Fernando Antunes


Curitiba, Brazil

Bird Box

Great film! Thank you, Netlfix!

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The Predator

I love Predator franchise, but this film is simply ridiculous!!

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The best 2018's horror movie, and I've no doubt this is an horror masterpiece! I was frightening with three films even after movie ended: The Exorcist, The Conjuring, and now Hereditary. Annie Graham had a spetacular performance.

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I like very mutch how the question of faith was worked in this TV Show. Oftem the exorcist have a problem with faith but the exorcism aproach him and God. In Outcast the opposite occurs. According exorcism happen, the exorcist percieves than all than he believes all life seems to be wrong. Mostly, supernatural phenomena make men believe more in God. This happens because most of the people belives in a God of the Gaps. It means than God is what we can't understand. But according man undertand phenomena than he didn't understand, God ceases to be God. The understanding of the power of God is a problem for this point of view. The screenplay play with this. In fact, nothing than the priest believes seems to be true.

This isn't the most scary TV Show. But have a very interesting and misterious plot.

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Suicide Squad

This movie had some bad things and some good things. Haley was amazing. Margot Robbie convinced me. She understand the character and maded an exelent work. I liked Deadshot too. Will Smith made well what he knows. Amanda Waller was good too. About Joker, I think he coud be more time on screen. I liked, but I can't say how well he really can be. There are the good things.

Screenplay is ballshit, I really understand nothing. I thought the movie kind of boring. I think Suicide Squad shouhd not face villains who want cause mass destruction. I think Suicide Squad should face smaller and specifc problems.

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Lights Out

Amazing debut from David Sandberg!! There is another genious for horror movies. Thanks James Wan!

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Fantastic 1st season with great and deep questions about artificial and alien intelligence. You can think about this from a original perspective, comparated to the way they are usually addressed. The relashionship with Molly, John and Ethan is very well explored, how to build an Artificial Intelligence with ethical moral values from they own experience. Ethan really love their parents and this is essential to their moral development. I really loved that. But the 2nd season was wrong script decisions, good questions about cohexistence with human and alien intelligence, but I really don't like the way the things took. The question with Humanics is very cliche, everething is so predictable. After all, the 2nd season was just OK. I really don't want to see 3rd season after the choices of script on 2nd season. I mean... I don´t blame the productors for having ending the show on 2nd season. But 1st season is really, really BADASS!

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I don't know. Maybe this is the best Star Wars EVER. I need to see the film again.

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