

Grand Island, New York

State of the Union: Season 2

Despite the best efforts of Gleeson and Clarkson, this season was extremely disappointing. It did pick up with the last two episodes (especially the finale), but the rest of the season was at best mediocre.

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True Detective: Season 4

I ejected halfway through this season. The problem with this show (and others like it) is that they throw out a quirky, dark and dramatic event at the beginning of the season, and then they live off of that for the rest of the season (Sharp Objects is another recent example). I have seen some people say that they are here for the mystery, which is odd. As with season 1, the "mystery" is an afterthought. Instead, we are subjected to watch broken people have bad dialog in a miserable location. Worse, are frequently subjected to cheap tricks such as jump scares and visual anomalies. Foster and Hawkes deserved better than this. Watch Fargo if you want to see how drama and mystery are supposed to be done. This show is nothing more than cheap horror.

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Sharp Objects: Season 1

This show is a lifetime movie dressed up to be something more. The drama is achieved not by unraveling a mystery but by showing brief flashbacks from the main character's youth. The mystery is very much secondary, and quite honestly, I forgot about it most episodes. Instead, we find out more about.... the past. Maybe this isn't fair in that I was watching this at the same time I was watching Season 5 of Fargo. In that series, you see what what character development and mystery really are. If this series didn't have such fine actors, you would not be able to distinguish from a Lifetime movie. It looked nice and was well-acted, but everything else about it is sooooo amateurish.

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Happy Endings: Season 1

I gave this a look hoping that it might be another quirky dark comedy like "You're the Worst". For an episode or two it was, and then it fell off a cliff. By the third or fourth episode the only thing separating this show from so many others was a laugh track.

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The Good Place: Season 4

A fitting ending for one of the most creative shows to hit public airwaves. It is still hard to believe that this show existed when you look at the idiocy that passes for comedy and storytelling in the shows with laugh tracks. The last three episodes are incredible.

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The Sinner: Season 2

I've watched season 1 and season 2. I thought season 1 had the better story while season 2 might have actually been a little bit better if only because Carrie Coon had more to work with and is obviously a superior actor. It's a bit of an odd series in that they show you what happens right in the beginning and then actually work back from that. Bill Pullman does his best Bill Pullman in this series.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook I HATEBadMovies

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The Sinner: Season 1

I've watched season 1 and season 2. I thought season 1 had the better story while season 2 might have actually been a little bit better if only because Carrie Coon had more to work with and is obviously a superior actor. It's a bit of an odd series in that they show you what happens right in the beginning and then actually work back from that. Bill Pullman does his best Bill Pullman in this series.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook I HATEBadMovies

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The End of the F***ing World: Season 2

I was pleasantly surprised by this season. The first season was pretty good but the second season really went to a new level. It felt like there was a brand new writer as their was some excellent use of music in the telling of the story. The addition of a third character and her story helped a lot as it gave the show a bit of balance. Hopefully that is the end of the series - it concluded right where it should.

Follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies.

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The End of the F***ing World: Season 1

A quirky, twisted pseudo-romance between two very broken characters. Season 1 was ok but season 2 was so much better.

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Patriot: Season 2

Unfortunately season 2 squanders away the excellent storyline that season 1 had built. I had fallen in love with this show but by the end of season 2 it seemed like the storyline was forgotten the show had been reduced to the main characters hanging out. Still good but nowhere near the highs that were built at the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2.

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Patriot: Season 1

Unfortunately season 1 was IMHO far better than season 2. There actually seemed to be a sense of purpose as the story unfolded. Equal parts quirky and funny with the right mix of dark comedy.

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Crashing: Season 1

I think of this show as training wheels for the ridiculously good Fleabag. At times it feels a bit like high school but you do get enough hints of the greatness to come.

follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com or facebook page IHateBadMovies

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