Look at the creatures you have to share this world with. These men of stone. All this ugliness, all this pain, so they can patch a hole in their own broken code. - Ford

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Humans will always choose what they understand over what they do not. But the only animals left in this world are the ones who they subjugated, who curl at their feet, or those who learn to flee at the very sound of their approach. There's nothing in between. - Ford

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I built a wall, and I tried to protect you and Emily. But you saw right through it, didn't you? You're the only one. And for that, I am truly sorry. Because everything you feel is true. I don't belong to you. Or this world. I belong to another world. I always have. - William

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William literally murdered his own daughter. Wow. I didn’t expect that at all but William might need to re-evaluate his...entire life.

What a wholesome Father’s Day experience!

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HBO doesn't like fathers.

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50 minutes of boredom with 10 minutes of intersting stuff sprinkled in. This show desparately needs to work on its pacing.

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Fuck... Teddy what did you do??
Those women are making those men to lose their minds.
Maeve can't die. She's my favorite too.

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This is an emotionally-exhausting episode.

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Dolores got annoying as fckn hell

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The best episode of westworld until now.

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Teddy is solid, valid and verified

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After last week's misguided distraction, the show returns to form with a vengeance in this one. We come to understand William a little bit better, and it's not a good thing. And Teddy. Poor, poor Teddy.

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IMO this is the filler episode of the season, Kiksuya set the bar higher unfortunately.

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Shout by lilgeek

The fact that they have hinted through out the episode that he is doubting his natureis just brilliant.

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When your Father’s Day present is so bad you BRAPP your kid with a P90.

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Shout by Ro

“Tell me the truth. Tell me one true thing.”

  • Juliet Westworld
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In which Westworld turns classic western and has a bunch of whites people slaughter natives.

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There was something wrong with the pacing here. This episode (especially the storyline of William - but I have problem with that since the beginning) was quite boring.

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i think what this show lacks the most is the ability of its characters to create empathy with their audience. i really can't help it, but I think that almost all the characters in Westworld are cold (one could say: "of course, they're robots!" but it's not just that) I'm not compelled to say: "let me see how things end up here" 'cause i don't care about the characters and for a series this is lethal! Furthermore, the endless brain teaser are more and more unbearable as the show goes on!

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Shout by TMRider

Holly robotic-host-3d printed-opening theme song patella owner-glass shaterring-supposed to pike a guard-Cow.
That episode was... Something.
We've return to seasons one's "I don't sure what I just saw/Is this real life" kind of feeling.
Don't know why, but I dig it.

Also, dammit Teddy. I liked you. Don't you know putting a hole in your head is never the solution? . On the other hand, it could have gone much worse for him: Dolores could kiss him untill he gets all wavy and they only find his cool sunglasses.
Is it just me or Sean Bean has an apprentice

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Between Game of Thrones and Westworld, HBO is trying to make "ironic Father's Day episodes" a thing huh.

This may be the first time I'm a bit pissed at this show's episode, which takes me longer enough than most I guess. That's like one of the only few things (the only thing?) that make his storyline interesting!

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Probably the best episode of the season. I’m confused and heartbroken.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

William is not winning any father of the year awards. Is he a host or just delusional? Hopefully we find out next week.

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