Cb Uppercut



Midnight in Paris

Really interesting concept, really well executed by Woody Allen. Kind of true always wishing you lived in a different era no matter what era you lived in.

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The Night Before

Good movie, kind of stupid at times but stupid funny. The cast is what makes the movie, Michael Shannon stole the show.

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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This movie is hilarious, just everything going wrong is always funny in the vacation movies that just isn't copied well.

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Die Hard

Gotta love Die Hard. Best christmas movie of all time. Great hero, good villain, great action. John McClane is one of the all time greatest charcters in cinema.

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A Christmas Story

Didn't love it, it's a good movie nothing great kind of boring nothing really stood out to me to love this movie.

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The Sisters Brothers

Never been crazy about westerns but this one is interesting. Cool story with a great cast enjoyed it for the most part.

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First foreign film i've seen and it was great. Didn't drag as much as I thought it would for me having to read subtitles the whole time.

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Wow. I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. Really great message kind of a feel good movie that battles tough topics at the same time.

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Shutter Island

Fantastic film, phoneomeal performances all around just thrilling and Martin Scorsese is a genius as always.

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Good performanes, pacing kinda slow, and movie drags a bit but still decent overall.

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Kubo and the Two Strings

Really good movie with great message all voice work is amazing and thoroughly entertaining and spasms of all emotions throughout the movie. Great job by Travis Knight.

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First Man

Damien Chazelle can do no wrong in my eyes. Unfortunate to see so many people not enjoying this movie or thinking it's slow because it's a really great film more about Neil Armstrong than the mission to the moon even though it is ultimately about that it's also about the trials and tribulations to get there. Ryan Gosling is great as always but Claire Foy was phenomenal. You could really just see the pain and stress in thier faces throughout the movie.

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I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would and Jason Reitman is a fantastic director as always. Charlize Theron gave a great performance just effortlessly it seemed, very unique concept and new to me at least.

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Green Book

Really good movie with great message. More people need to see this movie it's really sad that things used to be like this we've came a long way as a society but still have a tremendous way to go. Mahershala Ali was really good but Viggo Mortensen was the standout to me.

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The Old Man & the Gun

I thought it would hurt my review of this movie for it being the first movie i saw Redford in besides movies like Winter Soldier but i think it ended up helping Redford is just wonderful he's just amazing I mean I wanted to just go through and watch all his movies as soon as The Old Man & the Gun ended he was amazing he just had this presence to him that had you enjoying every scene with him. Now the bad there were times the detectives knew details they hadn't learned yet and it seemed they knew them frankly because they were in a movie and already knew the details. What was up with Casey Affleck? I know they say this is kinda based off a true stroy and maybe the detective was really like that but it seemed like Affleck just shoed it in it felt like he tried to bring his charcter from Machester by the Sea to this movie with a different character that it didn't work. Overall good movie that I did not regret watching mostly cause of Redford.

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The Favourite

Great performances by Olivia Coleman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz. Good storytelling and good plot with support from great talent, kept my attention. Yorgos Lanthimos is becoming one of my FAVOURITE directors.

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Mary Poppins

Did not expect to love this movie but i loved it. Choreography is great, songs are catchy, and acting is superb love Dick Van Dyke and obviously Julie Andrews. Just a classic.

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Meh. Whole movie is kinda meh funny laughs but also eye rolls Poehler and Fey's chemistry keep the movie alive.

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Really good movie really love the concept and it's something new which is hard to find in hollywood great performance by Jason Sudeikis probably the best i've seen him.

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The Wife

Phenomenal performance by Glenn Close. Good movie, good message, nothing really spectacular.

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I guess not many people love this movie as much as I do. I love the score, the performances, the concept, the mystery. Very well executed movie by M. Night Shyamalan one of my favorites by him

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"People come in here when something good is going on in their lives, they want to capture that happy moment and make it permanent." The ending of this movie just is beautiful. This movie hits a little to close to home for me it just makes you feel uncomfortable but the movie is just real and the performances are all phenomenal epically Ed Oxenbould.

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Beautiful Boy

This movie is a truly devasting look at addiction and not only the toll it takes on the person but the people around them this movie could have been better from a sound mixing and editing point of view as long with the song choices in certain scenes which isn't something that typically stands out to me but besides that performances were all fantastic epically those of Timothee Chalamet, Steve Carell, Amy Ryan and even Maura Tierney was very good. I wish Jack Dylan Grazer was in it more considering they had 3 different child actor as Nic who all seemed close to the same age anyway this movie is extremely sad but real and makes you just feel for the family and the characters but also makes you realize this is a real problem in the world today and is more than just a movie. Something more people need to see.

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The First Purge

Good premise for a 4th/1st movie in a franchise didn't execute the best but had good action some jump scares although they weren't really scary and one comedic character pretty much on the same level as the other purge movies

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2018-05-25T02:29:09Z— updated 2018-05-27T10:57:19Z

1st half: boring... slow... predictable... stupid
2nd half well not even the 2nd half the 3rd act is much better but the movie as a whole could be described as medicore - 6.6/10.

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The Voices

Everyone is mentioning the comedy either working or not, I really didn't view this as a comedy nor really laugh. I thought this was a good movie, would I watch it again? Proabably not because of how disturbing it is, this movie is very weird, creepy, and disturbing but I think it was well made overall.

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

As far as opening scenes go this movie has one of the best ones I have seen! The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is hard to keep up with at times and is kinda obnoxious when it comes to realism but this is an action packed joy ride which is highly enjoyable.

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Gangster Squad

You probably shouldn't think during this one. For this supposedly being based on a true story it has too many times during the movie that it has you go that's proabably not how it happened. I believe the overall concept of this story, but it felt like they tried to hard to adapt into a movie. Overall it can be enjoyed with the star studded cast that it has but I was hoping to enjoy it more than I did.

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Short Term 12

I love movies like this! This movie was fantastic. Short Term 12 is a simple, beautiful story. It is wonderfully acted and is just beautifully told. You can really care about the characters, and I really sugest this to anyone who hasn't seen it, it is soo good!

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Enjoyable movie. Mostly suffers from being unrealistic not beacuse they're both assassins thats what makes a movie a movie, but from the fact that they didn't die. I mean after every thing they went through im pretty sure one of them would've died. They didn't have to make the stakes so high, but overall enjoyable.

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