Buddy O


Adelaide, Australia

Banshee: 4x01 Something Out of the Bible

Shout by Buddy O

and just like that.. Rebecca!! :(

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The Brink

Dammit! HBO just reversed their decision on reneweing it for season 2 and cancelled it :(

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American Horror Story: 5x01 Checking In

Miles ahead of Freak Show imo, let's hope it doesn't go down hill from here.

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Big Time in Hollywood, FL

Damn not coming back for season 2

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Scream Queens: 1x01 Pilot

The scene with Ariana Grande texting sold me lol!

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Damn. VH1 just reversed their decision and scrapped season 2:(

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@midnight: 2015x81 Hannah Hart, Matt Mira, Chris Cubas

Finally. It took 257 episodes. but it finally happened! A Roxanne reference was made!

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Mr. Robot: 1x05 eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv

Shout by Buddy O

Holy shit he's real? ?

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BoJack Horseman: 2x12 Out to Sea

Now for the year wait :,,: assuming it'll get renewed.

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BoJack Horseman: 2x08 Let's Find Out

ha ha Elijah Wood !?!?!

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black-ish: 1x23 Elephant in the Room

Fuck politics, worst episode of the season.

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Major Lazer: 1x01 Bad Seed

the fuck i just watch?

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Manhattan Love Story

Cancelled a few hours after I watch the pilot... cool -_-

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The Bridge

Dammit The Bridge has been cancelled :'(

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I've seen 150 2014 releases and Annabelle is in the bottom 3 easy. What a load of shit.

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Fading Gigolo

Woody Allen's a Pimp - The Movie

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Flash Drive - The Movie

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Guardians of the Galaxy

I don't know what it is about these Marvel movies. I sit down, I watch them I laugh a lot I have a hellava time but when the 3rd act sets in it kinda goes down hill.

I wouldn't say I get disappointed but it just never feels fulfilling. All the endings just feel the same and nothing ever really stands out. Some generic action ensues and bam they win. Can they do something different to shake it up a bit? I'm kinda getting sick of it. I'm not hating on it though the movie was very solid. A lot of laughs and a soundtrack I was in love with but it just lacked an ending that would've took it to the next level (for me).

For the most part I loved all the characters but I wasn't a huge fan of the villain (Ronan) although i'd be lieing if I didn't say I had a Lee Pace-gasm every time he talked. Nothing about him stood out to make him memorable and you will probably forget him in time.

I hope I didn't sound too negative as I would still put it in the top few best Marvel movies.

Guardians of the Galaxy is a great time and well worth your money.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

GUN WEILDING APES ON HORSES!!! I think I creamed myself about 5 times.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction

Mildly entertaining flick with an uninteresting villain and autobots which by movies end you're asking yourself "what the fuck were their names!?"

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Almost Royal

Awesome start to this new show. It's kind of in the same vein as Ali G, Borat etc. If you're a fan of that then check out Almost Royal.

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Selma is so gorgeous in this

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Person of Interest

If I had a dollar for every time they broke a phone with their foot i'd be a very rich man.

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The shows not great but I probably still would've watched season 2 Too bad it was cancelled it could've been interesting based off of the finale.

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Wow I was really surprised at how much I liked this.

Chef has made me appreciate Jon Favreau more as an actor and the supporting cast John Leguizamo & Bobby Canavale complemented the movie very well.

Leguizamo was really a stand out and the young kid was great. It was his first movie and he wasn't the slightest bit annoying.

Chef is a total feel good movie if you're looking for something to cheer you up this is the movie to pick.

I was going to give this 4/5 but I really can't think of many gripes I had with this film. If I were to be nit picky Johanssons character was kind of useless and wasn't really needed but overall I unexpectedly loved Chef.

This is probably the best I have seen Favreau.

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Surviving Jack

Surviving Jack got cancelled!! Man im gonna miss this show! It was so good. :(

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That Awkward Moment

Not bad but not great by any means. It was just enjoyable watching this cast of talented up and comers having fun together.

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Silicon Valley

If you love Silicon Valley I suggest checking out the Amazon series "Betas" but it was sadly cancelled after one season.

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From Dusk Till Dawn

One of the movies that kickstarted my passion for film and my love for Tarantino, Rodriguez & Clooney

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Dane DeHaan was fucking perfect.

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