So Marvel Zombies is based on a classic alt-universe storyline that I've never read. That aside, this episode felt very messy. Ruffalo's Hulk continues to be the goofiest character in the MCU, both live action and now animated. The story was okay at best but the ending felt messy. A step down from the last 2 weeks.

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Ugh. After last week's excellent episode, this was a major step down and makes me reconsider following this series. The writing was atrocious, with every other character quipping at the worst of times. (Worst offender: Sharon Carter quipping "Blam" after blowing Happy's head off.) Not only that, but the third act turn hangs on a supremely illogical and shitty character decision.

This, to me, is an example of what happens when the MCU "formula" is handled by bad writers. You get this illogical mess that thinks it's way funnier than it is. Hope this is the low point of the series and not a sign of things to come.

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Hearing Chadwick say "In my culture, death is not the end. They are still with us, as long as we do not forget them" was such a gut punch.

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Once again, comedy ruins it all. This was the second worst chapter. I think the big problem here is the fact that they show us an interesnting idea, a dark premise and then they say fuck it, lets make stupid jokes and make the worst characters survive. I already said i hate Ruffalo Hulk, but Scott in this chapter? damn he was sooooo anoying and dumb. Spiderman was surely better than MCU one, i think the only good moment was that uncle Ben reference, the rest was crap.

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Didn't really work for me this one, okay that coming from the quantum realm I'll buy it and having my man Bucky running around with the shield absolutely but everything else just didn't really sit right with me and before I knew it, it was over with no real investment in the none ending.
Head in jar, hope going big to become a massive problem, vision taking himself out for no good reason, more help alive for proper attunement, their was more that didn't work but this just wasn't the best What If for me.
It wasn't the worst that would be episode 1 but this was definitely not one of the better ones.
I think I nodded off 2mins before the end.

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Pretty lazy writing… it's basically the same thing as any zombie superhero mashup.

The premise that the zombie virus came from the quantum realm is pretty random. Hope sacrificing herself despite knowing that once turned she would be a threat to her friends makes no sense. Vision's "atonement" aka suicide doesn't make any sense. Plus Vision would never do that. Bucky trying to hold off Wanda is pointless. The whole thing doesn't have a proper ending. Also how is Scott's head in a jar? Also how many episodes of What If are going to be premised around Hank Pym?

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I appreciate the effort put into making this series and enjoy the technicality behind the animation and rendering. It's awesome.

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I could give so little fucks about zombies and the media surrounding them. So from the outset this wasn't one I was excited for. That said, I did chuckle at a few moments that were just pure horror-comedy energy. Also liked Hope getting some more action/screentime. Though mostly I was just annoyed at Hank fucking Pym ruining everything AGAIN.

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peter parker being the dorky dork he is in this is amazing

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I actually like the comedy sections in the episode. wingardium leviosa made me gig

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Wow! I came to the comment section expecting to see nothing but praise, but it seems like a 50/50 split in terms of love vs hate.

Personally I loved it and thought it was the best episode of the series thus far. But then I really like the humor aspect which l, I guess, isn’t for everyone.

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That was SO funny!!

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Shout by Jimmy

How do they 1up themselves every episode.

Did Peter just say “uncle Ben” ? That’s not happened before right?!

Vision could have pulled the stone out of his own head the whole time, kinda makes half of infinity war a little pointless.

Paul Rudd was great, Hudson Thames was great, and that definitely could have gone the other way as Tom Holland is hard to replace, we also got Chadwick Boseman again which will always be nice.

Great episode but not surprising as it was the zombies episode which is the one I was most excited for.

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Great concept. One of the rare Marvel stories I actually read back in the days. Not the best treatment though.

Vision's behavior is entirely nonsensical. Scott's jokes are exceedingly annoying. Spidey is cool though.

Becomes more and more stupid at the end:

Classic zombie trope: Hope is bitten, and will turn. But wtf are they doing ? Just remove her fucking suit ! She can't do anything without it and is just a regular human. Why would you leave a 20m tall zombie ?!?

In the same vein, why would you sacrifice Banner that not only could have helped for a potential cure, but will become an almost invincible zombie ?!?

Final detail: not clear how Thanos would be here, catching an Earth virus, yet still having all the Stones.

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Apparently in the zombie MCU it's possible to take a train from Grand Central to New Jersey?

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This episode is the best argue with the wall

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Great men are great because of women, and bad men are bad because of women.

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParent2021-09-18T23:59:47Z— updated 2021-10-24T16:50:33Z

Hank Pym is 2 for 2 in fucking up these alternate universes. So is he the most dangerous person in the MCU? A hair trigger away from destroying everything, in more ways than one, apparently.

I'm going to assume they had Kurt in this because they couldn't get Michael Peña.

Those zombies getting to crawl on Hope's giant butt, I see you.

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Good premise that falls flat by the middle. It's quite interesting that zombies are capable of skills to some degree, but just not when it's Hawkeye, who seems clumsy at taking out the still Sharon Carter at a really short distance for what he has showed before.

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might contain spoilers!!

honestly, this episode was decent, I did like a few things about it, it was super cool seeing the avengers zombified and stuff. I feel like some characters were acting a little weird, like how bucky just killed steve and barely reacted, same with sam. Also I honestly do believe vision would do what he did, but it just came across as sort of weird? i don’t think he’d kill allies to feed wanda but it is what it is I guess lol. I think this one could’ve done better if it focused more on the horror aspect if it made sense?? idk it just seemed like there was too much funnies for an episode meant to focus on horror.
overall I did like this episode and it was alright :’)

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Shout by Gigantor

Unfortunately the best part of this episode was to hear Chadwicks voice again.

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Not their best, but it filled a gap in my day so who am I to complain.

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It was... Okay. It's definitely not the worst episode so far. That first one with Captain Carter almost made me reconsider watching the entire show. It was interesting to see how it played out, but nothing mind blowing here, it didn't leave you thinking about the episode afterwards like last week did. The only problem I could say it had was trying to be way funnier then it turned out being. I like the humor in the movies, but contained in these much shorter episodes it falls pretty flat. Also, can someone coach Mark Ruffalo on his voice acting please?

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The Wanda vision part of the story was not good, but I get it. The writers are obviously just playing off common Zombie tropes in movies and shows. Wish they did something original though

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It's a fun episode, for the most part. I'm not really a fan of zombie movies, but I'm not gonna lie, seeing zombies with superpowers is pretty cool. However, it kind of fell on its face after the halfway point, and there is too much quippy dialogue for such a dark set of circumstances. And to top it all off, it's missing the entire third act, ending on a mildly unsatisfying cliffhanger. That could have been solved by having longer episodes. In fact, a lot of my problems with What If...? could be solved by having longer episodes...

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Shout by Isaac

After last week's episode, this was a step down. Was still a lot of fun to see all the avengers we know zombified, but other than a few moments here and there this episode fell pretty flat for me most of the time. The pacing and humour was weird, and something I've noticed with particular episodes like Captain Carter is that the facial animations don't always match the voice acting. It's very distracting to watch and it kinda ruins some of the better acted moments for me... its like the animation can't keep up with the voice actor.

Despite the negative comments, this episode was still a lot of fun and definitely more interesting story-wise than some of the previous episodes, even if it was one of the weakest acted ones.

PS: You might notice the Watcher is becoming more and more visible as the episodes go on. We can now even see his entire face and skin colour

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  • That animated title card gets me every time!
  • Ay, Spidey
  • Scott! :(
  • Ay, Peter making another home video :)
  • Happy!
  • Bucky!
  • I like how it's all the characters who hardly get any screen time (plus Spidey)
  • Hawkeye, Falcon and Happy don't look so good
  • Peter just mentioned Uncle Ben. Wtf
  • Are they gonna win? Idk!
  • Omg, Scott's a head

Vision: "Sergeant Barnes, you will not find what you're looking for."

  • Damn, why do I like that so much
  • Omg, T'Challa and zombie Wanda
  • Omg, Vision is evil
  • Omg, Vision just committed suicide
  • And now he's doomed them all
  • I love how Scott is just a talking floating head and nobody is acknowledging it
  • Omg, Hulk vs. Zombie Wanda
  • Wtf, Zombie Thanos

I swear this show keeps one-upping itself every episode. This is quickly becoming my favourite MCU series.


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