

The Grid


Gloriously, deliciously bad in so many wonderful ways, it's hilarious in hindsight but also fitting for today, 2021. It's got a catchy 90s themetrack, pumping with the Prodigy and Orbital for example, plus icing on the cake is an unbelievably hot Angelina Jolie. Sometimes the phreaking was nearly accurate, setup definitely wasn't but it's a ride.

The film was largely written in response to Ronald Reagan's CFAA, "Computer Fraud Abuse Act", it being inspired when Reagan watched another film, "WarGames", which you'll need to see also.

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The Princess Bride

What can I say? This movie is special, so many little details, all of them bubbling with charm and whimsy. A perfect movie to watch with your significant other or your kids, if you have them, each will find something that resonates with them. Ages like a fine wine.

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The Circle

Great idea, very apt for today, unfortunately it's a wasted potential. Emma Watson's character was extremely weakly written, this is a large problem as the film revolves around Watson's performance. To me the character had all the insight and complexity of a 12 year old, she being shepherded from one place to another by every other person in the film, I found it very hard to empathise with someone so out of control with their own life. However, I do believe that may have been the point, just not something I could identify with.

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Perfect Blue

Do you know what it is to be famous, do you think you could handle it? Well now you can experience the trials and tribulations of an upcoming career in Show Business. It's surreal, but to me, an accurate portrait of what life in the spotlight must ultimately feel.

This is a must watch and not because it's anime but because a film like this has yet to be made, any other way.

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It's a fine movie, two very strong actors, it wouldn't have worked at all with any others, at least in my opinion. It's enjoyable, touching and a few life lessons thrown in there to boot. There's only one problem, it's forgettable, you won't remember this two years from now, you'll be lucky if you remember it a year from now. That sounds a bit harsh but it's already fading as I type this and that's never good.

This is not a negative review, I liked it but it's not a classic.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well that was a surprise, really fun movie. There were so many things I was unsure of before seeing but it ties together nicely. The characters were really good, Affleck makes a good Batman with a decent Bat-Voice, Gal Godot, well she's just perfect, Eisenberg yeah, great. Forget the fanboi's and the haters, just sit back, relax and enjoy.

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Some might view this as British humour but it most certainly is not. It's an American view (from an extreme distance) of what they perceive the English essence of wit might be. It warps whimsy, balls up bravado and not even Paul Bettany can push past it.

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The Last Survivors

I may come from a different planet but the film, to me, was fine, dare say good. It was engaging and fun, and I like samurai swords, don't see enough of them. I've yet to be wowed by anybodies acting, it's just polished lying (lieing, d@mn you saxon mother tongue), however the film is very competently shot, the mood is set and kept and I rooted for the protagonist. If you're serious about not being serious about films, I think you may just enjoy.

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