“You live only as long as the last person who remembers you”

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Oh my oh my oh my!! That was a very revealing episode that left me with goosebumps. Gotta watch this again. Freaking masterpiece!!

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played like an episode of black mirror, amazing

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Man in Black: You think death favors you, that it brought you back...? But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that..that are inconstant and waver, don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death, but you dont.

Major Craddock: Is that so?

Man in Black: You didn't recognize him sitting across from you this whole time.

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"You aim to cheat the devil, you owe him at least an offering." - James Delos

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"They said there were two fathers. One above, one below. They lied. There was only ever the devil..and when you look up from the bottom, it was just his reflection, laughing back down at you." - James Delos

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Crítica | Westworld – 2X04: The Riddle of the Sphinx

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This episode seems to cement the theory that Delos is replacing humans in the real world (that visit Westworld) by hosts or control units.

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Oh wow, I feel like that was the best episode since the pilot. Didn't expect that because I knew going in that the samurai cliffhanger will not be addressed until next one and I was dubious (from the promo) about Ed Harris' storyline being of much interest to me after first season. Never expect it to be this good, and also parallel with Bernard's storyline to dovetail at the end wonderfully. In retrospect I am not surprised I love this ep as the James Delos scenes have the recursive feel as the pilot, but with narrative momentum forward instead of showing cracks in the world-building. Can't believe this is Lisa Joy's directorial debut too.

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The way that the William and Delos story was tied to the Bernard and Elsie story was terrific, as were the revelations that came out on the Bernard front. And the way that the Man in Black and Lawrence story was tied to the Raj woman's story was a real surprise, as well. "Hi, Dad" indeed. Just an amazing episode.

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I've been left a little cold by all the inscrutable mystery box-ing of late, but this episode is truly wonderful.

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Shout by Ro

"I always trusted code more than people anyway."

  • Elsie Hughes
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Wow! Speechless. I'm going to rewatch this a few more times lol.

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Shout by Ro

Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death, but you don't. You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time.


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I felt really bothered by seeing those beautiful coloured records just lie naked and defenceless on top of each other... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Finally human character to cheer for !

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So, is Westworld the official Prequel to Altered Carbon now?

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It's always the same isn't it? Some superrich mfs trying to live forever and control the world..

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"You think you know death? You didn't recognize him sitting right in front of you."

The last shot of Jim pedaling backward on the exercise bike was possibly the most horrifying thing I've seen in this show.

We all just know there's a younger William in a similar room to Delos somewhere in the park yeah? There simply has to be (the weapon, his biggest mistake).

"no man should live forever"
"look to your past" (could be a reference to his daughter though)

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Shout by Ale

i am sorry but this episode is so baaaaaaaaaaaaad.. this series is giving me so many ups and downs I lost count..

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Bernard has to be making a control unit of Ford, right? I mean Ford's consciousness had been talking to the man in black through other hosts. Bernard had all the witnesses killed and we don't know exactly when it happened so Ford could of still been alive.

Also the mystery woman from last episode is William's daughter. Is she going to team up with her dad now or is she there to try and destroy the world that has consumed her father?

Lisa Joy did a great job on her first episode she directed. Next week it looks like Shogun World.

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70 minutes of mind blowing stuff. This is the Westworld I loved so much back in season 1. Ford has to be alive, Ed Harris is brutal.

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I actually saw complaints that there’s more action and adventure this season. I however am loving that about it so far.
The show also still messes with your head. So what’s the big deal ?

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I can't agree that it was the best episode, but it was a really good episode and it felt much more like season 1. I honestly think the lack of Dolores was a good choice. Of course she's the main character, but during some of the last episodes I felt a bit tired of her and Teddy, so I'm really glad to see more of William, Bernard and Elise in this episode instead.

One complaint though - The "previously on Westworld" section was badly done this time. Immediately after the new girl comes out of the lake they cut to William talking about his daughter. It just made you realize what would happen. (I have to admit I already read the theory about it so after seeing the flashback I was 100% sure, but I think even people who haven't read the theory immediately came to the same conclusion. Someone please stop me from reading all these theories.)

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This season has had a very slow start for me, but this episode felt great again! I think it’s probably because William is definitely the most interesting character in the show for me, and I’m actually so curious to see how he will develop and grow. Bernard’s storyline is certainly more intriguing than Dolores’ and Maeve’s as well, so this episode was just much better all around.

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The final lab scene was very obvious for me since the beginning. It could only be that character doing that.

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