

New Boston, Michigan

Avatar: The Way of Water

If I ever traveled to Avatar world, I would invent arrow proof cockpit glass for the helicopters and become rich.

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NCIS: 21x02 The Stories We Leave Behind

A fitting episode as a farewell to Ducky. Not overly unnecessarily sappy but had the right amount of nostalgia and flashbacks. Nice touch either way with Tony showing up for the funeral but a little surprised that more cast from the past didn’t show.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 4x04 The Night Shift (I)

This is possibly the lamest crossover ever. There was so little I'm not even sure why they advertised it.

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Big Brother: 25x36 Episode 36

Bowie Jane is so lame. Six people left and that’s who you nominate? With a chance at a free back door. Repeat: LAME

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Outer Banks: 2x03 Prayers

They haven’t showered, changed clothes, or brushed their teeth since last season. And they sweat continuously. Something stinks.

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Honest Thief

Shout by J.T.
BlockedParent2020-11-07T01:48:45Z— updated 2020-11-26T10:17:12Z

Liam Neeson is 68 years old. And just got out of the military 9 years ago in this movie? And fell out of a second story. And I have already seen this movie. If it were titled Reverse Taken.

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Big Brother: 22x25 Episode 25

So little excitement for the first ever triple eviction. For all stars they sure are boring. Every single move has been predictable.

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Outer Banks: 1x01 Pilot

My wife and I really enjoyed this first installment. Not because it is a good show. More of a Fifty Shades of Grey lets make fun of it the whole time type of fun. The scene where John B is first threatened with foster care was so bad. He looks five years older than the social worker there to protect him. Dude is 27 years old in real life. Nice casting.

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Big Brother: 21x10 Episode 10

The bullying is out of control. The H8ful eight are the biggest group of bullies I've seen on this show. The girls all love Jack the Aquaman but he is the ringleader of disrespect. Nicole did not deserve to be treated like this.

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A Bridge Too Far

First off - WHAT A CAST! Just unbelievable. I consider myself a minor history buff and I knew nothing of Operation Market-Garden, the real World War II battle that this is based on. This is one of a very few WWII movies that don't have the Allies coming out victorious. It really made me start wondering if the Brits get tired of us making Field Marshall Montgomery look like a buffoon in all of our movies. The cinematography was outstanding throughout the three hours here, but I have to single out the paratroop scenes. The multiple camera angles from the ground and air were blended nicely to paint an amazing picture of the jumpers. This is a must see for any World War II movie buff.

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Big Brother: 25x30 Episode 30

Well the game just got 64% less interesting without Cam in the house.

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Big Brother: 25x06 Episode 6

I really can not stand Hisam.

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The King's Man

Shout by J.T.

Not quite what I was expecting. The backdrop of World War I to do some The Matrix/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stunts was some serious juxtaposition. There was history but this was a lot of fluffed up action, which wasn't always done really well. Some of the scenes involving the goat laden mountain top area just didn't work, specifically the parachute jump. Absolutely ridiculous. The special effects used a little bit after that where characters were being suspended off the side of the mountain looked terrible on the big screen of the movie theatre. We are talking Darth Maul falling to his cut in half death in The Phantom Menace.

Last big problem was making Woodrow Wilson into a Great War era Bill Clinton getting caught in sexual misadventures in the White House. COME ON!

The easter egg in the closing credits with a smirking Adolph Hitler makes you think there is more of these to come. I hope they improve on them a little bit.

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Big Brother: 22x13 Episode 13

You call that a big move Meow Meow?

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Vicky Cristina Barcelona

This movie is going to boil down to the same old question -- do you or do you not like Woody Allen? If you do, this is more of the same from him. I usually find his style irritating due to the overuse of the narrator which continues in this movie. The story is neither original nor inspiring. You can see the exact same movie called Summer Lovers with Daryl Hannah. The most disappointing aspect of this movie was the cinematography. The entire movie is spent in romantic Spain and even though nearly all the players are artists and Scarlett's character loves photography, I can't recall any scenes of breathtaking sites or landscapes. I also was left wondering how Vicky was able to afford this summer getaway and then whisk off to France when she needed to be separated from her situation in Spain. I know nitpicky but I guess that puts me on the Not a Woody Allen fan team.

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The Final Countdown
Castle: 2x06 Vampire Weekend

Loved this episode. The whole tribute to the show "Firefly" at the beginning was outstanding.

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Take Me Home Tonight

This was much better than I was expecting. Not a classic by any stretch but you have to like Topher's character.

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Seinfeld: 4x19 The Implant

Teri Hatcher is amazing in this episode. The Kramer bit with Salman Rushdie was a little weird but it was 20+ years ago.

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Justice League

I saw this movie. It was called The Avengers. It had an all powerful cube. And alien invaders. From the past. OMG. I used to love DC when I was a kid. What happened? At least they could have changed the shape of the sinister device. Another cube?

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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
The Kingdom

This movie really disturbed me. The feeling of being part of the terror that I experienced watching this movie left me with a heavy heart. There are really people out there who believe in this cause. Frankly, it scares me to death. That part was done well. However, this does not make it a great movie. The story was a little thin and Jeremy Piven's character bothered me immensely. That last 20-25 minutes turned in to some Arnold in the Middle East movie with the 4 good guys having the monster shootout against the dozens of bad guys. I did love the ending with the juxtaposition of Fleury and Abu Hamza's grandson both saying, "we're going to kill them all".

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Role Models

I thought it was really funny when Stifler...oops wrong movie right guy. Sure he plays the exact same character in every movie but it was hilarious here. This movie had laughs from beginning to end. Even the swearing around the kids didn't feel wrong like Bad Santa. If you are a KISS fan, this movie is an absolute must see. The costumes and music reference will make your day.

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17 Again

Surprisingly enjoyable tale of the standard "If I could do it all over again" motif. A lot of the story here seems to be ripped from Mr. Destiny where the high school jock thinks his life would be so much better if he could go back to that key moment in high school and choose a different path. 17 Again does it a little different in that Mike(Matthew Perry/Zac Efron) figures out pretty quickly that he's not back in high school for his own reasons, but to help his kids. The story does of course have it's everyone is happy ending and the youngest actor playing our high schoolers is 20 I think but apart from that, this movie is just pretty darn fun. Efron turns in a solid performance and seems ready to leave the high school scene behind.

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New in Town

This movie is about as textbook romantic comedy as you can get. Every single element is covered here. Though completely forgettable and there will never be a need to see it again, I guess this is worth one viewing. The chemistry between Zellweger and Connick is pretty bland and I blame it on him. She is using all her acting skill and smirks and faces to turn on the charm but it seems lost on him. The worst part of the movie is the gross overuse of the comedic element of the Fargo-like Minnesota accent. We get it, they talk funny. The ending is clearly visible by the 30 minute mark. There is nothing to really hate here, but nothing memorable either.

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Friday Night Lights: 1x15 Blinders

The powederpuff game was the highlight of the episode for me. Loved how they worked in some of the girls' personal life frustrations onto the field. MVP of the episdoe was Landry as the referee. Bouncing Coach Taylor off the sideline and getting in Riggin's face with the game-winning TD signal.

The racism...I guess it was required. Obligatory to do it. It just wasn't done well.

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Star Trek: 3x14 Whom Gods Destroy

A different kind of appearance for Yvonne Craig here. She gets to use some of her dance moves learned at the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. Her green skinned character tries to impress Captain Kirk with the exotic dance and quotation of Shakespeare.

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Royal Pains: 8x08 Uninterrupted

I loved this show and looked forward to it every summer. Going to miss HankMed.

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NCIS: Hawai'i: 2x02 Blind Curves

VIN numbers is said a dozen times in this episode I think. Does anyone ever stop and think what they are saying. VIN means Vehicle Identification Number. So VIN number means Vehicle Identification Number Number.

Sorry. It annoys me. And the FBI boss should take Whistler off being NCIS liaison. This is the clearest conflict of interest ever.

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Big Brother: 24x35 Episode 35

I have never seen anyone lose the money on Finale Night because of the question and answer session. But it happened tonight. No doubt in mind. Dominated. Can never use the same answer twice to different questions.

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