Dave McAlister


The City of the Imp


Shout by Dave McAlister
BlockedParent2018-09-25T10:28:59Z— updated 2020-03-23T16:28:10Z

An excellent film with an outstanding soundtrack. Ignore the sequels though - as its tagline says:

There can be only one!

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M*A*S*H: 3x24 Abyssinia, Henry

One of the saddest endings ever!

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Orange Is the New Black: 7x04 How to Do Life

Shit Taystee! That was emotional! I really hope she manages to get through this.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x16 Future Tense

Is this the Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover episode?

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The Lost Pirate Kingdom

An interesting docu-drama that covers the rise and fall of the Pirate Republic in Nassau. This is pretty well done and the talking heads aren't too annoying. The acting in the drama sections is fair but not outstanding. To be honest though, the main interest is the actual historical story it tells.

If you have an interest in pirates then you probably already know a lot (if not all) of what is told here but it's put together well. Some of the musical cues seem to be inspired by Black Sails (which isn't a bad thing). There's also a fair amount of nudity and swearing but, in the main, it is in context and only a few times is the nudity gratuitous.

Overall, a good series and worth a watch if you like pirates and the truth of their history as opposed to the romantic Hollywood version.

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In the Shadow of the Moon

A good film that keeps its internal logic intact. If you like the Travellers TV series you'll like this.

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It's not aged as well as some comedies from the era (like Stripes and Ghostbusters) but Bill Murray and Chevy Chase are still worth watching.

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House of Cards

The first two seasons are some of the best TV I've ever seen. There was a little drop-off in seasons 3-5 but it was still good. Just don't watch season 6. My rating is for the first 5 seasons as I like to think the show ended then. If only I could remove the memory of watching season 6 from my mind :(

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Hunted: 7x06 Episode 6

Well deserved win there because they made that extraction point bloody difficult!

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Trigger Point: 1x01 Episode 1

For supposed experts they made far too many basic errors. There is no way that they would have lifted the cordon before all checks had been completed. A trained bomb disposal person would not have approached suspect vehicles in the way they did either. I'll watch the next episode to see how it goes but I'm not impressed so far!

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I've just finished reading Roger Daltrey's autobiography (Thanks a lot Mr Kibblewhite: My Story - free on Prime Reading at the moment!) and spotted that this was available on Netflix (UK at the time of writing) so had to watch it. I was expecting something a bit out there and this delivered on that front. Overall it was fun to watch but I prefer the album itself.

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The Punisher

The Punisher in name only. There's nothing about the character (name and use of violence aside) that comes from the comic. The 2004 version is so much better.

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War of the Worlds

You know how the joke is that Indy is the most pointless character in Raiders of the Lost Ark because everything that happens would have happened even if he wasn't there? Well, that's this series. Everything that happens would have happened without the characters so they are all pointless. As are the 8 hours I wasted watching this pile of rubbish!

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Ready Player One

Loved the soundtrack, the CGI and the easter eggs but the film itself was merely OK. A case of far too much hype unfortunately.

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The Full Monty

I really enjoyed this series. Was it as good as the original film? No, but it gets close. Dave’s story arc is my favourite but Horse’s is a strong second. Gaz is a t!t as usual and there was a too little of Gerald and Guy (although I understand the latter was written out part-way through which left a couple of plot strands dangling). The social stories it covered were as relevant today as the underlying story of the original movie.

Does it need a second series? Simply put: no. It ends well as it is.

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Endeavour: 9x03 Exeunt

A lovely tip of the hat at the end of the episode. Nicely done.

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The School for Good and Evil

Derivative rubbish. And 146 minutes of derivative rubbish at that!

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Is it full of unbelievable situations? Yes
Is it full of cheesy dialogue? Yes
Is it exaggerated, unrealistic, and over the top? Yes
It is exactly what I was expecting from something written by Matthew Reilly? Hell yes!

If this is the door that opens up to movie versions of his novels so much the better. Roll on Ice Station, Contest, Temple just for starters.

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

A boring, predictable mess. Why is every other scene so dark too? Even sitting in a dark room with no lights on I found it hard to see what was going on.

The worst crime though is that that they only took the title and some character names from the source material. I can understand wanting to "bring it up to date" but why even bother if you're going to ignore the source completely?

I'm worried what I might find in the Jack Ryan series now...

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The Wild Geese

The Expendables of its day. A great cast and an interesting story that isn't just mindless action.

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Far! Too! Dark!

Could the director not afford lighting? Watching in 4K on Disney+ in a darkened room with my TV on "vivid" and I still couldn't make out most of the scenes.

From what I heard though, it seemed interesting but trying too hard. Sersi says they didn't take part in the Thanos events because they don't involve themselves in human conflicts but I'm pretty sure Thanos was in conflict with more than just humans. The nods to the Avengers were OK but name dropping Batman and Superman? Seriously? Also, the love triangle between Jon Snow, Rob Stark and Cerci? ;)

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The Amazing Mr. Blunden

Not a patch on the original. Considering this version is shorter (by 5 minutes) it felt twice as long.

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Knight Rider

Great memories of this show but, on a re-watch, I could only get to the end of the first season. I obviously couldn't see the same plot in every episode when I was a kid.

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This is quite a good, low budget, movie from Sean Connery - released in the same year he was in Zardoz! It has a TV movie feel about it but that's not a bad thing here. Worth watching if you catch it on a channel locally (I found it on Talking Pictures here in the UK).

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A Christmas Carol

My favourite serious version of the story. Patrick Stewart is a brilliant Scrooge and the rest of the actors are perfectly cast.

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An excellent twist on the Western.

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Corbin Nash

Corey Feldman hamming it up as Queeny is the only good thing about this movie. I watched it because it was part of a Rutger Hauer collection on Sky in his memory but he's in it for about 30 seconds at the beginning!

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Bohemian Rhapsody

This is a good movie, but it's not a true biopic of Queen. There are too many historical inaccuracies and creative writing for it to be accurate. Not forgetting at least one anachronistic piece of music (Who Wants to Live Forever played as background music in a scene about a year before the song was released).

Cast-wise, they got it pretty much spot on with the people who really existed (with the exception of Roger's hair - that never seemed right for some reason!) but glossed over a lot of what I was really hoping to see.

Still, as a fan of Queen, I enjoyed the film and if you can overlook the inaccuracies it's worth I a watch. I'm still waiting for the definitive Queen biopic though.

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Designated Survivor

The first half of Season 1 is very good. Exactly what I was expecting. Unfortunately, it tails off from that and Season 2 is a poor man's West Wing. It's a real shame as I like the cast and characters. It would have been better as a six episode limited (mini) series. Deal with the promotion of Tom Kirkman to POTUS and the investigation into the attack. With tighter writing, this could have been a modern day Edge of Darkness (the British version, not the Mel Gibson movie).

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Escape Plan 2: Hades

This film has nothing going for it. I mean even Expendables 3 is better!

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