Welp. That was depressing and dark as fuck.
Talk about getting the Bad End.
But if this is a taste of what Multiverse of Madness is going to be like... Consider me even more hyped.

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Every week I think "man, it can't get better than this", and every week I'm also surprised because yes, it can be better. The series keeps digging and digging every week in a way that it's impossible to guess what's coming next. Impressive work by Marvel Studios as always.

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Pardon my language, but holy fuck.

Easily the best episode yet, and for the sole reason of being an emotional wallop mixed in with some truly stellar visuals and ideas. Doctor Strange has always been one of my favourite characters in the MCU for the sole reason of that he is magnificently flawed - he is arrogant, unable to accept failure, and ridiculously human in his emotions. This episode puts that at the forefront by showcasing a Strange who goes to the dark side in his unwillingness to accept the death of Christine (whose relationship with Strange is done better here then in his own movie oddly enough) and the consequences that lend from that.

It's this emotional center that puts it a league above the other episodes with only maybe the T'Challa episode reaching those heights, and if anything proves that Multiverse of Madness, which is getting closer and closer, is a film to be extremely excited for.

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Holy shit. Who would have guessed an animated D+ Marvel show would have the darkest stories in the MCU? Easily my favorite story of the whole MCU.

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This episode was the first time Marvel’s What If delivered something worth watching. Turns out they can actually make a good and compelling story when the characters are complex as they were here and behave as the source material, instead of having everyone on the screen act the same and constantly quipping lazy jokes all the time like in previous episodes.

Visually, this was also the most appealing offering from What If so far, with interesting concepts and effects clearly inspired by Jack Kirby's visuals often known as Kirby Krackle or Kirby Dots.

This was the first episode that felt like watching something straight out of a comic book and I hope the rest of the show is more like this episode and less like the previous three.

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That was insane! This show gets better with every episode!

The first one where the character actually speaks with the watcher too, mad!

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So, FFS how did MARVEL know that we would want a movie based on this episode? :joy:

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Awesome episode, very dark. Exactly how I like it!

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Marvel doing dark stories with their characters? A welcome surprise. I love Doctor Strange and seeing him implode from his own vices was really cool to see. I don't however understand how in this particular one they jumped to him and Christine already being lovers since at the point of his crash in the movie they weren't a (formal) thing.

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This episode was so damn fucking tragic . Really didn't expect it to end like this.

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this ep was so sad

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this was a crazy episode.

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My statement about how these episodes are literally getting better every week still stands. This one really leans into how powerful and dangerous Doctor Strange can be if he puts his mind to it. It goes to so many dark places, and even though it makes sense in retrospect, I didn't see the ending coming. This bodes well for the rest of the series, so I can't wait for the next episode!

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It's a bit silly innit?

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Oh, wow... That was just spectacular.

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Dark.....ohhhhhhh...so dark....the series is picking up the pace...

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Rachel McAdams in a time travel story? Fine with me. Great episode.

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Very predictive episode, but it was interesting to see one without a happy ending.

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Yeah, as always Disney stealing back to back from the Japanese. Christine dying here is a rip off of Mayuri from Steins;Gate.

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It's really hard to be invested in this story because Christine is such a flat character. She's a vessel for Stephen's love but never gets enough depth to be more than an object Stephen desires. As is the fate of almost all fridged women.

Overall I do appreciate just how far the story takes its premise even if its foundations were underbaked.

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I like how dark the What If? stories can get.

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Shout by Joel Roy

Watching this episode after watching Multiverse of Madness gave so much more meaning to the end of world timelines.

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This episode's main plot resembles that of the The Time Machine movie : https://trakt.tv/movies/the-time-machine-2002

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doctor strange supreme better be in multiverse of madness or we riot

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best episode so far imo

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I love this show, each episode has been great so far

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I would not have guessed this is the way they were going to go with this one. Wow. Dark indeed. But that doesn’t mean I’m not exciting to see what’s next for What If…

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There really is a darkest timeline

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It was nice, but kind of... boring?, like the idea was interesting but the voice acting is not Benedict strong plate really. Anyway it was a dark chapter so i preffer that to ridiculous comedy.

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This is definitely by far the best What If episode so far. Whoa!!! I’m loving the multiverse stuff now. :exploding_head:

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Oh boy, I’m glad this is just an alternate universe! Also I wonder what other absolute points in time exist in the mcu.

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Initially, I thought that Christine's relationship with Strange and her eventual death were underdeveloped/rushed and that it wouldn't really work in the end (because I lacked empathy towards her), but it did (kind of). I liked this episode quite a lot. Best episode thus far.

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This episode was truly haunting. Others have covered the great job they did on the story itself, but how about that ending? The universe literally collapsed around Dr. Strange and the decision he made, as he was warned it would. Dr Strange did what he could to hold it back but was only delaying the inevitable. How scary is that thought of everything just collapsing into nothing? This was the best episode of this series so far hands down.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Holy shit. Dr Strange is probably my least fave of the MCU films but wow they nailed this 'What If'. Once again I'm glad the TV universe has the room to tell stories like this and WandaVision that can delve into the darkness that the films strive so hard to avoid.

Absolute stellar ending. So dark and exactly how it should finish.

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Wow, they really flaunted Disney's animation in this one.

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A really great episode. After a slow start, this show has found it's footing after the last 2 episodes.

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