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Web Therapy 2011

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Web Therapy’:

  1. I started watching this when it was just a small web series, before it hit Showtime, and I found it to be so original and hysterical. Not every sketch/guest was a winner, but watching Lisa Kudrow do anything is pure joy. I upped the score one point for her alone.

  2. The laundry list of guest stars here was pretty impressive. It was magic to see so many of my faves work with Kudrow. And their bloopers during the end credits are bound to put a smile on your face.

  3. This little show might get lost in all of today’s TV noise — and that’s unfortunate. But if you do come across this series, it’s absolutely worth a watch. It’s easy viewing where you don’t have to think too hard. And there’s some really funny stuff here. We could certainly use some quality laughs these days.

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theres just one word for that show: brillant.

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I don´t know what to say...funny but not great.

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funny awkward situtions.. ^^

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Great actors, but the show isn't really funny :(

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