

The Netherlands

One Piece: 22x1090 A New Island! Future Island Egghead

I am seriously getting excited for this story arc! Throughout the years we heard bits and pieces about Dr. Vegapunk being mentioned and i always assumed it was a guy because of the Dr. in front of the name. Not once did it occur to me that it might have been a girl! With the writer of One Piece being Oda i guess i should not have assumed so much :laughing: I am very interested in seeing how Franky will react to her! Should we expect a love triangle to form between Franky, Sanji and Dr. Vegapunk? :thinking:

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One Piece: 21x1071 Luffy's Peak - Attained! Gear Five

I did not like the "Looney Tunes" action we saw with the eyes as they threw punches. Also the fight when Kaido threw that death beam was a bit hard to follow.

Not sure what i was hoping for, its just the art style and the way the fight went so far was not what i was expecting. Hopefully next week will be better....

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One Piece: 21x1014 Marco's Tears! The Bond of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Update from their main website https://one-piece.com

Due to a system failure caused by unauthorized access by a third party to Toei Animation, which is producing this work, it was partially difficult to produce the work, but it is now
possible to resume the new broadcast. I will inform you.

Broadcasting of the new episode will resume on Sunday, April 17th.

Seems that someone hacked into their servers and tried to hold all their data hostage (who would do such a thing towards One Piece?? coldless bastards... :cry:) unless they paid bitcoins probably.

Hopefully after tomorrow they will be back on track with on of the greatest (litterally in running time and number of episodes, and figurately in story and character development) anime of all times!

Edit: i already asked for a refresh on trakt, but it takes a while before that goes through. “patience is a virtue” :wink:

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One Piece: 21x941 Toko's Tears! Orochi's Pitiless Bullets!

Goddamn.... This was one hell of an episode. A+++!

Glad to see that even after 20 years this anime still manages to keep me on the edge of my seat and is fully capable to captivate me and makes me yearn for more. Keep those episodes coming for another 20 years! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Vinland Saga: 1x17 Servant

What an amazing episode this was! i cannot wait until next week, i have a feeling it will be a truly memorable fight! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :smile:

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SpongeBob SquarePants

Just heard that Stephen Hillenburg (the creator of Spongebob Squarepants) has died of ALS at the age of 57.

He is swimming with the fishes now. (considering his former occupation, Marine Biologist and his children cartoon tv show about marine life under the sea i feel that this is something he might like :) )

RIP. May his spirit live on in one of the best tv shows suited for both children and adults for many more years to come.

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One Piece: 19x849 Before the Dawn! Pedro, the Captain of the Guardians!

This episode right here. This is the reason i watch this anime now for close to 15 years. The emotion i felt in this episode was enough to make me weep. Something i rarely do for tv shows, and especially for anime, but One Piece has managed to do it several times now for me throughout the years.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Dakota Fanning, Tim Roth & Al Pacino all in one movie directed by Quentin Tarantino? This is gonna be good......

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The Expanse: 3x08 It Reaches Out

Goddamn that ending.... They sure know how to keep us in suspense until the next episode :O

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One Piece: 19x817 Moist Cigarette - The Night Before Sanji's Wedding

Awwww, that is too bad. I was kinda hoping that Pudding would flee from Big Mama and would be the newest addition to the Strawhat Crew, and that both Sanji and Pudding would live as a happy couple aboard the Thousand Sunny. But with the events that happened in this episode that seems almost impossible :'(

Unless (and this is just pure speculation, i have not read the manga) Pudding her third eye is like a second personality, that takes control of Pudding and does and says things she does not want. But that seems even for One Piece a bit far-fetched.....

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Made in Abyss
Castle: 8x22 Crossfire

Shout by dunpealhunter

What the hell? I was expecting a better ending after 8 years than this.... This (especially those last 10 seconds) felt very rushed in, just to give the show a "proper" (which it most definitely was not) ending. :(

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One Piece: 17x733 Attack on a Celestial! Luffy's King Kong Gun of Anger!

'Dunpeal Hunter mutters Japanese curse words under his breath...' Just found out that One Piece will not be airing today, but instead next week because of 2016 Nagoya Women’s Marathon (sigh... really? I mean they could have seen this coming months ahead, i doubt that this Marathon just "popped" in and they quickly had to make room so they had no choice but postpone one of the most popular anime's in Japan and the world).


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Castle: 8x13 And Justice for All

I like this episode. Especially the ending seemed like a nice stab towards Donald Duck (aka Trump) and his anti-immigrantion rants... :)

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Limitless: 1x16 Sands, Agent of Morra

Great episode! I very much enjoyed the comic book style they went with. I hope we get to see more of that in future episodes.

I like the fact that we got to see another side of Sands, besides the whole mercenary for hire deal. I kinda half expected that he made up that story about Anastacia just to get Brian off his back, until i saw that the FBI child kidnapping case and that business with Sands were connected.

I very much hope we get to see more of these kind of episodes! In my opinion they can turn down the comedy a few notches and add a little bit more mystery and drama to the show.

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One Piece: 17x729 Flame Dragon King! Protect Luffy's Life!

I don't see how an anime about pirates could have anything to do with a rocket launch from a dictatorship....

Seems like a weak excuse to buy more time to finish the latest manga issue of One Piece, so that the Anime doesn't get too far ahead....

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The Big Bang Theory: 9x11 The Opening Night Excitation

Holy crap, i never thought i would (sorta) see it, Sheldon actually has "coitus" with a real life girl.... :P

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Madam Secretary: 2x06 Catch and Release

Excellent episode! The implications, consequences and the complexity of everything combined were perfectly interwoven into this episode. This tv show is really getting on steam, and we are not even on half the season. A++!

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Inside Out

Absolutely amazing movie! Everything about this movie was just right. The jokes, the story, the characters, what a perfect 94 minutes those were. I loved every single minute of it!

Also that cat during the ending credits... I can totally see happening :D

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Moonbeam City

Love it! just saw the first episode and it just as i suspected: over the top 80ties theme, excellent dry humor filled with 80ties cop tv show cliches, and a wonderful set of colors that perfectly summarizes what i suspect (i was born in 1987) the mid-to late 80ties disco scene looked like.

If you like Archer http://trakt.tv/shows/archer you should definitely check this one out. I can almost guarantee that you will love it.

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Con Man

lol, the story as its told here seems quite funny. Especially since the similarities (on purpose i assume) between the cult classic sci-fi tv show Firefly, the careers of Alan Tudyk (pilot on board of Firefly) and Nathan Fillion (captain on board of Firefly) and so on. Added to watchlist.

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Bones: 10x22 The Next in the Last

There is no way that this is the show its final episode. It felt so.... empty to be that after more than 10 years and more than 200 episodes.

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Madam Secretary
The Flash: 1x15 Out of Time

Holy crap! I totally did not see that ending coming! Awesome episode!

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The Interview

If North-Korea didn't blow the whole situation around this movie way out of proportions, this would have been a movie that had its funny moments, but afterwards would be easy to forget.

But now? I feel almost obligated to watch the movie, and even pay for it!

So, Kim Jung un, well done on taking the Streisand effect to whole new level, well done....

Also i couldn't resist: North-Korea tries to censor Hollywood? Washington wont stand for that! http://i.imgur.com/Hb2NmOK.jpg

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The Wolf of Wall Street

The funny thing is, as an actor Leonardo DiCaprio will probably make more in one year than this Jordan Belfort ever can legally :P

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One Piece Film: Z
House of Cards

The new trailer for season 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhJjCmYi1M

And the butchery begins.... February 14, 2014.

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I just heard on the news that Nelson Mandela has passed away.

Not just in his home country South-Africa, but in the eyes of many people worldwide Nelson Mandela stood for a strong and powerful voice against racism. It is really a shame that his fight against suppression and racism took 46 years (1944-1990). By the time he became president of South-Africa in 1994 he was already an old man of 75 years old. He could have done so much more for the world and his country if he was released from Robben island years earlier. But nevertheless his accomplishments are just as great as those from others in name immortal people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and mother Teresa.

May he rest in peace.

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