



These ladies are HILARIOUS! I really enjoyed watching this. I laughed out loud a whole bunch of times and really love the actors in these particular roles. I can already see several long-term quotable lines coming from it. Chris Hemsworth was also a riot.

While it's probably technically a remake, this movie has its own original plot and its own original characters. I'm glad for that. I loved the nods to the original without (always) hitting you over the head with it. Keep an eye out for some old friends.

Having said that, the movie does drag a bit around the 2/3 mark before kind of getting its mojo back for the finale. And make sure you stick around through the credits (which go by surprisingly quickly)!

There are going to be people who will hate this no matter what. But don't pre-judge this movie based on the trailer. Give it a chance and you may laugh as hard as I did.

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Friends: The Reunion

HIGHLY enjoyable and the standard by which all future TV show reunions should be measured. A great mix of now/then, reminiscing, reappearances and behind-the-scenes video and stories. I originally wanted to see a scripted reunion, but I found this to be far more satisfying. Well done!

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Alice Through the Looking Glass

I was surprised how much I liked this movie! I thought "Alice in Wonderland" was a weird, nearly incoherent movie. But "Through the Looking Glass" actually has a plot that you can follow the ENTIRE way through, and it's a fairly entertaining story involving regret, time-travel and family relationships. A lot of chuckle-worthy moments spread throughout, and it's great to hear Alan Rickman's voice one last time in a film.

I recommend this movie much more highly than the first Alice (perhaps due to the fact that Tim Burton is only a producer & not the director this time). It's family-friendly and visually impressive. And in my opinion, it's worth the extra $$ to see it in 3D for the time traveling sequences alone.

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This is the most enjoyable animated movie I've seen in a long time. Funny, touching, great message, clever, somehow formulaic and yet unique at the same time. Enjoyable for kids all the way up to adults.

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The Secret Life of Pets

Shout by Andy
BlockedParent2016-06-26T18:52:52Z— updated 2016-07-01T03:57:19Z

I found this movie to be very charming... and I'm not even a pet owner. Easily as good, if not better than "Zootopia" and "Finding Dory" this year, and FAR better than "Angry Birds". I laughed a lot at this movie and my 7 & 9 year old kids thought it was "awesome". Great voice talent involved and the animators do a great job creating the idealized New York City (i.e. clean, beautiful, & full of happy people).

The two biggest tests for movies obviously aimed at children are these: 1) Is it too long? & 2) Will the parents go nuts with boredom or irritation watching it with their kids? To that I can answer, 1) It's only 90 minutes & 2) I think there might be more things for adults to enjoy in this movie than kids. I was thoroughly entertained & fully expect to add this one to our family movie collection later this year.

There's also a Minions animated short at the beginning that is slow to get going, but pretty hilarious by the end.

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Coming to America

Might be my favorite of all Eddie Murphy's movies. Great lines, great idea, "Soul Glo", McDowells, the guys in the barbershop, just great execution altogether. I'm chuckling just thinking about the scenes again.

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Gotta give him credit. He didn't shy away from the negative stuff that both happened to him in his life and the negative stuff that he caused to others. Not having Maria Shriver or any of his kids in it at all as interviewees feels like a loud commentary on how she still feels about him and all of that. Nevertheless, I learned a bunch of stuff I didn't know and enjoyed the series overall.

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation: 1x01 The Power of Grayskull

Credit Kevin Smith for figuring out that when Adam says he's the "defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull" in the opening credits of the original cartoon, the writers back then never really ever mentioned or dealt with what those secrets actually WERE in the episodes themselves.

Whether you like or dislike what happens in this episode of "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" (and through the series) it seems that an earnest effort was made to actually move the characters along (on both the good side and bad side) and give them some depth instead of just starting over with a reboot/reimagining like they've tried once or twice before. That alone I applaud.

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The Mask of Zorro

This is one of my favorite movies of all-time. It has everything I want in a movie: heroism, beauty, sword-fighting (which I consider to be the best form of movie combat), chases, daring, humor, great actors, compelling story, good vs evil, revenge, mystery, romance, excitement... I don't know what more it could have.

Antonio Banderas is excellent in the role of Alejandro/Zorro, taking him from a drunk to a dashing hero, Anthony Hopkins adds class as Diego de La Vega (the original Zorro), Catherine Zeta-Jones has never looked more beautiful--but she's not just some damsel in distress, as her duel with Zorro in the stables shows. Don Rafael and Captain Love make great villains.

I just LOVE this movie.

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The Angry Birds Movie

This movie isn't too bad, but I'll be surprised if it gets a lot of positive remarks from critics. It's got funny moments and great voice talent, but it just didn't grab me as a parent seeing it with my 7 year old. I did play Angry Birds quite a bit back about 5 years ago, even going as far as looking up internet videos as to how to get 3 stars on each level if I couldn't figure it out myself. I liked seeing how they incorporated the birds' in-game attributes into the movie.

The best things about this movie to me: It's only 90 minutes, and it's a movie that you're safe to take your young kids to. We're running out of those kinds of films these days. My 7 year old thought it was "awesome!"

Bottom line: Worth seeing once if you have kids who really want to see it (and 3D was kind of fun), but I'm pretty sure it won't make it into our personal home video collection.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant

This was a fun little bit of retconning. The 2008 Incredible Hulk post-credits scene was originally intended to continue the setup of the Avengers being formed to go after the Hulk (which was actually a plot line from the original Avengers comics in the 1960's--in fact, the Avengers chasing the Hulk was how they discovered frozen Captain America in the comics). But once the story for 2012's Avengers became the invasion of New York by aliens they needed to explain why the heck Tony Stark would show up to talk to Ross at all, let alone in a bar. So like I said, a fun bit of retconning.

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X-Men: Apocalypse
Masters of the Universe: Revelation: 1x03 The Most Dangerous Man in Eternia

Wow. It is an amazing feat of writing to make the most pathetic and annoying character in the original cartoon (Orko) into a nuanced, sympathetic character. Congrats to Smith & the writers on that!

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We're the Millers

Will Poulter will never, EVER have a moment, not just in his acting career, but in his entire life that will top making out with Emma Roberts and Jennifer Aniston at the same time. Good for him!!!

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Sonic the Hedgehog

I have missed this version of Jim Carrey SO MUCH! For the first time in a long time, he's back to being the crazy, elastic, physical comedian that he once was in "Ace Ventura" & "The Mask". Overall, "Sonic the Hedgehog" is so-so as a movie and I'd almost rather they had animated EVERYTHING instead of just Sonic, but Carrey is like a living cartoon when he's on his game, and James Marsden does a pretty good job of being funny too. I've liked Tika Sumpter in everything I've seen her in. Also glad they fixed how Sonic looked...although based on the story in the movie it at least makes a bit of sense as to why they originally animated him to look a little more human. Kids will definitely enjoy this one (my 10 & 6-yr old sons sure did).

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The Office: 2x22 Casino Night

This was probably my favorite episode of the series. Not the funniest...but my favorite. That ending...

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Cape Fear

This was the first time in my life I remember being so tense watching a movie that I was literally gripping the armrest of the chair in which I was sitting. It was the scene in the alley where the goons are beating up De Niro and Nolte is hiding and watching

Of course, the Simpsons parodied this movie to perfection with an episode featuring Sideshow Bob. This was a great mixture of tension and slightly disturbing scenes. Well-directed by Scorsese.

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The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

Shout by Andy

One of my five favorite comedy movies of all time. It is quite dated now, but it will always be one my favs. I laughed out loud the first time I even saw a commercial for the movie (Jane telling Frank, "Everyone should have a friend like you!" while Nordberg rolls down the stadium steps in a wheelchair and launches airborne.)

The first time I saw the movie (as a 13-year old), I laughed through the whole thing, but when it got to the part where he "sings" the national anthem, I was laughing so hard I was crying & having trouble breathing. The whole entire baseball game sequence is top notch. The mic left on when he goes to the bathroom at the televised press conference, all the quotable lines, Leslie Nielsen at the top of his game...just superb.

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Archer: 7x07 Double Indecency

This has been the funniest episode of the season by far. I laughed out loud so many different times. Krieger's outfit, the insults, every time Ray wanted to double the bet... good stuff.

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This movie is still fun, all these years later. Watched it with my kids last night and they laughed at a lot of it. Even my littlest twins (3 yrs old) found some funny parts. A little crude at some moments and the premise is a little more disturbing in this day & age than it seemed at the time, but it's a good reminder of how fun Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell were to watch in their prime and the chemistry they had together.

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Arrested Development: 3x05 Mr. F

This, to me, is the funniest episode of the entire series and the height of the show's writing, plotting and execution. The "surrogate", the "mole", the suit, the Japanese investors, Gob's plan, Rita's "secret", everything just came together and paid off perfectly. I love this show.

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The Transformers: The Movie
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again

Woof. Parents & grown-ups beware, this one is for the kids only. Felt like a soft launch for a Saturday morning cartoon series. Ties into characters & moments from the film series but seems to be missing the actual fun & funny from the movies.

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Avengers: Infinity War
Arrested Development: 3x11 Family Ties

This episode made me laugh, no doubt, with the meta joke being that Nellie (who MIGHT be Michael's sister) is played by Jason Bateman's real-life sister (Justine Bateman--famous for playing Mallory on "Family Ties"). This creates a funny, but very uncomfortable will-they-or-won't-they dynamic in this episode.

"Away. I'm sure you mean 'she blew everyone away'."

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This might be my favorite western movie of all time. A stellar cast, a great even made me believe that Kevin Kline could be a cowboy, and a pretty kick a** one at that! Great musical theme by Bruce Broughton that I can still listen to and enjoy 30+ years later. Worth taking the time to watch it!

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Just Friends

Just watching Ryan Reynolds sing "I Swear" in a fat suit is worth the watch. The hockey scene with all the kids, while over-the-top, still laugh-out-loud funny. This movie rings true for anyone who has ever been put in the "friend zone".

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