

The Internets

Top Gun

The movie might be showing its age, or maybe I'm showing mine. The structure just felt off. The pacing was much too slow until the last quarter. There's something grating about Maverick's character—there's supposed to be, but I couldn't really find anything to like about him. And of course the romance is entirely unnecessary, but that's been a Hollywood problem since long before this movie (and still is).

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

No Quidditch for years, and suddenly we get tryouts and snippets of a match because it's plot-relevant again. I know there's only so much that can be packed into a movie series, even one with such long installments as this, but a little backstory on how Harry got to be team captain and what happened to Wood would have been nice.

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Supergirl: 1x17 Manhunter

"I analyzed the typing speed and patterns on the hard drive." You WHAT? I so hate meaningless technobabble.

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Leave No Trace
Superstore: 2x06 Dog Adoption Day

Garrett is the damn best character.

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Community: 2x07 Aerodynamics of Gender

"Sorry, it was an accident."
"So was the Y chromosome, but you don't see us throwing stuff at it."

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The Expanse: 2x05 Home

I refuse to let the last minute ruin the preceding 42, but what the hell was that?

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The Expanse: 2x02 Doors & Corners

FedEx containers? Syfy are you serious?!

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x18 Death Wish
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x10 Move Along Home

Anyone care to explain to me why Bashir couldn't simply replicate another dress uniform when he realized he'd misplaced his? It's not like they're forced to ration replicator usage like the crew of a certain ship lost in the Delta Quadrant…

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Stargate SG-1: 7x15 Chimera

Pete's out there making a bad name for men everywhere. It's none of your business, bud.

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Community: 5x03 Basic Intergluteal Numismatics

Yep, Community rediscovered its roots and returned to what it does best: genre parody.


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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x24 Conspiracy
The Office: 1x01 Pilot

I really, really did not like this pilot. It's not funny, none of it. I almost turned it off several times. (Edit: The UK series pilot was far better.)

But I'll at least give this show the full first season to grow on me, since it's only five more episodes.

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The End of the F***ing World: 1x01 Episode 1

Well, OK. I guess that was a start. Not awful, intriguing enough to keep going.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x11 The Nagus

So how does Odo shapeshift through a door that's supposed to seal the exterior hatch of a space ship? If it's meant to be airtight, surely Odo wouldn't be able to fit through anywhere in a liquid state…

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Some good and some bad. The pacing issues are understandable, as the fourth book was the longest yet in the series and they still had to cram it into a 2.5-hour movie. A major continuity error (the awning ripped in half by Harry's dragon magically is repaired for a later wide shot) and incorrect application of the Expelliarmus spell (Krum is still holding his wand after landing on his back, unconscious) drag it down a bit, as do editing shortcuts that mangle character in a few spots.

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The Office: 2x20 Drug Testing

Couldn't really care less about the titular plot, but Jim and Pam? *chef's kiss*

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The Orville: 2x14 The Road Not Taken

I liked this episode. It was possibly the most Trek-like The Orville has ever been, what with the time-travel angle and all.

Kelly's cleavage was wholly unnecessary, though. When literally every other female character is dressed in "normal" (read: cleavage-covering) clothes, singling Kelly out to wear an unbuttoned tank top the whole time felt awfully fanservice-y.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x15 Threshold
Star Trek: Voyager: 2x12 Resistance
Supergirl: 1x03 Fight or Flight

Supergirl watches Homeland? The cross promotion is real.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Orville: 3x10 Future Unknown

A reasonably satisfying conclusion to the season, open-ended enough to allow for a fourth season if it's picked up again but with enough closure that it can function as a series finale if not.

Unsurprisingly, barely any reference is made to the events of last week. Lysella returns from the social-credit planet and Alara comes back for a surprise appearance near the end, but this episode otherwise tries to exist independent from past events. I wished for more reflection on "Domino", but can understand why the production didn't take that direction.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x08 A Matter of Honor

It's hard to nitpick this episode. There are some minor goofs (mostly in visual continuity), but the story is solid.

I might not like Mendon—something about the way his character is acted feels wrong, and it's a complete cop-out that the Enterprise would receive a Benzite exchange officer who looks exactly like Mordock from "Coming of Age"—but the Klingon angle is a welcome one. More Klingon episodes are always welcome!

This is a fun, if brief, exploration of Riker's character.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x22 Skin of Evil
Lost: 1x18 Numbers

A box company, huh? "They make boxes."

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