Caleb Peters


Grand Prairie, Texas

BoJack Horseman: 1x02 BoJack Hates the Troops

This is a good narration in the weird military worship the US inexplicably has for no real reason, the news kinda ignoring actual news in favour of whatever generates interaction online, and a couple more things.

Also makes a good point about people only searching for what they want right at the end.

It's not bad.

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BoJack Horseman: 1x01 The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One

That is not at all what I expect this show to start off with, damn.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x10 Cheers

Damn, what a great ending.

It feels like an actual ending too, instead of the "we got cancelled lol" that a lot of shows end on.

I do hope we get a second season, but at the same time it'd be fine if we didn't (although I would be a bit disappointed lol).

Simon realizing that he can still make a life for himself even after a millennia is a great way to end his character arc, and Fionna realizing she doesn't need to escape into some fantasy world to do anything is good too (and a bit too relatable...).

Also great to see him finally accept that Betty is gone, and that he should forge a path of his own into the future rather than excavating the past he holds so dear.

As I said at the start, this was a great ending to a solid series. It starts off slow, but after the first half it's damn good.

I do hope things start up a bit faster if we get a second season though. Kinda tough to sell someone on a show if it just meanders for the first half lol.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x09 Casper & Nova

Damn, this was insane.

Good to see that Betty's wish worked though, and is keeping Simon safe from both the crown and attackers.

And I didn't expect to see Sherm and Beth again, but it was neat to see (what I assume to be) a different parallel version of them.

And the pagelings returning was unexpected too (although it seems they've gone a bit crazy over the years), but still a welcome surprise.

Now for the final episode.... I kinda don't want it to end though.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x08 Jerry

Seeing a wasteland world with familiar sites (and faces) is always pretty intriguing - and finding out Simon's backstory is great too. Can't believe he & Betty discovered the Enchiridion.

And holy shit, I did not expect BMO to just fucking explode after sacrificing himself (kinda neat to see him be replaced with Fionna's alarm clock though. I noticed that look similar to him in the first episode).

But the Lich returning, damn. Did not see that coming, but at the same time it was foreshadowed from the entire world being a wasteland.

And is Golb "the boss"?! There's no way, right?

This episode was damn good. Easily the best one so far.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x07 The Star

Damn, they went all-out with the references! Martin, Billy, Marceline's mom we saw like 3 times - even Ricardio! (and it seems like the King of Ooo is the investor guy Gary meets?)

It was also really weird but kinda cool to see a pure evil Marceline. I also think the opening has some good foreshadowing - with this universe's Marceline finding Simon's corpse then getting abducted (presumably by the Vampire King).

And Gary being able to talk about his candy kingdom (ha) was good too.

I really like how they've done the multiverse so far. Gets tiring to see stuff use it for a handful of scenes and maybe 1 or 2 jokes/references without really expanding upon it or doing anything with it, ya know?

Overall, this was another great episode.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x06 The Winter King

So far, the songs haven't been nearly as good as Adventure Time (and I think it's got its fair share of bad or mid songs).

I was suspicious of the Winter King when he showed up, and I was right lmao. I figured he'd either be secretly evil or it was all a red herring.

And Gary's cookie people being the candy kingdom characters we know was neat. I do like how integrated the multiverse is in this show. Most things with that setup don't copy side characters.

Also neat to see him interact wtih Marshall (still can't believe how close his name is to Marceline lol. I fuss the writers couldn't think of anything else?)

I'm also pretty sure the shop attendant is the parallel Gunther too. Kinda funny if so lol.

Anyway, this was another good episode. Hoping the last few are more akin to this rather than the first half.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x05 Destiny

I was wondering if they'd ever bring back the farm world. It only showed up once in the original series, and it was cool to revisit it and see how things are going.

That being said, it does muddy the timeline a bit. I guess Farmworld Finn either recovered and removed the crown, or just wasn't meant to exist?

Either way, this episode was pretty good. Nice change of pace from the first few.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x03 Cake the Cat

This feels a lot weaker than the other episodes, and didn't really go anywhere until the very end.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x04 Prismo the Wishmaster

I was wondering when the plot would finally start lol

Still though, this is pretty good (and we get to find out what that magic beam from that one episode of Adventure Time was doing there).

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x02 Simon Petrikov

I hadn't really considered what Simon got up to after the finale, but now we know that he just feels really out-of-place (kinda sad he didn't show up in Distant Lands).

Imagine living through a thousand years while being half-conscious for almost all of it. Shit would not be fun lol.

This episode was great too. We got to see old Finn, Marceline (her long hair was better), and a couple more.

Seems like the main plot is gonna start up soon, and I for one am looking forward to it.

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x01 Fionna Campbell

Bit of a slow start to the series, but it was neat to see the "real world" version of Fionna (and Cake).

Also cool to see how many background characters you can recognize from the original show.

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Adventure Time: Distant Lands

A great extension of the series that gives us some more backstory on several key characters (the second episode is the best one btw).

All 4 are worth watching after you've seen the show. Hoping they make more one day.

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Adventure Time: Distant Lands: 1x04 Wizard City

I'd always been curious about Peppermint Butler's backstory (especially after the series finale. I also figured he was one of the first candy people Princess Bubblegum made), and I gotta say I'm slightly disappointed with this one.

It's still good, but the ending pretty much kills him off for good and I'm kinda disappointed at that.

I guess Butler v2 (or Momo, I suppose) could be decent, but the series is over now so there's no way to know for sure.

Episode 2 remains as the best one, with 3 coming next, followed by the first then this one.

I did like the concept of this series though, and do hope they make more in the future. It's always great to get some more worldbuilding, ya know?

Anyway, this entire series is still worth a watch after you've finished the main show.

It's got some great self-contained stories that expand upon the established lore & characters, and this is no exception.

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Adventure Time: Distant Lands: 1x03 Together Again
Adventure Time: Distant Lands: 1x02 Obsidian
Adventure Time: Distant Lands: 1x01 BMO

This was a good start to this mini-series anthology.

It was great to see more of space, as we've only gotten brief glimpses of it before.

Y5 & The Drift are great too, and although I doubt we'll ever see either again it'd be nice to drop in again and see how things went.

The ending makes it seem like this is how BMO met Finn & Jake, but I don't know for sure (could be a parallel dimension or something).

Either way though, I'm looking forward to what comes next.

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Adventure Time: 10x13 Come Along With Me
Adventure Time: Special 14 Diamonds and Lemons

Shout by Caleb Peters
BlockedParent2024-05-15T06:10:33Z— updated 2024-05-28T02:49:24Z

I didn't expect them to do a Minecraft crossover, but this was kinda neat.

There's a lot of great references if you've played Minecraft, and even if you haven't this is still an ok episode.

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Adventure Time: 10x07 Marcy & Hunson

Damn, I wanted to hear the whole song...

Well anyway, this was a good episode. We haven't seen Hunson in like 3 seasons, and his plotpoint with Marceline felt like it was forgotten - but now we've got this episode to conclude it!

Nice to see him actively try to be better, though ending things on a typical invasive parents joke kinda sours it a bit.

But still, it was nice to see him try and fix things with Marceline (and Finn's new sword looks pretty cool).

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Adventure Time: 10x05 Seventeen

Nice homage to "Gawain and the Green Knight" at the start.

Also sets up the villains for the season while tying it back to the "Elements" miniseries.

Not bad.

Definitely should've had a different ending though.

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Adventure Time: 10x04 Bonnibel Bubblegum
Adventure Time: 10x03 Son of Rap Bear

It's always fun to see Flame Princess and the Flame King again, and while I've never been the type for musical episodes this one wasn't bad.

Seems like this'll be the last we see of them, and if so it's not really the best sendoff - but it's still decent.

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Adventure Time: 9x14 Three Buckets

I really feel like the "streamification" of the show (massively cutting the episode count) made this the finale when it wasn't intended to be.

However, it was still a good episode. Finn's robot arm having secret features makes sense with what we know about Princess Bubblegum, and the little quips it makes during the fight are great.

I bet that wizard guy is gonna rebuild Fern and make him stronger.

Let's hope the final season is able to wrap up this new plotpoint.

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Adventure Time: 9x13 Whispers

I haven't been a fan of the whole "magic space goo made the Lich turn into a giant kid" plotpoint since it started, and I was kinda hoping it would end here - but alas, it does not.

But this was still pretty good otherwise. Fern starting his character arc looks good, Jake's voicemail message is hilarious, and Sweet P easily dispatching the Farmworld Lich Hand was good.

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Adventure Time: 9x12 Fionna and Cake and Fionna

I do like the meta joke about Fionna & Cake being a TV show, and the ending implies that they do exist in an alternate reality (which we know to be canon since there's a spin-off show about them).

But other than that, it really feels like what started as a one-off episode has run its course.

I have yet to watch the Fionna & Cake show, but Adventure Time itself hasn't really done anything with them since the first couple episodes they appeared in.

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Adventure Time: 9x11 Ketchup

A very inaccurate recap of the "Elements" miniseries.

I don't remember any times BMO and Marceline interacted, so it was neat to see that (and we get a tiny bit of backstory on Marceline's pre-Ooo life).

But still, you can skip this (at least to the end for the backstory) and not miss out on much.

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Adventure Time: 9x09 Elements: Skyhooks II (8)

Shout by Caleb Peters
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-05-13T06:36:15Z— updated 2024-05-16T05:10:36Z

I was wondering how long it'd take for the Lich to turn back to normal.

Guess it'll happen soon-ish.

This was a pretty solid conclusion to the miniseries too. Can't believe we got 2 in a row lol.

I wonder what the next one will be like...

Also, Jake looking like the weird monster thing we saw in the Joshua & Margaret episode is interesting. Gives us further confirmation of his true origin.

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Adventure Time: 9x02 Elements: Skyhooks (1)

This was a great episode to what seems to be another lore series.

Definitely the weakest intro song of the 3 ("Stakes" still sweeps imo), but the animation for it is damn good.

I do wonder wtf happened to Princess Bubblegum to make her convert everything into candy though.

Also nice that the odd target pattern we saw earlier came back - and it matches the 4 quadrants of the new continent.

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Adventure Time: 8x25 Islands: Min & Marty (6)

Damn, I almost kinda feel bad for Martin now (but at the same time, not really lol).

This was a great episode. I'd always wondered how Finn ended up in Ooo, and now we know it was just a freak accident.

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