A good final episode, but really hard to take the fight with Ultron seriously. He had all the stones but didn't even really use them? He literally has the power to just stop/reverse time. He's an insanely smart AI, yet somehow he doesn't even think to create some sort of timeloop like Strange has in the past? That's literally just one of the stones, he had all of them! Seems really absurd that this team were able to do anything at all to Ultron, especially considering that the Watcher couldn't even beat him.

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That was satisfying!!
Brilliant use of every single thing ever created by the MCU, We are The Watchers and We loved it!!!
Don’t forget to watch the small post credit scene!...

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So having all six stones at once kills Tony Stark but killmonger can take them and use them without a single side effect? Come on man

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Viva las Vegas! Cute wordplay. ;)

Cutting out Gamora's episode this season when she was still part of the finale was a bad (okay yeah, a sad one since it was because of COVID delays) choice. I'm guessing / pretty sure it's the episode that was pushed to Season 2, but still. Now we know she and Tony will be allies in the end (and judging by the leaks, they weren't in the beginning of their episode).

That fight scene was badass! (Although I do agree, it was almost too easy, but at this point, I was so sick of Ultron as a villain overall that I just wanted it to be over.) When they "beat" him around the halfway mark, I knew there was no way they were done, it was stressing me out. Glad Nat found a new home; I was just wishing that that would happen to her; I was confused for a second and didn't recognize that she was sent to the Avengers Assassinated verse.

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After the previous episode, I wasn't sure that it would all tie together in a satisfying end, but they pulled it off.

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A perfect ending to an interesting series. My favorite character throughout the series has been The Watcher, would love to see him in a live action too.

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Really liked the season finale, it was really well put. The only "plot hole" is that at any time did Ultron tried to use the power of all the gems at the same time (maybe only in the last battle); but to be fair, it felt really close to the battle against Thanos in Infinity War (although he had 4 stones only at the time). It was a nice connection between all episodes, and the post-credits scene made me smile a lot (don't know why). Really well made, a solid 8 for me

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Not sure if overall What If...? is my favorite MCU series, but this is definitely my fav finale of them. It ties to past episodes and ups the scale without losing much of the charm that some of the best earlier stand-alone episodes have. Plus, the story strands of Peggy and Natasha turn out pretty affecting (and the latter's convo with The Watcher such a meta comment about telling and watching these MCU stories over the past decade).

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imagine frat bro thor helping you save the universe

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It was fun, but fell just a little bit short of being great. Definitely among the better episodes of this season, though.

This episode highlights just how bad episode 7 (the Thor one) was, though. Why the hell would The Watcher choose this Thor over any other? Makes zero sense. If anything, you'd pick the Captain Marvel from that episode. Also, why did we get saddled with that episode instead of having one about this Gamora and the Infinity Crusher? That sounds like a better way to spend time.

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Well, that was fun. I herd they're doing a season 2. Maybe they can get the horror inspired Man-spider that they wanted to do in season 1 lol.

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So, what we learned is that without Strange everyone would be pretty fucked.

Compared to last episode that one was definitely an improvement and it was fun to see all these different versions of characters working together and play each other off, yet the pacing again didn’t allow for much of a satisfying payoff.

I‘m also still not sure I like it that the episodes connected in the end instead of being just fun standalone adventures.

Also, how weird was it to make Gamora such a big part of the episode when she didn’t even have an episode to herself? Why not Peter from the Zombie Apocalypse instead? For plot convenience?

But whatever. It was a solid finale to a rather uneven show.

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Well, the season ended on a high note compared to episodes previous to it I suppose, but overall my takeaway from the series is "Yeah, it's a cartoon alright." I probably had too high of hopes for it, the What If concept is really fun, and they had most of the big actors, so it seemed like it could be something special. It isn't bad or anything, but it also isn't what I was hoping it'd be and the need to throw in constant gags makes it feel more suited to children then Marvel's aging audience.

Also, Gamora felt entirely out of place here, obviously that episode shouldn't have been cut, but now just throwing it in Season 2 would also be redundant since you see how it ends.

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Oh okay I see what they did there! Guardians of the multiverse! I like that. Maybe we could even get a live action with Peggy, Killmonger and others.
And I’m intrigued by they mentioning every universe’s infinity stones are slightly different!
Also we are owed the Gamora Thanos episode.

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After a very hit-and-miss season, this finale was nearly flawless and redeems even the poorer episodes. (Okay, maybe not that Dumb Thor one.) An unexpected coming-together of previous episodes gives us action on a cosmic scale never seen before in the MCU, including action moments that put your most over-the-top anime face-offs to shame. Really neat stuff.

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Great episode. The fact that all episodes where “connected” makes this episode a great ending of this season (idk if there is going to be more). Its the best one? Nope. It works and even considering some contradictions, like Ultron not using the full power of the Stones, limited by the short length of the episodes, it’s a satisfactory ending.

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Well that PAYED OFF, BIG TIME!! While I haven't been a big fan of the show overall, they certainly STUCK THE LANDING PERFECTLY. What an EPICCCC ending!

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It definitely was a fun episode, but I feel like there's so many "because plot" elements. Why wouldn't Ultron use all of the stones to his advantage? Why, when there are infinite realities, would The Watcher choose characters like an inexperienced Thor that just likes to party

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310 mins, guys for real?

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I really thought for a second we were gonna get Black Widow back in the 'main' universe. Gutted!

Also high key shipping her and Peggy. No regrets!

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The way killmonger says "Peggy" in the exact same tone that Dot (Agent Carter 2015) said it.... that is in my brain all the time. also truly just enjoy this episode and show sooo much

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oh i surprisingly enjoyed this one. with the exception of party thor all the characters were really engaging. peggy and natasha's friendship especially had my heart. the way the story unfolded was also fairly cpmpelling. with the ultron v guardians of the multiverse fight having cool twists and turns.

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Every time the story involves Strange, the stones, the multiverse or "out of this world" powers, there are plot holes every damn second. Those are my least favorite stories. Every episode in this season I enjoyed but not the last two.

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That was entertaining, but also a bit disappointing.

It's mainly the fight against Ultron, and despite the OP Strange protection spell (and its attacks that are definitely the coolest part) which might account for a slightly longest survival, there is no way such a pitiful team would have managed anything. And so it's clearly visible that Ultron is fighting like a sub-par version, let a alone having Vision's body and all the Stones.

Why's this Gamora out of nowhere ?

Same as his episode, I hardly see what frat boy Thor is bringing here, compared to literally any other version of him, or the Captain Marvels that kept appearing in the other episodes.

The long series of pseudo twists is meh. I mean, you know Zola is going to do bad things, and you know Killmonger is a villain and was selected and brought here despite that. You can't expect different.

Nice touch on Natasha being brought back to the world where the Avengers died though, making this one link with all other episodes.

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Did any of you guys commenting even read these comics back in the day?
There were soooo many cool stories that could of been told, but instead we just get more agenda BS.
Terrible series.....the end!

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  • Peggy and Natasha being buddies :)
  • They aren't cutting the action every milisecond! :D
  • This is so "The Avengers"—I love it!

The Watcher: "Thor Odinson, Crown Prince of Asgard."
[Thor screaming]
The Watcher: "You've been chosen."

  • LMAO
  • What about Black Widow from the apocalypse universe?
  • Big problem is that they just accept it without any conflict. Like, the Avengers came together only after Coulson died
  • Team combos, how I've missed you :)
  • Ay, apocalypse Natasha :)
  • Shield team combo! Let's go!
  • The movies don't do team combos anymore ;-;

Gamora: "You're done."

  • That looks quite brutal

Gamora: "Of course, the crusher was designed to destroy the stones on my world, not his."

  • This is silly, lol
  • Chekhov's arrow
  • Killmonger, lol
  • Arnim Zola vs Killmonger; now this is like the comics
  • What an outro! Black Widow taking out Loki on the helicarrier :D
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I was hyped for this series when I saw the trailer for it. I love the concept of alternate universes in fiction, and I was aware of the Marvel comic series for years before they decided to make the show. There were moments in this I should have enjoyed, I should have liked (like Captain Carter is still my fav thing about this series) but I just... didn't. It felt so underwhelming by the end, and I'm still at a loss for why. At least the animation was excellent throughout???

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Well, now THAT'S how a finale should be done!

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