This season is on a row. That whole "Superb Owl" viewing party is a hoot (with Ocean's 12 memorabilia being my favorite random throwaway joke; who knew Sean was a cinephile?), and Guillermo getting deeper into his own fate/mythology is fun. Hopefully the latter leads to Beanie Feldstein's return.

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'Has anyone heard the ancient screams of a very large woman?'

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Weakest episode so far. I hope the hunters group isn't a once appearance.

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Superb Owl party! The cast is all amazing, but Matt Berry as Lazslo makes me howl with laughter. I love him in this role so much.

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I'm interested to see where Guillermo's storyline goes. We're three episodes in and we're already getting more focus and referencing towards that side of things, which is understandable. I don't know why but I feel like it may lead to killing one of the others. On the surface, this show is very comedic, but I feel like there may be more of a dark undertone, and it will gradually become darker, without that comedic atmosphere being at the helm. Who knows, I'm probably so wrong. At the very least, the show may get darker but will retain the comedy aspect, which, in a sense, may result in something darker than if there wasn't any comedy. Regardless, I don't care that much whether or not the show becomes darker, it'll still be entertaining, and this episode was better and more enjoyable than the first two.

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I was howling with laughter about Colin Robinson boring people to death with talking about motion smoothing in TVs. I. Love. This. Show.

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Shout by Aars

MORE CRAIG ROBINSON PLEASE!!!! I hope we get to see more of the mosquito hunters! And of Beanie!

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As a keen birdwatcher, I was disappointed to see zero owls in this episode.

Colin Robinson making thar guy piss himself did make up for it though.

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5words: I love this show

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