

New York


Almost decent until it wasn't. There were some exciting scenes but overall they totally botched it specially the ending which for me brought my rating down tremendous. I hate happy ending if it isn't realistic. And this one wasn't even close.

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All the Old Knives

Unarguably one of the best movies of 2022. It has no flaws. Perfect ending. But it is one of those to each his own type. I watch a lot of movies and tv shows. "Wow that was great" is somewhat scarce these days. For me this was one of them in a long time. Extremely long time I must say.

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This show ages like fine wine. 13 years later, did you ever decipher the ending? If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. Join the mystery.

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The Night Agent

Brain Cells Matter. Don't kill them watching this show.

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The Last of Us

My two cents here. I do not believe we need a second season. I think we have seen enough. Take that for what they are worth :joy:

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Unlike most, I do not comment on a show until the series has ended, and for good reasons. Why did I rate this show a 9/10? Well, it started great. The first season was nearly perfect. Some seasons were not all that great but entertaining nonetheless. The last season, particularly the last episode, sealed the deal for me. This is by far one of the best tv series I've watched in a long time. The last episode was unarguably the best closing of any series I've ever watched.

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Snowfall: 6x10 The Struggle

Hands down the best ending of any tv series I've ever watched.

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From: 1x10 Oh, the Places We'll Go

If you are a fan of the tv series Lost well you have found yourself an encore. This show has been nothing but a roller coaster. I have enjoyed every bit of it and I am sure you would too. Spoiler alert: Most people hates the season finale. Personally I don’t mind it as long as we get a second season to explain.

:warning: Full disclaimer: Do not stop watching until you hear this line “your wife shouldn’t be digging that hole, Jim” :joy:

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The show is f’ing terrible. I wouldn’t want you to waste your time.

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2000 Mules

When it comes to technology in a country where we are supposed to be leading the world, it always baffles me how innovative we are. This ballot problem can easily be solved. The mailing ballot box should accept only one ballot at a time. Each ballot should have a unique identifier (ID). Before submitting a ballot, you must enter the ballot ID and the machine should automatically takes a picture of the person depositing the ballot. The button of the machine should not work if it detects gloves, the person's face is not clear, etc... "But but what about my privacy?" - There is solution for that as well. Go vote in person in your local district. Problem solved. People would no longer be able to do these sort of things because only a unique person can cast a ballot.

Regarding the movie. I don't think people should focus on the 2020 election. It's over. We should switch our focus on how to ensure future elections integrity. It was a great movie and definitely worth watching.

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Gold Digger

Surprisingly good. Great characters. Spoiler alert, whatever you are thinking after episode 1 is the opposite. Watch until the end and you'll see what I am talking about :joy:

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Surviving Summer

Surprisingly good. I just wanted something to entertain me on this beautiful hot Sunday so I selected this show just to have it on the screen and I ended up binge-watched the whole season.

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Well this movie was Netflix trying to fit current political narratives into yet another movie and clearly failed terribly. To summarize the movie, it was like watching today's MSNBC or CNN. It entailed white racist nationalists, immigrations and a lot of women empowerment. Basically the same nonsensical things you hear on TV all day everyday. America is racist. So racist that all migrants want to come here. As always this very basic question remains. Considering America is so racist, why encourage anyone to come here and be exposed to such racism. You shouldn't hold your breath waiting on the answer. Oh and women are tough. Tougher than men who are like 3x their size. The main actor managed to kill every men she fought against even though they were much bigger, stronger and got the same training that she got. At one point she fought them with just one arm. Yup it is that easy. Don't think too deeply about it. It's the sort of things that make your head hurts. Just let it go :joy:

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For a scifi and space explorer junky I must say this movie really had me speechless. I had to watch it back to back three times to fully grasp the story and made sure I didn't miss out on any dialogues. Pretty darn good movie. Seems very unrated if you ask me but I would highly recommend it.

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I think this is one of those films where people would feel differently about whether or not they think it is a good movie. Personally, I thought it was way much better than I anticipated. Yes, there are a lot of nonsensical things in there which clearly anyone with half a common sense would see and say "uhmm no. that's not any of this works" but the storyline was still quite intriguing. I would and have recommended it. So check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Disclaimer: Focus on the storyline and ignore all the rubbish.

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Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

If you have watched any other soldier movie then you've seen this movie before. Nothing new to see here. However, considering how horrible the movies Hollywood has been producing lately, consider this one a gem and enjoy.

Sad but true.

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Mortal Kombat

Uhmmm what the heck was that? Since Hollywood is so horrible at making good movies anymore; they could have easily reproduced the original Mortal Kobat in 4K and I would have been happy with it. This movie is so terrible that if it was food you wouldn't feed it to a pig.

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Let's see. How can I say this? The movie defies logic. So if you have some brain cells to spare then by all means go ahead and kill them. Or you can smoke some weed and kill them that way too. Whichever way you go, rest assured, they would be equally dead. That's all I can say. LOL

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Gangs of London

Shazam. This show literally has no regards for human life. Like my man Odysseus said at the end of the movie Troy "Men rise and fall like the winter wheat..."

No it will not be the best TV show you've ever seen but it's good enough.

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It’s a good COVID time killer. Pour yourself a glass of wine :wine_glass: and indulge yourself in a could have been better written story but good enough to watch without feel the sense of regret. I enjoyed it

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Most Dangerous Game

Unrealistic but entertaining. I really like the ending lol. An highly educated dangerous man with class, fair and plays by the rules :joy:

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Survive: Season 1

I started watching the show with a really low expectation but boy I must say I was intrigued with how good it was.

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Uhmmm this show is crack. That’s all I got to say. Watched the whole season in 2 days. Now I have to attend AAA meetings because I am addicted. Everyday now I just wake up scratching my arms and neck waiting for season 2:joy::joy::joy:

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The Blackout

Shout by Breezy
BlockedParent2020-06-05T05:07:51Z— updated 2020-06-14T13:55:49Z

Shockingly good. Much better than anticipated. The only thing pissing me off about the whole movie was the ending. Children or not. They are the invaders and they will eventually grow up and they would be like "wait, why is that i don't look like you." Watch and you'll see what I am talking about and tell me if you aren't equally upset.

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The Widow

This show is clearly a stretch. However, I must say it was an entertaining stretched. LOL

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Shockingly pretty darn good. I thought the second season would have killed it. But it didn't. Obviously the first season was great. Julia Roberts was well Julia Roberts :). I really like how the second season wasn't so much of an extension of the first but more of an outlook. You know what I mean? Watch. You'll see.

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The Mandalorian

First episode didn't not disappoint. But that is not something I can say about the rest of the series. However, I am all in for next season.

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Defending Jacob

After watching the trailer I was like "whoa" and then I waited a few weeks for it to air. But after the second episode I was no longer that interested. I mean I am going to see it through. It is better than like 80% of most tv shows airing right now. But it could have been better. The story is there. I think the actor playing Jacob is the problem.

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The Last Dance

I Mean Come On. It's the Airness we are talking about and one thing you know for certain when talking about Michael Jordan is that everything about him has been on a realm all by itself and this show isn't any different. I grew up watching Kobe Bryant and I truly believe this guy Kobe was the best basketball player to ever lived. I watched Jordan a little bit right before he stepped down. I watched a lot of his games on NBA Classics. But watching this documentary gives you the perspective from his die hard fans. This guy was true sensational. After watching this you'll understand what it is that they saw and why it is so hard for them to give anyone else who came after him a chance. He really "did it the right way"

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

So long story short. The movie was trash. It is literally the result of Hollywood trying imbed identity politics where it doesn't below. First they added a black guy at the beginning of the series. Okay that was fine. He played the role well enough. And then they added a woman. They turned her into a superwoman but she simply could not do basic things like actually acting. Ben is bad a**. We love vilan Ben. Nope, they turned him into a fruit cake because you know what women empowerment. Ben either loses so she can superwoman or Ben get forced into submission. So he did. At the end there were two women kissing. Okay Hollywood. We saw what you did there. We got it. A confused little girl who just found out she got powers yesterday brought down the dark forces. Why couldn't they leave the story alone? Why? Why? I am so annoyed.

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