



If like me you've recently lost a child, this is not a Movie for you. I thought it was a horror, not a psychological film about grief. Many horrors touch on grief as a basis, but this was in poor taste.

Either way, it didn't deliver anything except disappointment and leaving you feeling horrible inside. Not exactly what you want when escaping into a film for a couple of hours.

I could say a lot, but I feel it's wasted enough of my time.

Do yourself a favour and find something else to watch.

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The Invitation
Reservation Dogs

I can’t unfortunately say I’ve enjoyed this overall. I initially watched believing it was a comedy, which in parts it is amusing, but overall it’s quite depressing.

My favourite episode is S02 E08 where Big, the policeman gets high. Apart from this episode, there’s very few laughs elsewhere.

I mainly carried on watching out of interest in to a glimpse of how Native American’s may live. Being in the UK it’s not something we know much about.

It is however well made and solid acting all round.

Sadly, there’s nothing else positive I can say. It’s really a teen drama rather than a comedy.

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Alice in Borderland
The Witcher: Blood Origin
Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story

I refuse to watch this. They shouldn’t be making this man’s name anymore well known. Let his name be forgotten!

It literally makes me feel sick. I was a young girl when he was at the height of his career. I remember worshiping him and repeatedly writing in to be on his show.

I’m personally boycotting anything to do with him!

‘Vile’ is literally in his surname.

Seriously, any person with crimes such as his should not be given screen time. There’s so many other subjects, one’s that don’t trigger victims.

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Star Trek: Discovery
The Silent Sea

I rarely score 10 out of 10, but I loved it.

Any Doctor Who fans will immediately notice this is basically a modern version of the episode The Waters of Mars. Which on its own was a fantastic episode.

They’ve actually transformed the story in to an action packed and well written Sci-fi Adventure.

My only gripe was the last 20 minutes of the final episode which dragged on trying to appeal to your emotions.

I won’t say anything further, except to encourage you to watch in the hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Don’t be put off with the fact it’s foreign and dubbed. South Korean films and Tv shows are on the whole brilliant and on parr with blockbuster movies etc. They have such refreshing and new ideas for sci-fi and fantasy, albeit this was taken from Doctor Who, which is their most popular foreign TV Show. For well dubbed copies use Netflix, after 5 mins you won’t notice it’s dubbed, except for an odd few films etc.

Enjoy :)

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Warehouse 13

It’s okay to watch and fill in the time, or watch in the background. It’s light hearted and most of the characters and cast are likeable.

However, I didn’t like the actress who played Myka. Her standard of acting was poor in comparison to the rest of the cast and I found her annoying for many reasons.

The character Leena was more or less a waste of time. I felt as though they intended to have her as a main part, but quickly she didn’t contribute anything. Most of the time I wasn’t sure why she was there at all. It’s a shame as they gave her a type of power, but it wasn’t included.

The digital art throughout was extremely annoying and really cheapened the series. I realise it was low budget, but it was still awful!

Hey, there’s a lot wrong with this show, but yet I still enjoyed it as a bit of light relief.

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Shadow in the Cloud

I honestly wasn’t expecting much nor did I know anything about it, but I absolutely loved it.

From early in the film, I found it gripping and tense which kept me glued to the screen.

There’s a lot going on in this film and I see some have called it a mess, however I thought it all worked really well together. Just don’t read too much in to it and enjoy it for what it is.

I especially loved watching the old footage during the credits at the end. As a family we watch a lot of WW history and real footage, but I’d never seen any of that before. Without being sexist or trying to be a feminist etc, it’s rare to see footage of woman contributing during the WW’s and it was amazing to see.

Excellent film, definitely worth watching

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Riverdale: 5x15 Chapter Ninety-One: The Return of the Pussycats

???? I’m in complete confusion with this episode. Not only did it not make any sense/fit in anywhere with the storyline, it was completely awful too.

It felt as though it was made by someone else, different script writers, storyline, music etc.

Even if it was a filler episode, it doesn’t explain why it was so darn awful.

I’m generally not a fan of musical shows, but I actually enjoy the musical episodes of Riverdale, that was until this episode! My ears are now bleeding from the awful music.

I’ve actually not one single good word for this episode. I wasted my precious time watching it.

If anyone is reading this before watching this episode: skip it! It has zero relevance to the rest of the season. Save yourself from 45mins of upset


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Fear Street: 1666

I enjoyed the trilogy, the second was my favourite and the first half of the 3rd film.

It had its ups and downs, but overall enjoyable to watch.

Certainly something different to have a story in 3 films, which were released about a month apart. I also enjoyed that they had a twist which wasn’t revealed until almost half way through the finale.

My main gripe is the parts in modern day, didn’t match up to standards with the rest, it was more childish and satire and I wasn’t sure if they remembered who the target audience was. I felt like I was watching something completely different and not connected to the rest.

Overall, I’d still recommend watching.

My ratings for each of the trilogy:

1) 1994 - 7
2) 1978 - 8
3) 1966 - 1st half 8 - 2nd half 7

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Kingdom: Ashin of the North

I thought this was absolutely brilliant and a brilliant origin story for the series; Kingdom.

I want to say so much, but I don’t wish to let anything slip.

As far as zombie films/shows, South Korea are the best: Train to Busan, Kingdom and now this. They do excellent movies and show generally, if you haven’t already watched any others, I highly recommend you do.

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Max Cloud

When I start to watch a film, regardless of how poor, I watch it to the end. 30 minutes in and I had to turn if off!

I’m not sure of the target audience; certainly not adults. I’ve had children 11 years apart and I’ve watched more than my share of kids tv and enjoyed a lot of it, but I can’t see it fitting in to this category either.

The basic concept isn’t awful, it’s the delivery. I’m not sure how or why it was aired.

If you’d not guessed, it’s a humongous no from me

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Fear Street: 1978

I wasn’t too keen on the first one, which put me off watching this, the 2nd of 3. Plus, it’s about a summer camp; how many horror and slasher films have been there and done that.

To my amazement, I actually enjoyed this. It was well done and held my attention.

I enjoyed the characters and the pace of everything going on. Plus it was a bigger build up to how all 3 films come together.

I’m actually looking forward to watching the 3rd.

I’m still confused that the first has anything to do with this, not due to the storyline, but done to how mediocre the first was. They are like chalk and cheese.

A shout out to Sadie Sink, a rising star :dizzy:

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Shin Godzilla

Rated 10 by my 19yr old son.

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Black Summer

This is a fantastic show. It’s not a high budget production and a little rough around the edges, but that actually makes it more enjoyable.I love how they don’t use CGI or special effects.

The suspense and fear is done so well, without a huge plot or 100’s of people everywhere.

I’m personally fully immersed with the characters and their situations. It’s far more realistic, showing the fear and how you’d run and hide rather than in other films, where everyone turns in to Rambo.

Brilliantly done and one of my favourite zombie shows/films.

I’ve just rewatched Season 1, ready for Season 2 in a few weeks.

Do give it a chance and don’t be put off by the low budget.

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I cringed through out this, especially at the silly voice Nicol Kidman put on throughout the film :grimacing:

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Don’t hate me...but, I don’t get it? I really didn’t like it :grimacing:

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The Banishing

I would have liked to have given this an 8, but something just didn’t sit right for me.

I found the film creepy scary, rather than normal horror scary, if that made any sense. I suppose it made me uneasy in a bad way.

I had a quick read on Google and it’s based on a true story, but they’ve chosen to change things in a peculiar way.

It’s still a decent horror film to watch.

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Army of the Dead

Excited that Season 2 will be shown next week. I’ve rewatched season 1, it’s been nearly 1.5yrs. I enjoyed it just as much as the first time.

If you haven’t seen this...turn it on now!

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Overall, I did love the show, but it was extremely difficult to push past the first couple of episodes and that’s why I’ve only given it 8 out of 10.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it was a spark of genius and incredibly well done. I actually love old shows and recently rewatched, I dream of Jeannie and Bewitched, but for me they dragged it on a tad too long.

Don’t give up if you’re struggling too with the first few episodes, it is worth it and don’t turn off after the credits of the final episode; there’s another minute or so of further viewing. Which is perhaps a clue to what maybe next.

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I Hate Suzie

Absolutely adore Billie Piper and loved this show too :)

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A MUST Watch...absolutely brilliant!

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