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Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads

All Episodes 1973 - 1976

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007fb48b8908e0>
  • 1973-01-09T00:00:00Z
  • 30m
  • 13h 30m (27 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Comedy
Following on from The Likely Lads (BBC, 1964-1966), after five years in the army, Terry returns to Newcastle to find that Bob is now a middle manager, engaged to librarian Thelma and living on a new suburban estate. Bob is torn between his new life and his old working-class pleasures, as represented by Terry.

29 episodes

Bob and Thelma are determined to enjoy the Christmas festivities to the full. Terry passes his driving test and drives Bob and Thelma to a Christmas party as their minicab driver, and waits for them outside. Inevitably, Terry creates a problem or two for Bob which starts the season off on quite the wrong foot.


Special 2 The Likely Lads

Special 2 The Likely Lads

  • 1976-08-03T23:00:00Z30m

Bob and Thelma now live in a detached house, and Terry in a high-rise flat. Whilst Bob and Thelma are still married, Terry has a Finnish girlfriend called Christina (“Chris”). As the film opens with the Lads lamenting the demolition of their favourite pub, The Fat Ox. The film then takes the two couples out of their familiar surroundings on holiday. Only this is no glamorous package holiday to Spain, it’s a caravanning holiday for Bob and Terry, accompanied by Thelma and Chris in Northumbria. As you would expect complications arise and consequently Terry and Chris find themselves splitting up. Fed up Terry decides to go away, signing on as a crewman on a cargo ship. Once again disaster strikes when Bob and Terry sneak one last late-night drink together aboard Terry’s ship, anchored in the docks. Terry has second thoughts the morning after and decides to stay at home. Bob, however, has no idea as he awakes – hung over – aboard the ship, just as it sets sail for Bahrain

Series Premiere


1x01 Strangers on a Train

Series Premiere

1x01 Strangers on a Train

  • 1973-01-09T00:00:00Z30m

Five years have passed. Bob has travelled to London to buy a wedding present and Terry has returned from Cyprus after a spell in the army. By chance, they meet on the last train home and the events of the past few years flood out.


1x02 Home Is the Hero

1x02 Home Is the Hero

  • 1973-01-16T00:00:00Z30m

Thelma isn't happy that Terry and Bob have rekindled their friendship and she's worried that Terry will cause Bob to have second thoughts about their wedding. Terry starts to feel homesick for the army as his family don't exactly welcome him back with open arms.


1x03 Cold Feet

1x03 Cold Feet

  • 1973-01-23T00:00:00Z30m

Bob is deeply involved in preparations for his forthcoming wedding to Thelma, completing a period of courtship that started in form 4B at Park Junior School. But Terry's return has caused Bob to have doubts, especially when Terry teases him that his fate was sealed long before their 11-Plus.


1x04 Moving On

1x04 Moving On

  • 1973-01-30T00:00:00Z30m

Appalled by the changes in Newcastle, Terry considers leaving to get a job in Berwick. Meanwhile, his friend's wanderlust sets Bob thinking.

Terry tries to track down some of his old flames, but probing into the past produces embarrassing results.


1x06 Birthday Boy

1x06 Birthday Boy

  • 1973-02-13T00:00:00Z30m

Terry feels depressed when everyone, even his mother, forgets his birthday. To make up for it, Bob throws a surprise party, but preparations for the bash don't go according to plan.


1x07 No Hiding Place

1x07 No Hiding Place

  • 1973-02-20T00:00:00Z30m

Bob and Terry are desperate not to know the result of the England v Bulgaria football match, but with eight hours to go will they succeed in their mission?

Bob thinks Terry needs new friends, but inviting him to Alan and Brenda's trendy dinner party might not be such a great idea.


1x09 Storm in a Tea Chest

1x09 Storm in a Tea Chest

  • 1973-03-06T00:00:00Z30m

Terry helps Bob move his most treasured possessions from his old house to the new one, but Thelma refuses to have his junk in their home.


1x10 The Old Magic

1x10 The Old Magic

  • 1973-03-13T00:00:00Z30m

Terry is disappointed that Bob has asked someone else to be his best man at the wedding, but eventually agrees to go out for a meal with his friend before he gets hitched. After a few drinks at the restaurant, they start to chat up a couple of pretty girls who are also eating there.


1x11 Count Down

1x11 Count Down

  • 1973-03-19T23:00:00Z30m

Mrs Chambers has grandiose plans for Thelma's wedding to Bob that leaves the men feeling overwhelmed, so they decide to rebel.


1x12 Boys Night In

1x12 Boys Night In

  • 1973-03-26T23:00:00Z30m

Terry is horrified when Bob refuses to go on a stag night and insists on a quiet night in instead. But pre-wedding nerves mean Bob's plan to celebrate his nuptials sober goes awry.

Season Finale


1x13 End of an Era

Season Finale

1x13 End of an Era

  • 1973-04-02T23:00:00Z30m

The day of the wedding dawns and the women are racing around getting ready for the big event. Meanwhile, Terry has his hands full looking after a nervous Bob.

Season Premiere


2x01 Absent Friends

Season Premiere

2x01 Absent Friends

  • 1974-01-01T00:00:00Z30m

Bob and Thelma are on a Norwegian honeymoon, far away from the influence of Terry - or so they think. Terry is striving to get to know Thelma's sister Susan a lot better.


2x02 Heart to Heart

2x02 Heart to Heart

  • 1974-01-08T00:00:00Z30m

Bob comes back from his honeymoon to find that Terry is off his beer and is going out with Thelma's sister Susan. Is Terry in love?

Bob's married life promises work, worry and wallpapering. Terry wastes the days away in the pub and the bookies, as happy as ever. Bob wonders who has the right answer.


2x04 One for the Road

2x04 One for the Road

  • 1974-01-22T00:00:00Z30m

According to Bob and Shakespeare, 'wine is a gentle stimulant and good companion' and so is Terry on the night Bob gets breathalyzed.


2x05 The Great Race

2x05 The Great Race

  • 1974-02-05T00:00:00Z30m

Bob and Terry argue about fitness over a pint and challenge each other to a cross-country cycle race to see who's the fittest.

Terry suggests he look after the house when Bob and Thelma go away to Scotland for the weekend. Bob is reluctant at first, but agrees to hand over the keys when Terry promises to do some much-needed DIY. But Terry has an ulterior motive for making such a generous offer.


2x07 In Harm's Way

2x07 In Harm's Way

  • 1974-02-26T00:00:00Z30m

Bob is in so much pain from the injury caused by Terry's shoddy DIY that he goes to the hospital. Terry is working there as a porter, a fact he tries to hide from his friend, even going so far as to don a disguise. But his attempts to help Bob only cause him more harm.


2x08 Affairs and Relations

2x08 Affairs and Relations

  • 1974-03-05T00:00:00Z30m

Bob takes time off from marriage to join Terry on a quiet weekend's fishing. He's racked by guilt, but he's not the guilty party.


2x09 The Expert

2x09 The Expert

  • 1974-03-12T00:00:00Z30m

Thelma has gone back to her mother, leaving Bob to bemoan his fate.


2x10 Between Ourselves

2x10 Between Ourselves

  • 1974-03-18T23:00:00Z30m

Thelma has left Bob and is still with her mother, leaving Terry to soothe Bob's furrowed brow. Bob is anxious in case people talk.


2x11 The Go-Between

2x11 The Go-Between

  • 1974-03-25T23:00:00Z30m

Bob becomes more and more depressed by Thelma's absence and Terry's housekeeping. Finally, Terry can take no more and leaves him as well.


2x12 Conduct Unbecoming

2x12 Conduct Unbecoming

  • 1974-04-01T23:00:00Z30m

When faced with a fight, Terry has a golden rule: 'Do unto others as they would do unto you - but do it first'.

The death of disreputable old Uncle Jacob is received by the Collier family with a mixture of regret and relief. The funeral gives Bob an insight into his future.

Season Finale


2x14 A Special Christmas Edition

Season Finale

2x14 A Special Christmas Edition

  • 1974-12-24T00:00:00Z30m

Bob and Thelma are determined to enjoy the Christmas festivities to the full. Terry passes his driving test and drives Bob and Thelma to a Christmas party as their minicab driver, and waits for them outside. Inevitably, Terry creates a problem or two for Bob which starts the season off on quite the wrong foot.
