Blake M. Petit


Ama, Louisiana

3 Body Problem: 1x07 Only Advance

Is Liam Cunningham as Wade becoming anyone else's favorite part of this show? I mean, he was awesome on Game of Thrones, but he's such a magnificent bastard here that I'd follow him into the breach.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels...his was the most...human."

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Batman: 2x40 That Darn Catwoman

Ya gotta love how Robin says something rude and O'Hara's immediate reaction is ,"This girl in the pink cat costume did something to his head!"

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x12 Mortal Coil

Me: Neelix is so goofy. I wish they could find a way to give him a little emotional complexity.
Me watching "Mortal Coil": Oh geez, not like THAT.

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Okay, I was with this movie for about 95 percent of the running time, but the end kind of throws a monkey wrench into the whole thing.

You the end, Willy learns the lesson that it isn't the chocolate, it's the people you share it with. Okay, sure, standard fantasy movie message about the power of friendship. That's all to the good. But after building up to this moment for the entire film...we're hit with a message that completely UNDERCUTS the character. Think about this. In every version of the Willy Wonka story, whether it's the book or the Johnny Depp movie, or the Gene Wilder version (which this one seems to be linked to), Wonka is UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY ALONE, THUS NECESSITATING THE GOLDEN TICKET CONTEST IN THE FIRST PLACE.


I don't know if I want that to be the plot of the sequel or if I'd rather they just point at a shiny object and run away while the audience is distracted.

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RiffTrax: 1x128 Christmas with Rifftrax featuring Magic Christmas Tree

Why in the HECK does Trakt.TV think this 73-minute RiffTrax special is THREE HOURS LONG???

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x08 The Raven

I am somewhat embarrassed that it wasn't until the last episode that I realized "Verna" is an anagram for "Raven."

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x06 Goldbug

How did it take me six episodes to realize that Luke Skywalker is Captain Pike's lawyer?

(I knew who the actors were, I just didn't think about their nerd franchise relevance before.)

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 4x10 Old Friends, New Planets (2)

This is the BEST Star Trek series.

That's it. That's the post.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 4x08 Caves

A nice, sweet standalone episode.

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The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo: 1x13 Horror-Scope Scoob

Daphne: Zombies? There's no such thing
Me: You've been trying to put escaped ghosts into a magic chest for 13 episodes!

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Haunted Mansion

Funny. Creepy. Lots of great nods to the theme park attraction(s). Good performances all around. And they even found a clever way of getting around the whole "why don't they just LEAVE?" problem that a lot of haunted house movies suffer from.

I liked this.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 4x05 Empathalogical Fallacies

Freeman: My crew doesn't get all emotional for no reason!
Me: Yeah, this ain't Discovery.

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Babylon 5: The Road Home

A wonderful coda to the Babylon 5 saga. It gives us a chance to look across the history of the world J. Michael Straczynski created, allowed us to reunite with some old friends, and in the end even gave us a glimpse of hope for the future of Babylon 5. Very much worth waiting for.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x04 Here's Looking at You

This show is always good, but this episode in particular hit me in my gut as a father. Damn.

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Only Murders in the Building: 1x07 The Boy from 6B

That was incredible. That's got to be one of the gutsiest tries a TV show has ever made.

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Justice League: Warworld
Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Thoughts upon watching this movie for the first time in probably 20 years:

  1. Pee-Wee's nuts. 1985 Elizabeth Daily was adorable.
  2. A lot of people wanted Pee-Wee's house. I want Francis's bathroom.
  3. Man, Tim Burton Tim Burtoned this movie before anybody even knew Tim Burtoning was a thing.
  4. Yeah, "That Scene" is still the second-most traumatizing moment of my childhood, after "That Scene" in The Neverending Story.
  5. Francis deserved more of a comeuppance.
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The Rocketeer

Whenever the question goes out, "What's a movie that deserved a sequel but didn't get one," this is at the top of my list. Billy Campbell and Jennifer Connelly are spot-on perfect in this film, and Joe Johnston gives the whole thing a flavor of joy and magic mixed in with a healthy dose of nostalgia. It also did the whole "even the bad guys don't like the Nazis" thing years before John Byrne did it with the Joker and the Red Skull. It's a pretty perfect movie, and it's so sad that the attempts to do something with it over the years have mostly fallen flat.

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