Cb Uppercut




For Laurie training all these years she sure seemed to make some really stupid descions and Michael Myers seems indestructible I mean this movie has it's issues but it still has it callback to the original and is still an enjoyable watch.

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The Visit

Acting is good all around, twists are kinda obvious, not really scary although creepy in a funny way. Enjoyed the concept although the mother didn't seem very realistic I mean that or she's just a terrible mother, definitely better than a handful of other M. Night Shyamalan movies.

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This Means War

Not a great movie but can find enjoyment just because Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, and Tom Hardy. Without that trio i'd imagine this movie would be pretty bad but i was quite enjoyable just cause of them 3.

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Legally Blonde

This movie is more laughable than funny, and enjoyment can still be found in a laughable movie and this movie is enjoyable at times but it's also kinda stupid. Also not realistic what so ever and during the trial scene {spoliler} the perosn being questioned got caught in one lie and just fessed up right away and said she was really trying to kill someone else it was just laughable not any of the charcters in this movie are even likeable I mean kinda but not completely it's just a mess I don't typically find myself thinking I wasted my time when I watch a movie but I wasted my time.

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Daniel Day Lewis is just one of a kind. Him and Spielberg make a boring story about Lincoln well not as boring more so mesmerizing to watch not because of entertainment value but just watching Lewis become someone else has always took a movie to another level.

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Really good cast with great acting, interesting story, solid watch.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2019-01-17T19:28:36Z— updated 2019-01-28T04:02:36Z

Watching this much younger on a bus back from dc I sorta liked it now revisiting I think this movie is terrible. It still has the Peter and Gwen thing which is strong and the villain is just awful then u throw in rhino for like 45 secs ugh. If it weren't for Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone this movie would be sooo bad.

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Fantastic Four

I don't hate this movie as much as most people i've actually seen it a few times and never really completely hated it. Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, and Kate Mara are what kinda hold this movie together. Doctor Doom is pretty bad in this movie as we've seen before wish someone could do him right but here's to hoping for an mcu F4 movie. Actually cared about the charcters at least the one's in the F4 like I said the big names in this movie is what keeps it from being so much worse than it could be. I liked seeing Reed and Ben as kids I think it helped the movie, also think it helps not knowing anything about the Fantastic Four going in which is where I was on first viewing but now that im kinda a geek about this stuff this movie is pretty disappointing but not as awful as people make it out to be not the worst superhero movie ever made.

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This movie definitely has it strengths and weaknesses I still feel for most movies like this where a charcter holds the camera that us as audience feels left out somewhat or not as apart as the story as we could be which something similar was said in the movie actually which I thought was cool. A cool concept with a lot of potential. Not that the decisions made in the movie were movie bad or anything I just think for the sake of the story things could have turned out differently. Liked the ending considering they went the way they did. Also wish villain was sorta more human I mean he had reasons and issues I wish he just showed a part of him that knew he was wrong or showed grief. Could have been a lot better, but still was pretty good.

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Justice League

Enjoyed a lot more during first viewing than second time. During second viewing I realized this movie really isn't that good sure fun can still be had out of it but some dialogue is terrible kinda just takes you out the story sometimes, villain is terrible which didn't change cause it was the first time around as well. Great charcaters poor writing, poor storyline.

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Beauty and the Beast

Remember being forced to see this when family all I wanted to see something in theaters so we saw Beauty and the Beast I wasn't trying to hate this movie I just don't think it was very good. The last act is definently the best of the movie just the rest of the movie felt so long and so poorly paced and just dragged that the lact act couldn't make up for it.

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Bring It On

Probably as good as a cheerleading movie can be Kirsten Dunst is really good kinda predictable but hey what high school movie isn't, really good movie.

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10 Things I Hate About You

Great cast, really makes you miss Heath Ledger overall a great film.

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Before I Fall

So "Before I Fall" is a movie about a girl who keeps reliving the same day over and over and over and over and over and over again you know the drill. This isn't the strongest out of all the deju vu movies or whatever you want to call them and sure in most of them the characters develop or make better decisions or become better people and sure this movie is predictable but is has a message. "Don't be a bully" some people think it's kind of cliche or stupid because we've heard it before but this movies message is what carrys it the whole time without Zoey Deutch and how this movie makes you feel with the strong important message it dosen't have much, but what it has is so strong that it makes the movie good just because of those things.

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You Were Never Really Here

Really good revenge tale, score is amazing, editing is really good. Kind of a slower movie that still manages to keep your attention the whole time and Joaquin Phoenix is phenomenal as always.

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Barely Lethal

Not the best movie. Kinda a typical teen movie with the additional spy thing, pretty predictable, and has flaws pretty easy to pick out, but it has a good cast with a cool concept and is enjoyable if u turn ur brain off.

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American Beauty

A movie with a lot of deeper meaning and is about your life and your search for identity even after your an adult and the purpose of all of it.

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Under the Silver Lake

Very odd movie, kind of all over the place Garfield gave a very good performance and the movie is interesting and well set up just not very well executed.

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Mary Poppins Returns

It's not even fair to compare Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda to Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke but both Blunt and Miranda did a fantastic job, songs are good but not as good as the ones in the original plot is good but not as good as original this movie is good all around but not great all around I think this movie suffers mostly from having to be compared to the original but still a very good movie.

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National Lampoon's Vacation

Favorite vacation movie, hilarious moments the entire movie.

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The Night Before

Good movie, kind of stupid at times but stupid funny. The cast is what makes the movie, Michael Shannon stole the show.

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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This movie is hilarious, just everything going wrong is always funny in the vacation movies that just isn't copied well.

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The Sisters Brothers

Never been crazy about westerns but this one is interesting. Cool story with a great cast enjoyed it for the most part.

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Kubo and the Two Strings

Really good movie with great message all voice work is amazing and thoroughly entertaining and spasms of all emotions throughout the movie. Great job by Travis Knight.

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Green Book

Really good movie with great message. More people need to see this movie it's really sad that things used to be like this we've came a long way as a society but still have a tremendous way to go. Mahershala Ali was really good but Viggo Mortensen was the standout to me.

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The Old Man & the Gun

I thought it would hurt my review of this movie for it being the first movie i saw Redford in besides movies like Winter Soldier but i think it ended up helping Redford is just wonderful he's just amazing I mean I wanted to just go through and watch all his movies as soon as The Old Man & the Gun ended he was amazing he just had this presence to him that had you enjoying every scene with him. Now the bad there were times the detectives knew details they hadn't learned yet and it seemed they knew them frankly because they were in a movie and already knew the details. What was up with Casey Affleck? I know they say this is kinda based off a true stroy and maybe the detective was really like that but it seemed like Affleck just shoed it in it felt like he tried to bring his charcter from Machester by the Sea to this movie with a different character that it didn't work. Overall good movie that I did not regret watching mostly cause of Redford.

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Meh. Whole movie is kinda meh funny laughs but also eye rolls Poehler and Fey's chemistry keep the movie alive.

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Really good movie really love the concept and it's something new which is hard to find in hollywood great performance by Jason Sudeikis probably the best i've seen him.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

As far as opening scenes go this movie has one of the best ones I have seen! The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is hard to keep up with at times and is kinda obnoxious when it comes to realism but this is an action packed joy ride which is highly enjoyable.

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Gangster Squad

You probably shouldn't think during this one. For this supposedly being based on a true story it has too many times during the movie that it has you go that's proabably not how it happened. I believe the overall concept of this story, but it felt like they tried to hard to adapt into a movie. Overall it can be enjoyed with the star studded cast that it has but I was hoping to enjoy it more than I did.

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