

Omicron Persei 8


Rarely does Hollywood get a monster movie right, but this is darn close. Enjoyed it.

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Fringe: 3x15 Subject 13

Very confusing... So why do Olivia and Peter not remember meeting each other as children...

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 4x18 In a Mirror, Darkly (1)

Now that's the theme music they shud have had from the start instead of the pixie dust one we've had to suffer

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The X-Files: 9x15 Jump the Shark

Maaaaaaan... I can't believe they wrote out The Lone Gunmen.... Still, I guess it was a fitting end... Gonna miss those guys tho.

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The X-Files: 4x07 Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

Brilliant.. Absolutely brilliant episode of Cancer Man

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The Librarians

Another favorite, for the most part. Just as fun as the TV movies were, and as entertaining.

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Fringe: 3x09 Marionette

Yea, that's not creepy at all...

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Fringe: 1x01 Pilot

What a good pilot for a great series. Noble is spectacular, although Torv always looks like she's either trying to pass gas or hold it in

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x24 Life Line

If it wasn't for The Doctor and Seven, this show would have never made it 7 seasons.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x10 Counterpoint

I hate to have to keep pointing this out... Worst Starfleet Captain in history.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x11 Latent Image

Hmmmm.. And who is Ensign Jetal?? Lol

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x09 Year of Hell (2)

Janeway has to be the worst captain in starfleet history.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x17 Masks

Stupidest TNG episode ever. Period.

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Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

I think Corey enjoyed that a lil too much hahahha

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Too much drama not enough smash... And whoever edited this with all the sliding frames and split screens etc ruined the viewing experience.

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Justice League: 2x20 Hereafter (2)

One of my favorite episodes.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Brings back the memories.. Good clean action fun for the family

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The X-Files: 2x21 The Calusari

They sure seem to find evil looking kids don't they

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The Librarians: 3x06 And the Trial of the Triangle

The intervention was awesome!! Especially when Flynn said 'what a bunch of crap' lolol

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The Librarians: 2x08 And the Point of Salvation

Shout by D.seL
BlockedParent2022-02-03T20:53:33Z— updated 2023-08-05T07:32:50Z

The dreaded 'Groundhog Day' episode, which I generally dislike. But this one was possibly the best I've ever seen, aside from maybe Haven's.

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The Dresden Files: 1x12 Second City

For years I had wished this show would have gone 3-5 seasons. But now, I'm glad it ended here. I just realized they were hinting at a romance between Harry and Connie in the final scene... And that always leads to the death of a non-romance series. So I'm glad now that it ended on its feet with dignity.

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Tales from the Crypt: 5x01 Death of Some Salesmen

That was hilarious and disgusting at the same time

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Tales from the Crypt: 2x14 Lower Berth

I coulda went the rest of my life not knowing about the Cryptkeepers 'berth'

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Tales from the Crypt: 2x09 Four-Sided Triangle

I think Mary Jo planned it all along

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Tales from the Crypt: 1x03 Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone

Whoa.. Did that corpse bride have a Predator look about her or what??

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Tales from the Crypt: 1x03 Dig That Cat...He's Real Gone

Hahahha nice twist. That greed and overconfidence get ya ever time.

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Tales from the Darkside: 4x19 Barter

Could you imagine if this episode was aired today? The mindless masses would be drinking ammonia thinking they could teleport, coz we live in the age of idiots.

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Tales from the Darkside: 2x22 The Unhappy Medium

Not bad, aside from the obvious mockery.

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Tales from the Darkside: 2x13 Comet Watch

Laura was gorgeous.. The wife not so much

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Tales from the Darkside: 2x12 Monsters in My Room

A wee Seth Green with a snaggle tooth

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