

Omicron Persei 8

Sharp Objects

Could've been trimmed to 4 episodes, instead of 8, but streaming platforms need hours and hours of content, I guess.
While it had some impressively well-acted moments, they got diluted in the endless ennui of drinking and driving around.
Nonetheless, psychological issues, like emotional abuse, self-harm, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, learned helplessness, traumatic bonding etc., were presented very accurately.
To people who found it excellent, I'd recommend checking out Season 1 of The Sinner (2017), and all of the Bates Motel (2013).

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That's a "meh" for me.
Felt like a 20-minute story stretched to 3 hours.
We see an awful lot of Stonehouse either acting like a buffoon or trying desperately to maintain a dignified facade, but not enough of him doing anything else really.

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The Recruit

An amusing, light-hearted show that reminded me of a mix of White Collar and The Diplomat .
Absurd and cynical, but also empathic and relatable at times.
However, the Season 1 finale was a serious letdown.

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Best buddy-cop show ever.
Miami Vice for the millennials.
The clothes, the music, the cinematography, the stunts, the practical effects, the witty dialogue, everything is peak '00s.
Too bad it didn't even get a Bluray release.

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On Becoming a God in Central Florida

Interesting premise and very good acting by Kirsten Dunst and Mel Rodriguez, but the writing was basic and very lazy, full of plot conveniences and happenstances. The show was canceled, so no moral or social justice delivered in the end, only the glorification of individualism. A waste of time.

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Lost Ollie

Shout by Erebos

An unoriginal, superfluous, subpar rip-off of Toy Story 3, which already had enough problems.
The dolls here are apparently magic, and no one freaks out that they can move and talk to humans.
They should've at least made them robots, to fill those plot holes and make the story more topical (even though Time of Eve (2008) had already done this far more interestingly and competently).

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So, it's Bad Boys, but British? They even ripped off the typeface.:laughing:

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The Old Man

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2022-07-23T17:10:56Z— updated 2023-02-16T17:44:03Z

The first two episodes were amazing, exactly what this genre needed to stay relevant and interesting in present times.
BUT, after that point the show fell off a cliff into mediocrity.
Massively disappointing. I doubt I will return for Season 2 (if there ever is one).

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The Line

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2022-07-23T17:02:07Z— updated 2022-08-13T20:36:56Z

A superbly made documentary but a tough watch.
Even though I was following the case when it went to trial, I still found parts of this infuriating.
Fuck Eddie Gallagher, his family of sycophants and all the other racist psychopaths that end up in the US military, fuck Corey Scott, fuck Brian Ferguson, fuck Trump and his cronies, fuck Fox News and their viewers. This was a monumental failure of the US Navy command and prosecutors that allowed this to be turned into a mobster case by Trump and his cronies.

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Wow, Di$ney really doubled down on the non-consensual medical scans and interventions.

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Outer Range

Not a bad show, but nothing great about it either.
Do not expect sci-fi though. It's mostly a family drama with elements of cosmic horror and social critique on toxic masculinity, greed, overexploitation of natural resources, religiosity, traditionalism and gun violence.

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This Is Going to Hurt

The season 1 finale was a little underwhelming, so not perfect, but definitely the best medical drama since House.

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The Shrink Next Door

The first half of the season was a lot stronger, writing-wise, than the latter half, with the finale being the weakest episode of them all.

Overall, it was a very authentic look into how a narcissist lures and holds someone into a codependent relationship.

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The Midnight Gospel

The amount of unscientific, pseudo-intellectual, New Age-y BS that they tried to pass off as "facts" or "real stuff" just because they mixed in some valid tidbits from Psychology was disgusting.

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The Croods: Family Tree

Too much focus on CG eye-candy, and not on the scripts. The writing was very weak compared to the animated series (Dawn of the Croods), and it's a pity that apart from A.J. LoCascio (Thunk) and Kelly Marie Tran (Dawn), none of the other voice actors are reprising their roles.

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Get Shorty

It was a decent show, if you don't mind seeing narcissistic psychopaths ruining their lives and the lives of those around them over and over.
In that regard, it felt a little like Breaking Bad + Episodes (the Matt LeBlanc show).
Too bad the story is left unfinished if we assume there won't be a fourth season.

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Final Space

Utter garbage.
Gary is the typical toxic macho sleezeball that can't take no for an answer, emotionally manipulates everyone, including an orphan child thirsty for revenge. No moral lessons here.
The plot is absolutely absurd and only serves as a power fantasy. It's as if outside of the lives of the 5-6 people, no one else does anything or matters, as hundreds get murdered by the leading ensemble.

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Infinity Train

If you're an adult, just watch The Good Place or play Portal 1 & 2 instead.

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I found Season 2 to be much better than Season 1, with a more clear focus both in structure and in themes.

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Love, Death & Robots

Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2019-05-15T14:24:21Z— updated 2023-09-11T17:11:28Z

A bunch of pessimistic cliches and tropes with zero originality, some gender politics, some spectacle and grade school level writing. Not thought provoking at all. Any comparison with Black Mirror or even Animatrix is only superficial. There is no value here.

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