

New Orleans

Bird Box

Sandra Bullock has to be the luckiest person on Earth. If you accept this fact then you can enjoy this movie.

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Altered Carbon

Very disappointed so far. Seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas at the wall hoping something stuck. Four episodes in and didn't care to finish

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First two episodes were campy yet enjoyable. Third episode just jumped the shark...smh. so bad so very bad

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Black Summer

Enjoy the hell out of this show. Man Episode 4!!! That! Those dudes did the damn thing ! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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The Vast of Night

I'm sorry but the is the most boring movie I have seen as of May 30, 2020!!!! Lord Jesus, I was praying for Aliens, a Monster to appear after 10 minutes.....smh. They do soooooo much talking with absolutely nothing happening on screen

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Alita: Battle Angel

Wow, I can't believe all these visual effects are wasted a terrible story. The Battle Angel anime was ho hum. The live action story is a mess. The changes they made from the anime added absolutely nothing. Story is a 4/10! Visuals are some of the best ever scene.

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Gods of Egypt

I'm just speechless! So bad! It could be legendary!

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Black Summer: 2x01 The Cold

the best camera work I have ever seen in a zombie movie/show

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Atlanta: 2x06 Teddy Perkins

Don't get the Get Out comparison, this was just a Michael Jackson story

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The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Never seen any Jim Cummings projects so I don't understand the hype. Movie was meh. Story was ok but the comedy wasn't funny, more annoying than anything .

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Moving: 1x11 Romanticist

I have seen few things that rival the hallway scene from Old Boy, this episode is up there! Instant Classic !

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

Feels like a weak attempt to counter The Orville. Orville and Final Space are much better than this

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Raising Dion

was somewhat disappointed. Production was lacking in many episodes. Felt like a CW show. Dion comes across as annoying.

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Some funny parts, CG looked dated in some scenes. I saw Upgrade a month ago so this seemed like rehash. I enjoyed Upgrade more

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Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

Don't play any Final Fantasy Games. The movie was Ok, but the CG was just breathtaking!!! Best I've ever seen. Some scenes the people actually looked real...smh

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Super Crooks

never read the book but I thoroughly enjoyed this show !

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Vagrant Queen

wow, that first episode was BAD!!!! Trailers looked cheesy but I thought there would be a few laughs.......there were none.

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Little Joe

Meh.....Tried harder to be quirky than to really flesh out the story.

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The Princess

I enjoyed it nice Xena Warrior Princess vibes

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Avenue 5

This show is absolute ASS!! This is has to be the worst show I have seen on HBO in a couple decades!! This show is par with the terrible SyFy Saturday night Megalodon vs King Cobra may be funnier than this show

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Avenue 5

wow, this episode was worst than I thought. What did the producers do with HBO's money?! This looks like a SyFy channel program.

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Little Monsters

Wow. Lupita must have been blackmailed to be in this movie...smh. I had to Fast Forward a few minutes to make sure that was watching the same movie from the commercials. Seems to be geared towars kids but the violence seems to contradict is just a mess

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Marvel's The Punisher

Man, I'm so disappointed with this show! This is not the Punisher...smh. I quit after episode 5 and have no interest in finishing it

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Billed as "Russian Independence Day movieV , more like Starman. Was very disappointed and bored with this movie

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was just mildly interesting towards the end.....but the final act fell flat .

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I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. not sorry. A new Christmas tradition

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Expected more......felt like an Inception rehash....with Fringe and Counterpoint thrown in.

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Project Power

Meh, Gordon-Levitt was wasted in this. Jaime Foxx was ok. Sorry bug the " Power" actually ruined this movie. Supposedly unpredictable bit 90% got a power for the exact situation which sort undermines the narrative

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Learn to stop when you make a legendary movie!!!! I couldn't believe how bad this sequel was

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Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge

Sorry I'm not sorry....I enjoyed the crap out of this movie!!!!!! This movie was the most violent thing I have seen in 2020, lol. I have played last couple of MK games but the movie captured the spirit of the games. Being a Scorpion player just had me smiling watching this.
I checked my brain and just went along for the ride

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