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X-Men '97: Season 1

1x06 Lifedeath (2)

Looked like Lex Luthor for a moment there lol

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Did anyone else find this episode a let down compared to the previous. Hmmmm It kinda felt dull. hmmm

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Another home run. This show has me in a vice grip and I don't want it to let go. I actually stood up and cheered during the episode's climax (and I'm not a stand-up-and-cheer kind of guy).

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Gladiator is so friggin cool

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“I do not fear death”

“I know! That’s why you rush to play dead. You fear living”

Damnnnnn! Those words hit deep

To be fair that last episode was so perfect it was hard one to follow. Felt like this episode was a great setup for something bigger to come and can’t wait. Damn these once a week episodes. Give me them all at once and let me binge them in all its glory hahah.

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I have a deep fondness for Shi'ar empire shenanigans so while I can tell this episode will feel like a letdown for some it was a hit for me. Charles Xavier is always at his most charming when he's madly in love so him and Lilandra courtship is always fun to see. The emotional turmoil of choosing love and forgetting his family was emotionally resonant.

And as someone who's currently reading through Uncanny X-Men I appreciate that this episode highlighted that the Shi'ar Empire is kinda in fundamental opposition to the core value of the X-Men. Cause where I'm at they're treated as casual allies whose imperialist nature is never really challenged by anyone other than Corsair and the Starjammers.

On the Lifedeath side of things I continue to love Storm and Forge. The concept of a lie seeping so deep into your skin it affects your psyche is really well explored here. And I think they absolutely nail Storm regaining her power. Its sweeping and dgrand an the score just goes OFF. Whilie I've had quibbles about the structure and pacing of Lifedeath I have no notes about its emotional impact.

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not as impactful as the previous one but still a great episode, setting up the base for the very promising last eps of the season. i'm soooo excited

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this episode made me thinking about it I half to talk about how the shiar empire and the idea of impearilsm it was a bit in the background how the slaves were confirmed to the empire in real life is like Hitler and Germany in 39-45 when Hitler used those ideas to cause war and pain to innocent civilians and america and how they used tools of war to confirm the citizen . but whether am reading too much it hit a ring to me earthlings fight for a piece of land yet in reality we are minute in comparison with the whole galaxy makes seem petty but that didn't stop past war lords who by the way are the most remembered in the books it's so sad my main point evil is what keeps us from working together to build a better world without petty lenses view . I hope I touch someone we move towards that future ))) .

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If 4th episode covered only Lifedeath it would have been more cohesive and felt earned. On solid 8 or even more thanks to the visuals. You can even tease next episode with Storm reacting to news just not showing audience what did she saw. So timeline would be still intact.

Jubilee didn't need that arc, she gone through it already in the series. Don't get me wrong visuals were amazing, resolution not so much. And it would allowed Xavier's storyline some needed time for me to believe that he is gonna do it.

Main concern for the future episodes... Unlike with the first half of the series, where each episode changed status quo in some way, with masterfully done final nail, second half feels like a promise of rapid return to status quo.
Part of me hopes it's a false one. At least for season 1.

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Previous episode was 9/10. This one was major drop in quality. They should only focus on Storm's story. Xavier's part was boring me out of my mind...

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