

Omicron Persei 8

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

why did I waste my time on this? this film made me want to throw up lol

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All Cheerleaders Die

the lesbians win in this one, so I love it

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Fatal Attraction

kinda wish glenn close killed the guy lol

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I love Emma Stone and the outfits were sick as hell so I enjoyed this movie a lot

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Psycho Goreman

The acting was atrocious and it couldn't hold my attention at all. I put it on in the background while I did more important things

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How to Build a Girl

The book is so much better and I think Beanie wasn't the best choice as the main character. She's a fantastic actress but the role just wasn't meant for her

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After We Collided

these movies are so awful but I can't stop watching them. Hardin's awful British accent makes me laugh every time. When he screams "FUCKING TREVOR?" and "TESSSSAAAA" I just lose my shit.

Also, on a serious note. Please learn how to write characters with trauma better. Hardin literally tells Tessa the first time she asks about it which is not accurate at all. People don't just open up that easily irl

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The Others

the real ghosts were the friends we made along the way

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Not Cinderella's Type

I had a lot of problems with this movie, from the questionable acting to the bland characters. I liked that this film actually pointed out that what Indy was going through was abuse (a word that is never said in any other Cinderella movie) but that was the only good point for me. I understand I'm probably too old for this type of film too

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I like that this wasn't a typical "clean" teen movie and actually talked about stuff like sex and drugs more freely(?) but after finding out the original film was French it just made me kidna disappointed in this one. I feel like the French version (although I haven't seen it yet) would be more accurate to the actual lives of teenagers there rather than the American one.

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Shout by esth3r_x

This movie ripped my heart out, I'm still not over that character death and I watched this weeks ago. I loved the characters in this movie, especially Katherine Langford's role, I just related to her a lot and felt like she could be a real person. I love how it started off as a kinda dark comedy then switched and turned into an existential type film. Honestly the whole narrative of "death happens, bad shit happens, you just have to live" really made me think a lot about my own life and I didn't expect that from this movie. Very impressed

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The World of Kanako

Holy shit this film was wild! I can never look at Alice In Wonderland in the same way ever again. Definitely not for everyone, it's super disturbing (not gore, just dark themes like r*pe) and a seriously slow burn. I didn't love it but I enjoyed parts such as the party scene's creative editing. I hate the father, and Kanako in this movie and it definitely portrays a toxic family relationship so well, and how bad parents make evil children.

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The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

I wasn't expecting much from this film but it pleasantly surprised me. I like how the characters are both kinda unlikeable and more realistic to actual teenagers, plus the whole time loop thing gave the film more substance than just a simple "quirky high school romance" we've all seen before. I love the main actress from the show The Society. I think some things really sucked about it too, like the stereotypical "black best friend" trope where his only purpose in the film was to give advice to the white main character (this trope pisses me off to no end). But if you want to watch something kinda cute and simple with a bit of time looping going on, it's definitely worth it for me

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I absolutely LOVED the atmosphere of this film, the shots of the city, the rain, the whole Detroit Become Human vibe was so good. The plot itself was what completely let down the film for me

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One Week

such a cute and charming little film, I'm beginning to really love Buster Leaton and his work!

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Megan Is Missing

probably one of the most boring films I've ever seen, the acting was PAINFUL and overall it just felt so badly made and trashy. I can't belive the writer of this movie made Megan's actress talk for about 10 minutes straight describing a s*xual assault she experienced as a child...or how we as an audience are forced to watch another young girl be assaulted for a scene that seems to never end. It's absolutely a torture p*rn film, not some PSA about online safety some people seem to believe it is. The director seemed to really enjoy exploiting the real life cases of missing children by overs*xualising these actors and making scenes of torture for entertainment...I don't know what kind of film you all watched but to me I think I saw something that should be removed from the internet forever

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Hotarubi no Mori e

Shout by esth3r_x

How can such a short story make me cry so much? It's beautiful yet so heartbreaking :(

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Same Difference


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Pulp Fiction
BLACKPINK: Light Up the Sky

I absolutely adore Blackpink, these are 4 women who are so hard working and talented yet always get made fun of and attacked by the internet. This documentary was so sweet and really gets you into the world of BP and is unafraid to talk about the harder aspects of being so famous as an idol. I loved every minute of it and I wish it was longer!! especially the ending scene with the girls talking together about their future, that made me tear up a little bit. Fantastic job from the director! I highly recommend this even if you aren't a BLINK

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Hot Fuzz

I think I didn't enjoy this film as much as other people unfortunately. I adore Shaun of the Dead and World's End, I also love Wright's other works such as Baby Driver and Scott Pilgrim but Hot Fuzz just didn't do it for me. I felt like Pegg and Frost felt off in this film, they were so different from their usual selves (which the range I can appreciate) but something about these characters just didn't vibe with me. I love horror and gore but even that couldn't keep me engaged. I'm sorry to those who love it ( I enjoyed it too!) however it just wasn't my favourite. I wish I loved it as much as everyone else

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can disney stop making these movies cause they all suck

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The Lion King

a nature documentary with music and annoying voice actors. it's absolutely awful and not worth your time. disney are greedy bastards and I don't want to give them any more money

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I wish I could give this "film" a zero. absolute filth with no point or purpose. not funny. not even good as a horror film. KILL IT WITH FIRE

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Insidious: Chapter 2

People actually find this shit scary?? or even enjoyable? The insidious movies are some of the most boring "horror" films I've ever seen. which is why I only ever watch them while I'm doing something else that's more entertaining

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Shout by esth3r_x

Literally the only interesting part of this movie was when the demon guy was just chilling in his room listening to Tiptoe Through The Tulips

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The Ring Two

Compared to the first film, this one is absolute garbage. I've heard the last one 'Rings' is even worse so I'll definitely be skipping that one. ((I gave this one a five due to a few scenes/moments that I liked))

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Men in Black: International

Tessa Thompson stole the show, with Chris Hemsworth playing his typical "hot guy people don't like but he's too charming to hate". It felt like a watered down, weaker version of the originals. The swearing and sex jokes felt a bit awkward while the original films managed to make all that seem natural. I liked it enough to watch a sequel though

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Shout by esth3r_x
BlockedParent2019-06-21T10:42:35Z— updated 2019-11-17T10:16:05Z

Guillermo Del Toro's worst film. I didn't feel any way towards this one, not scary, not interesting, just meh. EDIT: I realise now that the reason it's shit is because Del Toro didn't direct it, he produced it

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We Have Always Lived in the Castle

One of the biggest disappointments of this year. I was so excited for this movie, the trailer made it look incredible. However it let me down on so many levels. I might just read the book to see how much they failed

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