


Squid Game: 1x03 The Man with the Umbrella

I like that the officer was brought into all this. Let's us see the other side of the games without it feeling like the breaking of sort of first-person perspective they have and also has more purpose

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x01 Aang

It's not bad at all, as some people thought it would be. But it lacks a little something that the original had so far. All of the things I didn't really like could be avoided if only they had kept the parts that no one had a problem with.

Kinda silly how they make Katara immediately so much better at water bending after one talk with Aang. I wish we would've seen her break the Iceberg accidentally, like in the original, so we could see that she had potential on her own first, before even any tips from Aang.

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Squid Game: 1x05 A Fair World

Didn't get how the cop's brother wasn't in the list of players for this year but had won in 2015?? What does that mean? Is he one of the organisers now?

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x05 Spirited Away

In the original, Koh is quite a civil spirit despite being a face stealer. It doesn't hide that it's trying to scare you to steal your face.
Here you don't have a chance to hide yourself from it. It's pure evil and I think that almost goes against what we knew of spirits in the original

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Killing Eve: 1x03 Don't I Know You?

oh my god they made us fall in love with bill this episode, just for him to die his own foreshadowed death, I am so upset, why would you kill this bi icon and leave his kid(s?) without a father :(((

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Gilmore Girls: 7x10 Merry Fisticuffs

Lorelai tells Chris that the reason she's not sure if she wants a baby is not because she doesn't trust him. But I don't believe that's true because she did want to have a child with Luke. The only thing that's different is the person, Lorelai's other circumstances are the same.
And, in my opinion, the reason why Lorelai doesn't want to let her mother throw her a Wedding or to even say vows at their Wedding party is because she doesn't want to be reminded of the weight of what she's agreed to, the weight of marriage.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x07 French Twist

Chris, while being friendly at face value, just always has this air of huge ego. I don't like him for that. For ex. how he bragged to Rory's friends from the paper about his skiing cabin or whatever. And while this meal watching the sunrise in Paris sounds romantic, the entitlement to bribe the restaurant to open for them. Like, yes, he has the money but does he have to act with this ego that you can see through his smile? idk maybe I'm off my rocker here.
Lorelai eloping with him feels less like a result of their love and more of a result of her guilt. When she said to Chris that they should wait and he asked what for. I think she realised a little bit how Luke must've felt. Yeah, she loves him but she's not ready for them to get married even though on paper they should be ready. I hope that's how they go about it. I hope Lorelai and Chris are not endgame. I still vote for Luke even though I don't forgive him for keeping April a secret for so long last season.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x02 That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee

I think Lane should get an abortion but I don't think the show is brave enough for that. They didn't even mention it, didn't ask Lane if she wanted to keep the baby.

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Gilmore Girls: 6x01 New and Improved Lorelai

That's why I don't really like Logan and his friends — throwing someone a party because they got arrested? It doesn't give you experience points and it's nothing to joke about. But clearly, these rich kids can get their parents to get them out of any trouble so it's all fun and games. I'd like to know what Logan got. Or if his daddy got him out of trouble completely?

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Gilmore Girls: 5x21 Blame Booze and Melville

I get that Sookie doesn't want more kids but you cannot just order your partner to get a vasectomy just a few hours after they expressed their want for more children. It can be really traumatic. It's the kind of thing that you need to have a long discussion about.
Rory stealing a boat... I knew Logan was a bad influence in that regard, breaking the laws that shouldn't be broken. Having the key to the dining hall is fine but stealing is definitely not. Rory doesn't have a rich daddy to get her out of trouble.
Lorelai's pregnancy scare: I never saw Lorelai as the type of woman that could be brought down by having kids (when she's not 16 anymore). I always thought she would be one of those people who travel with their young kids and don't even see them as trouble. I guess I could've picked up on her reactions to Sookie not being free bc of her kids a few episodes back but I thought that was just because Sookie has a different approach to parenting. I really hope her not wanting more kids and Luke buying a house won't create distance between them.

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Gilmore Girls: 5x11 Women Of Questionable Morals

Kirk looks good in drag

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 4x10 Grand Finale

Danny is amazing but Cheddar should've won imo

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 13x12 Nice Queens Roast

This was such a bad roast episode, even the jokes where the judges laughed weren't that funny..

I don't really agree with the comments here. I really do think it was Utica's time to go home. In each episode she became less and less funny. Though now I understand more why she was so concerned about Bob Ross's afro and dressing as the Black American Princess. She truly doesn't grasp what is funny and what is offensive.

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Heartbreak High: 1x02 Renaissance Titties

"Are you saying to be ashamed of our bodies? a naked body has been appreciated for centuries as a piece of art" Sure, we're not talking about art are we? If your memory is of a goldfish and you need a refresher: we're talking about the shitty pictures of your private parts you send to someone and how not to regret it later. This is not about the Birth of Venus. Why are the writers playing it as if it's the moment to show off their fake wokeness? Like,,, come on, everyone in that SLT class, especially the girls, should know that the teacher was talking about the dangers of your nude appearing in the hand of someone you wouldn't want your nudes to be. How it can ruin lives and not just while still in high school.

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x04 Episode 4

Hey guys, I need advice. I hooked up with my client from work after one date and while he was sleeping I went snooping around his house and I found a bag of blood in his fridge, which is weird as shit but then I found a photo album and there were a bunch of old pictures and it was him in all of them. Even the 19th-century ones. And when I confronted him about it he said he was a vampire?? Does anyone know what the hell is up with him? Does he have some condition? Why is he making stuff up? I don't know what to do, he seemed really nice...

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Brave New World: 1x02 Want and Consequence

Shout by Agnetė
BlockedParent2021-01-22T21:26:58Z— updated 2021-02-04T12:03:21Z

This is not at all how the book went, I didn't think they would change it that much judging from episode 1. I'm not too mad though, interested to see where they go with it

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Downton Abbey: 4x03 Episode 3

I just KNEW they were planning something something horrible for Anna when they showed her all happy and adorable dancing in the special. Why you gotta do all my favs dirty?

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Downton Abbey: 2x02 Episode 2

Listen, I dislike Thomas as the next people, but why kill the pretty stranger so soon? he's only been there for like 10 minutes. I was beginning to hope he was gonna stay and kind of help Thomas to be less shitty. Killing him was such a cheap and easy way to have a case for expanding hospital to the Abbey

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x02 Warriors

Shout by Agnetė
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-02-22T14:04:07Z— updated 2024-06-11T09:55:22Z

mocking voice Oh woe is him, Aang is just toooo powerful It wasn't hard for him to learn air bending, it was hard to controlllll iiiitttt.
This is stupid, I just don't have the words to explain how and why

How did Katara know how to read that script? Their own writing is so different.

I think they went a little too much into the Sokka and Suki romance. Yue is just a few episodes away, I'm afraid that by that point we'll still be thinking about Suki and it won't be believable that Sokka would give up on Suki and head straight into a relationship with Yue so fast.

Why did they need a whole ass prophecy to realise they need to go to the North Pole, WHERE ALL THE WATERBENDING MASTERS ARE. YOU KNOW, THE NEXT ELEMENT HE NEEDS TO LEARN??

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Normal People: 1x06 Episode 6

If I were just watching the show I don't think I would've gotten why Connell is so scared to ask Marianne if he could stay at her flat for a while. In the book it's explained that it's because of their different economic standing. The theme of him being a lot poorer than her discussed a bit more in the book, so he feels awkward sort of admiting it to her that he doesn't have enough money when that topic doesn't come up when it's just the two of them (also important point). In the book Connell worries about covering his tuition as well as rent, etc.

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Gilmore Girls: 7x09 Knit, People, Knit!

this is what I meant when I said why I dislike Christopher a few episodes back. He thinks he's being nice donating money for the bridge and on paper he is but it's just tone-deaf, he ends up looking like a rich snob.

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Gilmore Girls: 6x19 I Get A Sidekick Out of You

All the great things about this episode: Lane being happy; Mrs Kim hiding her real life from her mother like Lane was hiding from her; Korean language (we rarely hear them speak it); the Korean wedding ceremony (I actually really liked it); Mrs Kim being asexual (no, they didn't say it but "If you're lucky you will only have to do it once!" says a lot); Mrs Kim letting Lane have her fun second part of the ceremony.
All the sad things about this episode: Lane marrying Zach, I don't like him that much ; Zach liking the Korean gown being made fun of for "liking a dress", I thought it was cute that Zach liked it as Korean culture is still a big part of Lane's life and we had never seen Zach be interested in it. ; Lorelai's drunk speech :((((

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Gilmore Girls: 6x16 Bridesmaids Revisited

Lane is worth so much better. When the bandmates were introduced they were portrayed as so much below Lane's intelligence level and so oblivious that Lane couldn't even think of being with one of them and now they're getting married?? At least if he was a talented songwriter or smth..

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Gilmore Girls: 6x12 Just Like Gwen and Gavin

Logan trying to have Rory forgive him by spending so much money on all these gifts. But that's kind of their main difference that keeps coming up: that Logan's outlook on life due to his family's status and money is different from Rory's. And with all these gifts it seems like he's flaunting it. I'm probably just projecting idk

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Gilmore Girls: 3x08 Let the Games Begin

I never did understand why Rory and Lorelai were so set on Harvard and no other school when there are so many good universities. Lorelai's initial opposition to visiting Yale didn't make sense (for a person, it did make sense for the character of Lorelai), so what if Richard is trying to make Rory want to go to Yale, would it be so bad? And if she's so set on Harvard then she probably won't change her mind. Lorelai's making me think that she wants Rory to go to Harvard more than Rory herself.

I'm glad Rory finally realised that she was treating Dean like shit (though he has his problem with jealousy and anger), she should've done it a looong time ago, before being called out on it by Dean (and her mother a couple of times)

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Gilmore Girls: 3x02 Haunted Leg

Can Rory pleaase finally break up with Dean? imagine his heart when he founds out she didn't love him for months and months of their relationship. He's not a saint but he doesn't deserve this

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Gilmore Girls: 2x22 I Can't Get Started
Gilmore Girls: 2x21 Lorelai's Graduation Day

Shout by Agnetė
BlockedParent2022-11-22T21:49:55Z— updated 2024-06-11T10:08:58Z

ok, now i get you, fellow commenters, Dean didn't deserve this. He might have some jealousy and anger issues, and a weird view of a wife's role but he didn't deserve his girlfriend ditching school, risking missing (and then actually missing) the most important person's in her life, her mother's most important event - graduation, to see some guy "that is not [her] guy". God fucking dammit, Rory! This show shows her as more mature than her mother really often (even in the first scene of this episode), that you kind of forget that she's just 16 (i think her 17th birthday was supposed to be in the fall and the show skipped it) and can do stupid stuff too.

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Gilmore Girls: 1x21 Love, Daisies and Troubadours
Heartbreak High: 1x05 Bin Chicken

Cash is clearly the one who wrote that note about only having sex once they really know someone. He's asexual and so right, we just aren't wired that way. This show was so close to actually doing smth about ace spectrum representation. For a show so openly queer in all the other ways it's really disappointing that they NEVER said a word about asexuality nor the spectrum, in fact, just keep invalidating it.

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