Thibault Roméo



The Flash: 6x16 So Long and Goodnight

Please please please, tell me we finally won't see Iris anymore!
And definitive break-up plus the mirror imploding would be the best thing that could happen to the show right now.

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Despite the hate wave, I actually like this!
It's far from perfect, but it's good fun and imaginative.

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Black Panther
Terminator: Dark Fate

Tasteless remake of a once good movie.

Rewriting the timeline just to offer a "different" future ... where the only difference is the name of the AI wiping humanity, from the iconic Skynet to an unknown Legion...

And the movie lacks in something very important, some might call it the backbone of every movie: a story.
You litterally just see people running from a new and improved and obviously totally invincible Terminator for the whole movie, nothing else beside one or two flashback to the future which are kind of useless...
Linda Hamilton is a total badass... until she takes off her glasses, and magically become an old, tired and annoyed woman. Schwarzie is there... to remind us it is a sequel and not a pure reboot, i guess.

The movie remains watchable and somehow enjoyable if you're very nostalgic or if you never saw T2: Judgment Day.

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The Orville

Shout by Thibault Roméo
BlockedParent2022-06-30T07:58:41Z— updated 2022-07-21T12:35:26Z

When it was supposed to be a parody of Star Trek, it failed miserably at that job, the show being mildly funny at best.
But it quickly became a watered down copy of its mentor.

Special shout-out to Doctor Finn, the most annoying character I've seen in a long time on a TV show. She's supposed to be a psychologist but she's probable the only one who needs to see a shrink... And I have the feeling that many (way too many) episodes are focused on her and her kids...

The first season are quite passable, but the other seasons became more intense.

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

Wow! That was intense!
Definitely one of the best animated Justice League/Justice League Dark movies so far!

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Men in Black: International
Seinfeld: 7x12 The Caddy

I found that episode very borderline. Blaming a girl for what she is wearing is the favorite excuse of thousands of rapist every year around the world...

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

I couldn't say if Spiderman 3 form Sam Raimi or this one is the very worst Spiderman movie, but i can definitely say that is it NOT a "great" movie as many people say.
Tom Holland plays awefully, the story is a plot hole in itself and doesn't really take the viewer into it, very predictible and definitely not original as it is a mere copy of the first Sam Raimi's Spiderman.
The only good thing about that movie is Michael Keaton who bring a bit of light a the end of the tunnel.

If you want to enjoy a good Spiderman movie, check the Amazing Spiderman and its extraordinary sequel, with Andrew Garfield who for once plays as a real young person would act if they discovered themselves superpowers, plus the story is original, and not a pale remake of a better movie.

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The Flash: 2x03 Family of Rogues

So basically, on the whole first season, the Flash Nemesis isn't a bad guy, then he starts being bad for a very few episodes, Flash kills him in the last episode... And then the scenarists decide to resurect him 3 episodes later... What the fuck is wrong in your heads guys?

The purpose of killing a character is to make him disappear (totally or at least for a quite long time) from a show, not to allow him to go in holidays for a few weeks...

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Interesting setup, bad execution...
The jokes fall often flat. it really just look like a "Inside Job" on a budget.
It's not terribly bad, you can see they are trying to do something, but that just doesn't work...

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How I Met Your Father

Nothing to take from this, plain bad. Bad acting, bad stories, bad humor...
I really can't point anything good on that show, even the cameos from the original cast aren't well written, are unfunny and felt so off...

I had very little hope for this, but they lower the bar even more. I'm actually surprised they green-lighted a second season, the first one was terrible, you couldn't get attached to the characters, second season doesn't change a thing, unfunny stories, exaggerated acting, unlikable characters...

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Alice in Borderland

Starts quite good, but quickly becomes boring.
If you have to give it a try, don't waste your time with season 2...

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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Revenge of Scar

Even worst than the first one!
The acting is very very bad, the story is just okay, the bad guy is just a bad guy, with no real motive but to kill all the good guys...

It's probably a good movie for kids, but I really doubt any adult would enjoy this.

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Missions: Season 3

The third season consists in 5 episodes, not 10...

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I was actually really happily surprised.
I put it in my watchlist because it could be fun as a background when I'm busy, but I actually stopped what I was doing to keep all my attention to the movie.
It was cute, funny, and totally unexpected (Wolf Submarine??), I also like the satyr of the real world.
I totally recommend for kids, but also for adults to watch with them.

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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

Just amazing!
I am absolutely not a fan of anime, quite the opposite, but I was fooled, thinking this was a western animation mocking the Japanese anime while it is in fact quite the opposite.
It's trash, it's vulgar, it funny and it's sexy, it's ... everything in love in a show!

Some episode are quite boring, usually the ones not focusing on Panty & Stockings but those are not the norm, thankfully.

While this show could have ended quietly and remain in peace among the other short-lived TV series we all miss, the mid-credits scene of the last episode introduces a never realized season 2 via one of the biggest and most unexpected plottwist-cliffhanger I've seen on TV. And now I NEED to know what happens next!
Pleeeeeaaase release a new season!

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It will premiere on DC Universe, and only be on The CW on the next day ;)

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Swamp Thing

A pretty good show, incomprehensibly canceled before even its diffusion...

The show provide a quite interesting intrigue, with some nice jump-scares and creepy moment, as expected in any good horror production.
The acting, without been Oscar worthy is definitely better than many similar TV shows.
I personally find the 1h format is a little bit long sometimes and think the show would have been more better adapted in 45 or 50 minutes.

I was quite a very stupid move to cancel the show after single (quite good) episode, a lot of people then lost any interest in Swamp Thing even before having starting to watch it. The producers/network could have waited the end of the season. Now they will think they were right to cancel the show as it didn't have a huge success, wich induced actually by its early cancellation...

I sincerely hope we will be able to see Alec and Abby again, in an unexpected season 2 or in a spin-off in any another DC Universe show (I feel an episode of Doom Patrol would particularly suit).

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Amazing series!
It is creative, intense and very well directed. The actor fit their role almost to perfection.
I can't wait for a season 2, and I really hope it will happen (can't find any info about it; unfortunately).

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow

I still can't understand how can The CW can cancel Arrow, but keep on with this or The Flash...

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Family Guy

Why isn't Seth MacFarlane credited for Family Guy?
It's his baby, and his voice is everywhere...

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Stripperella: 1x06 Beauty and the Obese (2)

This should be episode 2...

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Twisted Metal

OK so i watched it, despite Anthony Mackie, because I wanted something light and fun, but I didn't have anymore expectation than a Fast & Furious in a Mad Max setting... Oh boy was I wrong!
What I got was Bounty Killers mixed with Blood Drive! (if you don't know that movie and series and you like Twisted Metal, run watch them!)

And that is good enough to be noted, this is the very first role were i found Anthony Mackie not to be a very bad actor (Marvel, Pain & Gain) or totally forgettable (Altered Carbon, Black Mirror).
Also, good surprise to see Stephanie Beatriz there, I didn't expect to see her there, but I couldn't think of anyone else to play her role.

PS: I knew I recognized Sweet Tooth's voice, but I could figure which actor had that voice and physics, makes more sens now.

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Velma: Season 2

It's fun and fresh just like season 1, really enjoyed it, but why did they have to make ghosts real? isn't the whole point of Scooby Doo to show that supernatural doesn't exist?

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Yor, the Hunter from the Future

Don't expect to see or hear about the "Future" until 1h into the movie...

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The Running Man

That just bad... Not even bad enough to be good, just bad acting bad story, bad costumes... Bad everything.

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods

The latest victim of the "it's not written Marvel at the start" bashing spree...
This movie is actually really better than any DCEU or specially MCU movies we had in the few last years, yet, it failed spectacularly.
It's far from perfect, sure, but it's all it promised to be: fun, dynamic, and a worthy sequel for the first one.

My main criticism is that some jokes or funny moments are a bit long and keep and going, losing their momentum (I'm thinking of the letter moment, it's funny, we get that Steve writes everything down no need to keep on going, and we actually guessed that they didn't proofread it, so why waste time telling it?)

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Barb Wire

I was expecting Bad, I got Worse...

This movie is a random succession of clichés, bad acting and sexist "jokes", the story is a total mess.

But you get to see boobies...

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Emily in Paris

What a terrible show!
The acting is out there, somewhere... but not in here!
Emily is just a stupid, terrible, spoiled brat who always does what she wants with no regards to others.
The totally false image it gives from Paris, Parisian people and French people in general is nothing but stereotypes from someone who's never set foot in France...
And the so called story is just plain boring and not really cleverly done and not an once credible.

Don't waste your time in here.

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