

Screen Maniac

The Matrix

Immensely entertaining, intriguingly philosophical and just about one of the best films ever made!

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Die Hard

"Die Hard" is a terrific example of what happens when all the pieces of a film fall together perfectly. There simply are no weak spots or dull moments in the film. Is "Die Hard" one of the best overall movies ever made? Probably not. But it's undeniably one of the best action movies ever made.

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The Green Mile

The Green Mile is a masterwork. This is film as art, at it's very best. Film was invented for creations like this.

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Back to the Future

'Back To The Future' is one of the most enjoyable time-travelling classics. It's over 23 years old and it still hasn't gotten old. Sadly, they don't make it like this these days but then again we always can revisit them. That's why they're classics. Let your imagination fly.

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

As a movie it's the most well crafted of the series. But as an adaptation of the book, it was by far the worst.

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Saving Private Ryan

This should cool off the Rambo wannabes. The opening beach assault sequences were the most violent, realistic, and upsetting filming I've ever seen; looked as though the thing was actual combat footage. The shushing noises of rounds cutting through the air was the most chilling part of all. Perfect portrayal of the insane stupidity of war and the anguish of all who enter this most foolish of enterprises. A must see.

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As it was said: classic/legend/masterpiece. Nothing to add.

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The Proposal

Although the movie is predictable, like most romance comedies are, nevertheless it was sweet. It may not be the best romantic comedy I have seen but the movie still holds lots of charm.

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Evil Dead

This movie is not meant to be a remake of the first, rather a reawakening of an old and classic evil. Watch this movie with an open mind and you will love it. Watch it and compare it to the original? You will hate it, because they are not the same movies.

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'Jaws' succeeds on almost every level. It is terrifying without being grotesque, and spectacular without being unbelievable (if the shark looks a little fake, remember that, at the time 'Jaws' was released, 'Space Invaders' was on the cutting edge of computer graphics design and there was no such thing as 'Shark Week on the Discovery Channel'). The suspense is potent and the action thrilling, but the humor, emotion, and character development make this movie much more than a summer blockbuster.

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The Town

A perfect combo of solid story, captivating screenplay, amazing writing, brilliant character development, good emotional content and brilliant cinematography. All together delivers an entertaining action thriller...worth a watch.

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The Sixth Sense

A movie with a gentle but long-lasting impression. It is one of the movies I love to watch again and again.

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This show has great animation (especially movement), a brilliant character design, nice opening and ending songs, great character development and an overall gripping story. What more do you need? Haikyuu!! is the best new sports drama in recent years (except Ping Pong).

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Heat is a cinematic banquet of intense imagery and pulse-pounding action.

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Drag Me to Hell

The movie is entertainment and horror fun in it's purest form.

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The Butterfly Effect

Worth seeing. Even if you aren't a fan of Punk'd or Dude Where's My.. you'll enjoy seeing Kutcher in this role. The story is very gripping and almost makes you review how things could have changed in your life had some different events altered it.

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L.A. Confidential

Terrific storytelling brought to life by a collection of inspired performances makes L.A. Confidential an absolute winner.

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How to Train Your Dragon

This movie will make everyone feel good.

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That's My Boy

Seems every movie Sandler does these days gets hated on. People saying this is the worst movie ever made in history...really? You people must not have seen many movies. Regardless of what Sandler does the rest of his career its now popular to point out how it sucks and not as funny as his old movies. I enjoyed this movie, laughing out loud several times. Sandler does a great job playing the father. The bachelor party scenes are epic, really feel for the characters. Uncle Vanny? Hilarious. At no point in this movie did I think "oh man this is the worst thing I've seen in my life." Had good feeling, good comedy, a solid entry to Sandlers recent works. Much much better than the one where he played his sister.

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Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire is a terrific film that is just beautifully directed and the actors are just so brilliantly charismatic, it's just impossible in some ways for someone not to enjoy this movie. I know my friends who are not into horror films ended up loving this one because of it's interesting story. It's just a great film that I think everyone should get the chance to see.

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As a horror film, Annabelle is technically effective but lacks a good story and the finesse of a seasoned film maker.

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Big Trouble in Little China

While its looks may have aged, its sense of humour and style is as fresh today as the day it first rolled out in cinemas. In short, it's pure escapist magic.

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Dead Poets Society

There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better.
Dead Poets Society is one of those few films.

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Paul, creaks a little here and there, but it's consistent, bold, and appetizing as a comedy with a buddy movie spirit and a good dose of sci-fi satire.

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WARNING: This is not a happy sing along movie with a perfect hero who saves the day in the end…this is also not "A Piece of Art." This is Riddick it's Muddy, Bloody, Painful and as always FUN!

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12 Years a Slave

McQueen's epic is beautiful and tragic anchored by sensational performances.

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Everyone is saying they loved the first one, but hated this one. I don't see how that's possible. They stuck very close to the original in most ways, such as cinematography, soundtrack, and directing, all of which were great (for a Sin City movie). Sure it isn't a masterpiece my any means, and it's not as good as the first, but it's super entertaining, very violent, and is sure to please anyone who enjoys the books or the first film. Forget all those jaded movie snobs saying it sucks. They're just focusing on all the negatives, and letting that cloud their vision of the awesome stuff.

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"Nosferatu" is a milestone from every possible viewpoint and it's one of those very few movies I think everybody should view at least once.

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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

The most fun medeval film ever done and... Not to mention that I think we got pretty darn good performances. My personal favorite is out of Alan Rickman as the Sheriff of Nottingham, he is absolutely hilarious and a terrific villain.

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