and 97. There are up to EIGHT time jumps in one episode alone. SMH.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x07 Unnatural Selection

Pulaski is the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek universe. No doubt about that.

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Game of Thrones: 6x07 The Broken Man

House Mormont is my new favorite house.

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The Orville: 1x01 Old Wounds

Really not that bad. Granted, the special effects look a bit flimsy and it's not exactly exciting storytelling, but it's highly entertaining which is everything I want from this show. Compare this to Mission at Farpoint Station (pilot episode of Star Trek TNG) and this is far better. The banter between McFarlane and Palicki is the engine of this show. And it's so funny to watch. I just hope McFarlane's character can stay angry throughout the show because honestly as soon as they fall in love again the show is doomed. They need to play the ex-wife-cheater game a little while longer. The rest of the bridge crew is equally interesting. Star Trek Discovery starts in a couple of days and it's no coincidence Orville premiered first. It's a refreshing look at the genre. Nothing we have ever seen in a Sci-Fi TV show. That's why I believe both shows can coexist.

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Salvation: 1x05 Keeping the Faith

So you have a flat tire and what you do is drive onto the wet slanted grass so the wheel sinks into the ground... just do what every person on earth would have done. Stop the car where it is. I don't have a problem with cheap looking special effects. You have to work with the budget you been given. But this is just lazy writing. Has nothing to do with money. This is just people not using their heads and it drives me insane.

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Mamma Mia!

I love ABBA. I’m a hardcore fan who actually listened to these songs on the radio when they were new. That being said, this was the worst movie I have ever seen. And I don’t mean that as an exaggeration.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Shout by Galileo5
BlockedParent2017-12-14T02:19:03Z— updated 2017-12-16T07:06:41Z

Not sure about this movie. I‘m a die hard, hardcore Star Wars fan, but something about this feels off. It may be true that this was better than TFA and R1, but I know for sure that I was a lot happier after those movies. Rey did not get proper training from Luke even though that was the whole reason why she went there and that was what we were hoping it would happen. It doesn’t. At least not anything that comes close to what Luke went through on Dagobah. Also ... Luke dies from exhaustion. Wtf. I loved the reveal after the big fight that was genius. But then he dies from exhaustion? C'mon now.

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The Orville: 1x10 Firestorm

There is a wrong assumption that just because Orville has humor in it it’s a show for children, and Discovery is really for the grown ups and Trekkies. I would suggest it’s precisely the other way round.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
The Wolverine

If you are looking for a Blu Ray to test your home movie theatre this is as good as it gets. The Blu Ray shows as crisp a picture as I have ever seen, 4K UHD Blu Rays included. The 7.1 DTS -HD Master audio track gives your sound system a run for its money, especially during the train scene. No matter what you think of the movie itself, The Wolverine Blu Ray is the perfect disc if you want to show off your set up.

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Streets of Fire

An absolute gem of a movie. A true rock n roll fairy tale and easily in my top 10 of favorite films of all time. It's so simple in structure and dialogue yet it is the only movie of its kind (that I know of). 80s music set in a 50s world, goons that terrorize a small town, clear cut villain and hero who fight for a rock n roll 'princess' and two constantly bickering sidekicks. It sounds so formulaic, but it is different from anything you have seen before. A true classic that proves once again that you don't need a 100 million dollar production to do something special. Oh and the music... it's so good. 'Nowhere fast' and 'Tonight is what it means to be young' will make you wanna steal a car and wring it out.

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