Cam Read


Boonwurrung Country

Doctor Sleep

The most interesting part, Danny becoming a violent addict gets essentially resolved ten minutes into the movie, with little payoff late in the movie.

Even this being replaced by him getting his shit together and being the guy that comforts people before they die in hospice isn't really explored anywhere near enough.

Far too much time wasted on these highly superpowered beings who can astral-project but still need to rely on Winnebagos to get from a to b in physical form.

The Total Eclipse of the Heart eyes was certainly something.

Didn't rate the bad guys otherwise. Felt like a rejected 80s Bond villain and the graphic child murders was unnecessary in the context of them hamming it up on screen. Rebecca Ferguson in particular was terrible. You're supposed to hate the character as shes a vicious child murderer. Instead she's an annoying campy hipster with a ridiculously awful accent.

Credit for trying to bring a new mythology to The Shining. It just didn't make sense either in its execution, pacing or plot. [/SPOILER]


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Creed II

What worked: I love how Stallone is such a dogsh** actor in everything else and then just turns into such a colossus of gravitas in these films with the best monologues going around. The in fight cinematography cant be beat and theres a great cameo halfway through the film.

Everything else was a hot mess attempting to make a point on toxic masculinity, panicking and being the equivalent of a Ben Cousins Say No To Drugs message. Character motivations across the board make no sense and the entire film takes over 2 hrs to make the same point that Marty McFly being called chicken in the first Back to the Future took ten minutes to illustrate. Soundtrack went from an epic identity creator in the first Creed to borderline parody featuring dramatic Boney M interlude, and unintentional Laurence of Arabia tribute.

This is a pretty good banner holder for films that get their heroes and villains mixed up. Guy becomes a father to a disabled child and risks his life to fight because reasons. What a total piece of sh**.


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How I Met Your Father

This literally hurt to watch in the sense that you involuntarily tense up each time the laugh track goes off and you're not sure why, which turns into a whole-body cringe when they're just spamming it in. By the time the 25 minutes are up, your upper back feels like you've sat in coach for a 12 hour flight, and you just can't understand what the point or the merit of this being produced was.

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I Know This Much Is True


Pretentious, boring and way too long

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The best thing Australian TV has produced in decades. And I say that as someone who has never liked Tim Minchin's stuff and as someone who has seen every episode of Dr Harry.

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The X-Files: 6x13 Agua Mala

The other Scully makes an appearance!

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Boy Erased

Boy Erased was amazing. Incredibly tragic story. It felt like a remake of Full Metal Jacket at times, were it not a true story. Great cast. You know who deserves the nod for best supporting actor? Flea. Incredible asshole presence. Good luck not crying. 9/10

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Transphobic concept with a first episode making light of rape? Yeah no thanks.

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Look, I'm probably on my own here, but I thought the sex scenes were way too violent.

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House of Hammer

Wasn't a fan of the presentation - felt very VH1 talking heads type segment with various social media influencers (nobody cares about your Insta handle), badly reading off a running sheet...very...slowly...monotonously.

It was well researched, and a damning account of his family's history. Just presented in the worst possible way.

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The Morning Show

It's not perfect. There's some tremendous dialogue that Jennifer Aniston just falls flat with on a few occasions, and I had a hard time believing Reese Witherspoon cast as the plucky underdog reporter.

Irrespective, it's really well written. I enjoyed the complexity of it. The narrative was cynical yet fresh on the subject that has had every other hot take on it done to date.

Well worth a look. Really enjoyable.

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Amazing visuals. Yet nothing is ever going on.

Hour length is not their friend.

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Designated Survivor: 3x10 #truthorconsequences

This season was terrible. I consider myself as someone of far left social views yet found the constant stream of political viewpoint paraded as "the comfortable centre" to be atworst smug and deluded, at best lazy writing to cover for any Democratic presence or viewpoint on the show

Were every character deliberately written to be as dislikable as possible? Otherwise who did Italia Ricci piss off so badly?

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Angela Black

This veered from nonsensical to grossly unrealistic at every opportunity. Find better use of six hours.

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I really wanted to love this show - loved the IT Crowd, loved Wentworth. Surely this would be a logical succession.

Nah. This isn't it.

Cheap and shitty writing that belongs in the early 2000s shock/crash TV era that does little other than trivialise things like workplace sexual harassment and safety of women in online dating. There's no point to it other than shock value - where is this show going? Do I relate to these characters, find them endearing, awful? No, nothing.

Huge waste of talent.

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American Rust

This comes out before Mare of Easttown and you might think much higher of it. Instead it feels like a tribute band.

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The Handmaid's Tale

I really wanted to like this and the message it is sending, and it just bored.

Also, Elizabeth Moss seems an odd casting choice. As dark and twisted a dystopian future that this portrays, for Scientologists, it's Tuesday.

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It was like someone saw the popularity of famous people dressing up and putting on silly voices on SNL and thought that the concept alone was easily transferable to a 2hr+ running time. It felt like a remake of Fahrenheit 9/11 for people with a room temperature IQ.

Waste of time. 2/10

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Krusty what the hell was that gif

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A Spy Among Friends

I really wanted to like this. Two of my all time favourite actors.

But yeah, boringgggggggggggggggggg.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

I'm not a huge American Horror Story fan but it is leagues above this. This is tremendously disappointing, and a chore to get through at one hour episodes. Avoid.

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Dated misogynistic garbage. A real waste of the great cast.

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Life by Ella

Nah, tapped out halfway through the first episode. Main character is way too obnoxious.

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Thor: Love and Thunder

I think we need to talk about the weirdly racist Russell Crowe scene that just completely threw the film off track and never really recovered.

Otherwise, I liked what they were trying to achieve and say here. Whether they accomplished that is questionable.

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The Staircase

Colin Firth sounds like John Goodman in this, and it's deeply unsettling.

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Dive Club

At the end of the day, people produce entertainment as a way of making a living. We all have bills to pay, and as such, it's difficult to ever really hold it against a person in particular for their choices in delivering that entertainment, to whatever standard it may be.

Having said that, there's a reason why the entirety of the cast's accumulated resume and credits can be written on a postage stamp. Reality TV show rejects and never-weres make this even worse. At the end of the day, I'm concerned for John McNeill and whatever life choices he has made to require making this show, and this ordinary one dimensional character of "Sea Dog". If you get off on lacklustre run-throughs of every boating cliche imaginable, then you'll really enjoy hearties/landlubbers/whatever.

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I Am the Night

Aside from shows/movies about the Vietnam War, nothing is as one-note, repetitive, and pointless as shows about the Black Dahlia Murders.

Without fail, they miss the imagery/clothing/language of the era, get sidetracked on literally anything else, and it just becomes a pointless mess. No thanks.

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Stale misogynistic plot and overly reliant on racist stereotypes.

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Bag of Bones

How does Melissa George keep getting work?

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The Mule

It's a different performance from Eastwood that displays a rare vulnerability and naivete to his character for a change. While it's nice to see him mix that cliche up, I question its relevance here.

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