


Riverdale: 4x17 Chapter Seventy-Four: Wicked Little Town

I'm 3 minutes into the episode and I cannot do this. Another musical episode with no storyline? No. Just NO!! What next? Riverdale on ice? Omg, if the writers have ran out of ideas, why can't they just write a good final season and cut their losses?

Edit: I skipped through the whole thing, so let me save you the grief of watching. All you need to know is that Betty and Archie kiss and realize they may have feelings for one another. Then, skip to 40:45 and watch the last few minutes.

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American Horror Story: Season 6

This season had to be one of the worst things I have ever put myself through. Just a lot of aimless running around and screaming. I'm a loyal fan of the show and that's the only reason I stuck it out to the last episode but... Omg, this was really bad.

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The Big Bang Theory

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2017-01-21T12:00:06Z— updated 2017-01-31T04:40:22Z

This show used to be great. Well, the first 5 seasons were amazing and so so funny... But I just feel like the writers have lost the plot and the actors don't seem that enthusiastic any more. The only people who must be excited about the show are the producers because they are raking in the cash. I hate that they split the cast into 3 separate subplots. This just made everything stop working and flowing well. Every episode is basically the same now (different settings, same terrible sub plots and jokes) and its just NOT FUNNY ANY MORE.
I feel awfully sad to say goodbye but, I tried to stick it out to the end of season 10 but just can't. Time to move on.

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Saw V

I had trouble differentiating between the two cops (Strahm and Hoffman) throughout the movie. Why cast two males that look so similar and then give them identical haircuts?

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Once Upon a Time: 6x20 The Song in Your Heart

Musical episodes of TV shows are more often than not horrible and this was no exception. There was basically no story line / plot (because the writers spent all their time trying to slap together some God awful lyrics to the songs)... They actually put us through a cheesey "why are we singing" musical number... Cringe... Please, let's not do this again.

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American Horror Stories

I am 4 episodes in and each is worse than the last. The creators / producers can't possibly think that any part of this is worth watching, can they? It's so embarrassingly bad!

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The Simpsons

I have tried to keep my love for this show alive, I really have. But it just never gives me any laughs and I feel I just watch it out of habit. The Simpson's is a classic so I would never advocate its cancellation. But perhaps they need new writers with fresh ideas and modern dialogue/character concepts? The main issue for me is that the show just seems slow. Lisa's feminism and veganism isn't fresh any more, it's not a controversial subject in 2021. Bart doesn't seem "that bad" of a kid when you consider how awful children are these days. Homer and Marge - their relationship just has no umf! Anyway I do love the show and I feel a sense of loyalty. But tbh, it's just not funny or interesting to me any more.

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Dave: 1x08 PIBE

Did not see the return of the milking table coming... hahaha

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Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2021-04-13T09:27:29Z— updated 2021-05-01T16:28:43Z

This has undoubtedly been one of my favourite shows to watch and favourite TV families to grow with. I will surely miss the Gallaghers. However, that was one of the worst finales they could have given their fans. None of this season's questions were answered i.e. Debbie finding a permanent home, Lip selling the house, Liam having a father figure and finding his place in his family... But even worse, the finale raised new questions Lip selling the house for 75k, Debbie going to TX with her new flame, Kev and V selling the bar to Carl, Gallavich adopting a child etc, etc. The really didn't have to bring these things up if they weren't going to resolve them! Also, why give Frank dementia if they were just going to kill him off with covid? However, I will still miss the show. They were definitely my favourite TV family.

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I really liked this. As someone who had never ever heard of the decade-long monopoly / McDonald's scam or its outcome, I was pleasantly surprised when I watched it. Yes, as others say it is a bit slow...but honestly, I didn't mind. I actually liked getting to know all the "crooks" in this and getting to see them in a light other than just them scamming or being used by scammers. It humanized them and that made the docuseries all the more interesting.

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Central Park

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2020-06-09T00:54:04Z— updated 2020-11-12T21:00:00Z

It's not bad, it's just not great. Not doing it for me. The show and all the singing... oh the singing - I guess if you're huge on Broadway musicals this may be for you... I'm alright with cartoon musicals but this one goes a step too far with the show tunes. Still, I'm going to give it a fair chance and try to see season 1 through to the end. Huge fan of Bitsy and Helen - they're hilarious and they're the highlight of the show.

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Servant: 4x10 Fallen

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2023-03-17T22:11:10Z— updated 2023-04-06T09:36:24Z

What the hell was that? As I'd predicted, they rushed through the ending, barely gave us any answers and then left a foolish cliff hanger at the end, as if to leave a foot in the door to have a spin off. No. Just No! After the first two seasons, I felt like I was suffering from stockholm syndrome with this show, a willing hostage of its endlessness. However, now that it has come to an end, I feel both unfulfilled, like I just wasted the past few years on it and I also feel a sense of relief that it is over. I keep giving M. Night chance after chance but, I don't understand the hype behind his horrors. The first season was strange and creepy and kept me captivated as I wanted answers. But, it was all downhill from there. Anyway, I'm just glad it's over - even with the shitty ending.

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Beat Shazam

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2017-06-26T16:18:37Z— updated 2021-08-20T19:32:44Z

For a show hosted by Jamie Foxx I expected higher calibre of comedy and showmanship. But the entire show is so low on energy and everything feels so forced. The host's jokes fall flat and the audience laughs and participation is so "meh". The premise of the show is so bad and the producers know this, they often bring on a surprise celebrity guest to I guess 'boost their ratings'. It's just not a game show that will last very long in my opinion (I could be wrong), I think that it needs to be off the air asap. Let's leave game shows to the British, they know how to do it right. Lol.

Side note: If you're looking for an exciting game show with celebrity guests hosted by a hilarious comedian, try the reboot of To Tell The Truth.

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The 100

It is pretty terrible at first, the first couple of episodes are boring and just meh. However if you stick them out it gets a lot better. I liked the end of season 1 and most of season 2. But season 3... Ugh. It's starting to feel like they are just running around in circles and the story line is starting to be more than ridiculous. I'm not saying that it should be 100% realistic but... come on. Plus none of the characters are particularly likeable. They especially made Clarke increasingly unlikeable with her "god complex". And the other characters are always complaining or depressed or suicidal or unhappy... It's such a whiney show. Only watched the first 3 episodes of season 4 and I'm mentally drained. Gave it a fair chance and it disappointed me.

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They've made Shaggy such a huge square who's entire thing is going on and on about how anti-drug he is - nothing he says or does is even remotely amusing, like not even once. They portray Fred as a whingey, spoiled, over-privileged man-baby with tiny genitalia, a fact which Velma repeats multiple times over the first two episodes. Is that the argument for the girls becoming gay or bi or whatever? Idk...but the show just leaves a bad taste in your mouth after sitting through it for a bit. I'd had enough of TV series preaching wokeness to me, I really didn't need that from cartoons too. If this is the future of adult cartoons then I'm tapping out of the genre as a whole. I was so psyched when I saw that Glenn Howerton and Russell Peters were going to be in this... I thought that meant that there was no way it would be some woke garbage with a clear agenda. But here we are.

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Riverdale: 6x01 Chapter Ninety-Six: Welcome to Rivervale

So, what... the writers regretted their decision to have Hiram plant a bomb so they backtracked, invented a whole new town and decided the entire past 5 seasons were a dream? This is beyond ridiculous! They really need to just let this show die instead of trying to turn it into The Twilight Zone.

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4400: 1x02 All Things Are Possible

Shout by ciku

I'm 10 minutes into this episode and it's already exhausting. Are they just going to go round in circles and keep the 4400 detained all season? Does the CW not have the budget to film outside the walls of the detention center?

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The Internship

There was nothing funny about this movie. It was 2 hours long and imo that was 2 hours too long. Usually Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson have chemistry and a rapport that is hilarious and witty, but this was just so droll and tiresome. I second the comments of others, this was just one long boring, unnecessary PSA for google.

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Fugget About It

Gets funnier as the show finds its footing. I can't get enough of uncle Cheech lmao

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Killing Eve: 3x08 Are You Leading or Am I?

what am I watching? I am 15 mins into this episode and 1) it is so boring and 2) I feel like I missed like 4 other episodes because there's a gap from what happened last episode. Seriously wtf is this?

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The Last Man on Earth

I'll miss this show. It wasn't what I would consider "great TV" but it wasn't so bad that it needed to be cancelled. It was good mindless TV.

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The opening scene was tense, heartbreaking, confusing, and shows the evil and disdain that humans can treat one another with which is scary in itself. The movie is all downhill from there. Perhaps if you watch this ironically, you might see the humour behind the horribly crafted creatures that show up later in the film, I did. However, it will remain one of the worst "horror" movies I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through.

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one straight hour of listening to a baby cry. This was so bad.

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Interview with the Vampire

From the comments it seems I am the only one that thought this was terrible. I couldn't even finish it. It hops from one nonsensical scene to the next and doesn't actually tell the story well...which is a pretty silly detail to mess up when the movie is actually a narration. I'd give it a zero but both Cruise and Pitt looked delicious in this so I had to be a little bit generous. All in all my advice to anyone thinking of watching it is, your time is better spent building a time machine to go back in time and rip the screenplay to shreds before anyone makes this atrocity of a movie.

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How is it possible that they managed to make this movie worse than 11/11/11? It's not even possible to watch it ironically. Just like the first installation, it is full of terrible acting and foolishness in the script and storyline. But where this one takes the cake is in the writers thinking that it was a good idea to have a woman endure sexual abuse from her dead husband , and even more disturbingly have a scene where the baby is performing filacio on its mother . Even if the baby is supposed to be the spawn of Satan or Satan himself , that is just sick and depraved. Terrible film all around.

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50 minutes in and I'm bored to tears. I get that it's supposed to be all artsy but seriously I don't get how this is a horror.

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almost unwatchable, couldn't even make it past the first 10 minutes

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Adventure Beast

Netflix needs to give it up with some of these adult animations if they can't find good writers. They are churning the shows out at an alarming rate and they can't seem to deliver, out of 20 they only get one hit and the rest are duds. This show is simply droll, not a single laugh. I guess it's supposed to be educational but even then, it's not made well enough to keep an adult audience captivated or interested. They keep dropping random animal facts as if they're dealing with young children... talk about a total lack of subtlety. This should be used as a case study for how not to make an educational animated show for adults. IMO, a rating of 4 is extremely generous.

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This show is silly but not so much that it loses its cleverness or humour. The two main characters are oddballs but lovable from the first moment you meet them. I can't believe I'd never seen it before, it's really funny

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The Shivering Truth

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2020-06-09T16:30:02Z— updated 2020-10-14T09:47:42Z

I guess this show is supposed to be a genius mind fuck with all these concepts that drive us to an existential crisis... but it's such a huge miss. I wish it were at least humourous or at least entertaining... but it's just SO BORING. Great story line concepts that are "deep" but the execution is a fail. Every time I sat through an episode, I would feel relief when the credits rolled. That's not what an animated show should make you feel. I've seen 11 episodes so far and that's 11 too many, I'm tapping out

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