So all it took to beat Thanos (a Thanos with 5/6 Infinity Stones at at that) was to cut him in half with the mind stone? Why didn't Vision try that…?

And then Ultron has all the Infinity Stones but goes planet to planet destroying life when he could just snap his fingers and wipe it out all at once…?

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This is my second favourite episode. Let's see if Episode 9 can top Episode 4 for me

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Not technically fourth wall-breaking, but The Watcher is so aligned with audience's perspective that Ultron's acknowledgement of him feels like it, and that moment feels so jarringly thrilling. Plus, best use of animation's fluidity so far; series-altering serializing with past episodes; and real, hefty stakes both small (Natasha and Clint) and big (Ultron's unstoppable domination that culminates in a Multiverse-leaping fight). Just good stuff all around. Can't wait to see how this lead into the finale.

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my emotions have never been played so well, heartbreaking, thrilling, fun, terrifying... PERFECT!!!

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Still can't beat episode 4 for me, but HOLY SHIT

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A BIG improvement over the last episode. Hope the next one doesn't disappoint.
Also, is it me or Tony Stark dies in every episode that he appears in?

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I've been very mixed on the series - before today's episode I only really enjoyed 2. But this episode crushed!!! Big spoiler below.

Plus first Galactus appearance confirmed.

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Holy shit, that was something else

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unironically better than age of ultron

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After weeks of hit and miss episodes (mostly miss for me), WE'RE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHERE OMG!!! This is what the whole show should've been. Can't wait for the finale!!

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The sound design in this episode is amazing!

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I agree that this show is still messy, and script-wise unsatisfying, but, hell, does this development for the show is rather compelling and The Watcher as a character is pretty great.

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  • Lake Bell (Poison Ivy) AND Josh Keaton (Shiro)?!
  • FINALLY, the actual Age of Ultron :D
  • The action!
  • Wasteland Black Widow and Hawkeye are the dream duo
  • Yay, the Watcher finally comes into play

Hawkeye: "I told you, I don't want to fight anymore."

  • Damn, reverse Endgame
  • Chills

Why can't all the episodes be like this? This is what I was expecting from this series. I'm glad it's finally delivering.


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Shout by Tshepiso

As a story about Clint and Natasha fighting ultron in a post-apocalypse this was really good. One of the few what ifs with a sold and consistent tone matching the story its selling and the characters feel in character and make sense.

i'll have to see the season finale to sort out how i feel about the watcher ultron stuff. generally i think it betrays the concept of the show to deviate for the anthology what if structure but if what they pull off in the end it good i won't be too mad about it.

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParent2021-11-12T22:13:37Z— updated 2021-11-15T00:56:51Z

This was actually super cool. Way better than tired zombie plot #7890 or what if Thor was a frat bro. More of these episodes should've dealt with the fallout from the various movies failing to thwart the bad guys.
Although I wish there had been at least a bit of a fight with Thanos. One Infinity Stone immediately beats five of them? Kind of lame.

Shame they couldn't get James Spader for this, though.

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After my disappointment in episode 7, this was refreshing. Ultron is one of the most underutilized villains in the MCU for how powerful he is, and this is a "What If" scenario I've been wondering about since I first watched Age of Ultron: What If Ultron had assumed control of his organic body?

I was hoping to hear Ultron's voice come out of Visions mouth, and it did! It was weird, but made sense, and was a little unsettling. He's not a wisecracking wannabe philosopher like he was in the movie, but he's back to his roots as a peace-bringing AI who fully understands his own ambition. And with his newfound power, he's terrifyingly unstoppable.

I liked the stuff with Clint and Natasha as well, plus the little role reversal at the end there (which was a nice touch). We got to see some of the true power of the Watcher, and he seems really cool!

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Not bad, but the feminist trend is still going strong. Hawkeye looks like an idiot in everything, but Black Widow just dominates everything ?

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If there was more than one of these left I'd be tuning out. what started with a solid couple of episodes has degenerated fast. Will not be back to watch a second season if it happens.

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DAMN, Thanos went out like a bitch!!!!!

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Shout by Cihan Çoban
BlockedParent2021-10-01T09:32:40Z— updated 2023-06-03T14:38:56Z

Watcher knows how things happened in our universe so he always tells us "in this universe". I love how every universe in the series is connected now and Watcher asked Strange's help.

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Kinda a crazy episode. I wouldn’t say it was the best one but all the watcher stuff was really good and it was the first time the episodes were really connected. Felt like it made the series a lot better as a whole. Also looks like they setting up a mad season finale

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It has a nice tie in to all the other multi-verses. I just feel like none of the episodes have true endings. Maybe the next season will continue each story. Like, I want to see what happened to Quill when Ego took him and not Yondu.
Or party Thor when Ultron showed up. I do like that the show knows how to use Black Widow better than her solo movie did though.
While the Watcher being quite bad ass was a nice surprise. I mean Ultron attacked him and the screen cut away from that. I thought “that’s it, he’s dead.” He held his own though and pretty much turned into a Super Sayan lol.
Would be nice if season 2 didn’t make Thanos a bitch that can be easily defeated though.

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Ya know, on one hand I like that the stories can connect and I like the idea of the Watcher scouting out people to bring into what will probably be a team to take down Ultron. On the other hand, I don't necessarily buy him being as overpowered as he clearly was here. I mean hell, if he outright assaulted Thanos before he even obtained a stone, then I could get behind it, but he cut the dude in half when Thanos already had 4 stones. If it was that f'n easy why didn't Vision just do it instead? In Infinity War the avengers threw everything and the kitchen sink at Thanos and couldn't do shit to him until Thor finally got him, meanwhile Vision's laser blast he does couldn't even snag Corvis Glaive. It's only one small bit in the episode, but it makes the whole threat of "Infinity Ultron" pretty unrealistic that there at least wasn't a better fight leading up to him obtaining all those other stones, no mention of how he even got the time stone.

This episode was okay, but it seems like not enough thought goes into these episodes.

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Oh, sh*t. Ultron on the multiverse?

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that's how you do it!! phenomenal watch!!

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MAN, this show is so uneven. After last week's awful attempt at comedy, we're now getting a no-holds-barred, intriguing cosmic episode with fantastic stakes and awesome action. Not only was the multiversal fight visually cool and exciting, but it's also the very best we've seen of Hawkeye in the entire MCU. (At least to date! Fingers crossed for the Disney+ show.)

Let's hope the next episode delivers on this fantastic setup.

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Imagine the level of threat you have to be to scare the shit out of Uatu.
The only disappointments of this episode? the fact the Uatu/Ultron fight didn't happen on the Big Screen. And Ultron's VA, I don't think he had the same voice in the trailer.
On a sidenote: having tiny glimpses of Steve Rogers as US President (after President Loki), New York with Wakandan and medieval style was fun.

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Well, there goes my hope this stayed as an anthology series. It's okay, I guess. I don't really like how the Watcher is portrayed in here. Let's see how the ending pans out.

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After a mixed bag of 7 mostly not so great episodes, we finally get something fantastic. Excited for the finale.

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Well... well... well... who would have guested it? the tables have been turned.

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Holy freaking crap. I can't wait to see how this goes next week.

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