



Pretty good... nice that it isn't dragged out with superfluous padding. Not the greatest acting, heavy on overacting. Lots of extended scenes with characters explaining things to each other -- doesn't seem like natural conversation, tends to become annoying.

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A confusing mess of a movie -- a scar on the SciFi genre...

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David Brent: Life on the Road

Great fun, whether or not you've seen The Office (UK), and if you haven't -- "Life on the Road" will likely motivate you to take a look... a spoiler free prequel-sequel... :-)

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The Love Witch

Seemed like a student film, and the student had rich parents. Unfortunately, money doesn't guarantee plot coherency, engagement, or skilled actors.

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A refreshing change from mediocre CW-style superhero series. The plot has an arc, and doesn't come off like writers are winging it each week -- some actual thought went into a story. And it's done without the emphasis on flashbacks to create a backstory. Quirky... unique... engaging... worlds better than the cookie-cutter Marvel franchise.

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Throw a bunch of cop show clichés, and actors from previously cancelled cop shows, in a blender... and you have APB. Sprinkling drones, some tech gear, and a citizen crime reporting app on top is just lipstick-on-a-pig as it's nothing more than an old-style episodic crime-of-the-week series. Watch it fast before it disappears into obscurity.

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War on Everyone

It doesn't take long to realize why this movie was released straight to streaming services, skipping the embarrassment of being a box-office flop. Unfunny... unclever... surprisingly bad.

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If you've seen one teen angst coming of age movie, you've seen them all. "Superbad" doesn't offer anything new to the genre, but it's kind of fun to see some early career performances from current talented comedic actors.

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The Ghost Writer

Pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of something Hitchcock, the way it gradually builds up suspense to tell an engaging story.

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It's almost OK, when it isn't annoying. Personally, I think it would have been better if it were a comedy -- then it wouldn't have tried so hard to be taken seriously.

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A dollar-store version of something that could've been cute & funny. Unfortunate waste of some good talent, seems like they're reciting memorized lines rather than utilizing their comedic timing skills. It's missing a synthesized laugh track to let the viewer know which parts are meant to be humorous...

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The Expanse: Season 2

Pretty good for SyFy. Some good episodes, some filler episodes -- reminiscent of Galactica. Makes me appreciate the 10-second skip ahead function of my 4th-gen AppleTV remote... there's some entertaining stuff, separated by a lot of filler -- 10 second skip-clicks are a perfect companion for "The Expanse", unless you're arthritic -- then you'll wish there was an option to increase incremental skipping. The only parts I'd never fast forward through are any with Shohreh Aghdashloo... she hypnotized me as Dina Araz, the unsuspecting Iranian mother-of-a-terrorist in season 4 of "24" -- seeing her in a scifi role borders on orgasmic. She's a drag queen icon waiting to happen, something immediately apparent with the line, "get him a proper scotch please, Lagavulin"... ;-)

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The Expanse

Pretty good for SyFy. Some good episodes, some filler episodes -- reminiscent of Galactica. Makes me appreciate the 10-second skip ahead function of my 4th-gen AppleTV remote... there's some entertaining stuff, separated by a lot of filler -- 10 second skip-clicks are a perfect companion for "The Expanse", unless you're arthritic -- then you'll wish there was an option to increase incremental skipping. The only parts I'd never fast forward through are any with Shohreh Aghdashloo... she hypnotized me as Dina Araz, the unsuspecting Iranian mother-of-a-terrorist in season 4 of "24" -- seeing her in a scifi role borders on orgasmic. She's a drag queen icon waiting to happen, something immediately apparent with the line, "get him a proper scotch please, Lagavulin"... ;-)

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Both seasons are good, with season 2 pretty much concluding but left open for a 3rd. Season 2 has ramped up the blood & guts effects, wasn't necessarily required to tell the story -- but the effects people must've enjoyed themselves. Unique series, nothing else like it. Lots of talent both in front and behind the cameras, very well done.

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The CW network attempts to simulate mystery with depth, unfortunately it didn't work. Bad teen dramas are bad teen dramas, but, at least the kids get to practice acting — maybe with luck they’ll even get skilled at it... or be in something with talented writers. If not, they'll wind up as yesteryear's teen actors playing parents, teachers, coaches and law enforcement officers in future mediocre CW teen dramas like the token adults in "Riverdale".

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An important story to tell, even if it was a bit like watching paint dry. Lots of protracted scenes without dialog against a lullaby soundtrack.

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Master of None

It's OK. Lots of daydream-sequences when characters are having 'thoughts' -- after the first few I started to zone out when they started, and eventually zoned out on a lot of the rest. A number of roles seem to have been filled by non-actors who deliver lines without conviction resulting in something that's not quirky, well-acted, or hugely funny. Even though I never really was fully engaged, the series has been well reviewed, so there are obviously viewers who enjoy it, I'm just not among them...

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Vanderpump Rules

A line from the show, "I was just giving a toast saying how they're all my best friends and how much I love them and then Jax comes in and they take his side and they leave me... in my own limo. I was in the restaurant, soaked in beer... alone".

Yes, it happened -- we've all been there -- beer-soaked and alone, wondering where the limo is... ;-) "Vanderpump Rules" isn't exactly award-winning television, but it's fun to watch. It would be better if they showed more of the restaurant side of things. Yes, they all work in a West Hollywood restaurant, but it only serves as a backdrop for what could just as easily be a housewives-of-wherever series -- not one scene takes place in the kitchen, no chefs yelling at waitstaff. Regardless, it's good trash :-)

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The Mick

I enjoyed the first couple episodes. The grandparents moving in was hilarious. Then they moved out, and the boyfriend moved in -- that sort of ruined it for me. He's unfunny and the humorous family dynamic that was going on all but disappears. Becomes pretty dumb after that as it crosses over into the standard formulaic network TV sitcom zone, the only thing missing is a synthetic laugh-track.

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If you try to apply logic or physics to "Wanted", you'll get a migraine headache. If you want a fun rollercoaster ride that's over quick, strap yourself in and watch "Wanted". I enjoyed it start to finish.

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La La Land

It wasn't awful, but, I think I must be the only person in the world who didn't think it was great. There were times when breaking out into song mid-conversation without some sort of elaborate set-change didn't make sense, The 2 leads weren't exactly talented singers or dancers -- no wow numbers. The sets improved by the time the final number rolled around, but the singing and dancing remained an afterthought.

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Little Sister

It's OK, not great. They didn't quite get the balance of blending comedy with sensitive topics... badly injured war veteran, suicide, religion, family ties. It's too bad, as "Little Sister" has potential to combine the characters and story into something uniquely believable. Instead it goes off in different directions, spreads the subplots too thin, and overall didn't succeed -- at least for me.

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Patriots Day

I can't fault the movie, top shelf acting and production quality. I also can't say I enjoyed it... once the catastrophe strikes, instant waterworks. For the rest of the gut-wrenching movie, if I wasn't crying, I was about to. Knowing that it actually occurred makes it difficult to watch, regardless of the quality. Had I known the effect it would have, I would've waited for it to be available for streaming. I wasn't alone though as the theatre was definitely a crying-zone.

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Emerald City: Season 1

Was looking forward to this series, wound up being disappointed. I did like the mechanized flying-monkey drones, thought that was a clever reimagining. The rest was junk, like they didn't have enough money for effects and could only manage to sprinkle some yellow powder around for the 'road'. If the writers, producers, showrunner and director had free reign and more funds -- it could've been great imaginative storytelling. As-is, it's a slightly more adult version of ABC's "Once Upon a Time", and that isn't saying much. Another unfortunate example of homogenized primetime network television roadblocking of potential. Would rather to see a Netflix, HBO, or Showtime version of the same series.

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I liked the teamwork angle of the investigative group, not all of them being caucasians or 20-somethings. Nicola Walker is a longtime favorite, but this wasn't the best series she's been a part of. The story was OK, though it lacks urgency. Very conversational, lots and lots of case chit-chat while driving... talking while walking to or from a car... or phone calls in a car -- I saw more of the inside of a car than I would have liked. One of those whodunnits where they suggest various plausible scenarios throughout, pick a perpetrator at the end -- could easily be anyone, produce the final explanatory backstory, and roll the credits -- not my favorite crime drama formula.

Not terrible, but season 1 hasn't motivated me to sit through season 2.

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Sneaky Pete

Pretty good series, likely better than if CBS hadn't passed on it after the pilot episode -- Amazon is a good new home for it. Fairly engaging story, especially around episode 4 once it starts snowballing down a hill, gathering plot twists and characters along the way. Mostly believable acting -- even if the criminal characters tend to be stereotypical. Would be better with more grit, but it's not bad.

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A surprisingly excellent series. I was expecting a comedy, and while it does have some warmly humorous moments -- it sensitively deals with unexpected dark and thought provoking subject matter. Olivia Colman demonstrates a high level of acting versatility in her role, I'm a fan. A well-rounded story blending quirky humor with a plot that could have otherwise made this a bleak series.

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The Young Pope

It's beautifully filmed, and I'm sure many will like the series. I wanted to like it, but for me it just dragged on and on. I found myself zoning out on a lot of it, with no desire to rewind to see what hadn't engaged me. Pretty to look at, but very dull.

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Another bland Canadian production made for an American TV network -- this one is about as boring as they come.

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Emerald City

Was looking forward to this series, wound up being disappointed. I did like the mechanized flying-monkey drones, thought that was a clever reimagining. The rest was junk, like they didn't have enough money for effects and could only manage to sprinkle some yellow powder around for the 'road'. If the writers, producers, showrunner and director had free reign and more funds -- it could've been great imaginative storytelling. As-is, it's a slightly more adult version of ABC's "Once Upon a Time", and that isn't saying much. Another unfortunate example of homogenized primetime network television roadblocking of potential. Would rather to see a Netflix, HBO, or Showtime version of the same series.

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