With this episode Wandavision finally has the same issue as the Mandalorian.
The exciting element isn't a developing plot, it's about (well known) characters making their appearance.
The main difference is that Wandavision required almost a full season for the introduction of two new characters with super powers. Besides this, not too much really happened since episode 1.

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It's nice to know our theorists are accurate.

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I don't know what to say other than: KATHRYN HAHN BEST GIRL :purple_heart:

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Shout by Ed
BlockedParent2021-02-20T02:25:45Z— updated 2021-02-21T06:12:46Z

Not only Wanda is rewriting reality to stop Vision, she's actually rewriting reality to give a chance to Vision to explain things to ourselves!

In one reality, gimmicks are getting tiresome. And in the other, characters are just not accomplishing anything. They are just pretty much given information and we are getting that as exposition. The story is really advancing in a unsuccesful way. This is pretty much a game for us, where we are given clues (but never succesful plot points the script), and we are developing our own theories to create buzz for the series. In its intent to not reveal anything, and be completely unpredictable, no resolution will give WandaVision a sense of accomplishment. It will be just another event in the Marvel's calendar.

The show can be entertaining, but you can't say it isn't stupid.

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Ok so apparently Marvel comics’ fans were very excited about this episode as it revealed many characters which are known to them leading them to more theories.

In my case, I have no clue who Agatha Harkness is, or which superhero Monica will be, or what that fly represents BUT I am intrigued to know so hopefully this will be explained in the next episode. And what happened to the kids??

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Already love Hahn as a performer, and getting to see her go ham with her own theme song was a treat.

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Agnes's song is fantastic.

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We are getting to some reveals but there's still a lot to uncover.

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Love this episode and people guessing right that Agnes is Agatha Harkness does not make the reveal less awesome.

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I fucking love Kathryn Hahn

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Despite seeing it coming, my mind is still blown.

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Wow, that was the best cliffhanger I've ever witnessed, ever. Holy heck.

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Glad to see my theory was right but also here for Monica getting her own show mmkay.

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Shout by FinFan

Now we know who but there still is the why. Never heard of Agatha Harkness before. I wonder what her motives are and if she works alone.

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haha I laughed so hard,
why not save the best
reveal till last.
Awesome episode and
Elizabeth Olsen is an
Absolutely Outstanding
Actress honestly her
range is off the charts,
she's amazing, definitely one
of my top
favourites Actresses.
and now we have photon
up and running ready
for November 10th
2023 The Marvels
(Captain Marvel 2).

Why do they continue
to fcuk with Wanda,
she's the strongest and
most powerful of them
all, Avengers including,
She's a frickin
"NEXUS" Being
she ain't getting out
powered by no one,

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Tonight’s episode: modern family.
And then, plot twist!
This show keeps throwing curve balls and twists but that was unexpected. Always thought Agnes was special, just not this kind.

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Shout by wolf.pup
BlockedParent2023-04-02T13:09:46Z— updated 2023-06-17T20:00:03Z

1st play (14 March): English
2nd play (31 March): French Dub
3rd play (16 June): Portuguese Dub

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Interesting this episode is lower rated than any since things started moving, as for me it was my favorite probably largely because of the 2010s sitcom thing which I think worked really well, and it was fun to see Elizabeth Olsen do that style of acting (Kat Dennings being able to do it is no surprise, since she started in two Broke Girls, but it was fun to see her as well).

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"agatha all along" is THE BEST moment of this show. hands down.

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not much to say except stan kathryn hahn :3

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They are trying something new with this show and I love it

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Yay, we've finally reached the 16:9 aspect ratio :D
It feels like this show is mostly about comedy and won't make much sense, even at the end - but who knows, maybe they can bring some sense into this during the last two episodes (even though this feels pretty much impossible at this point). I didn't expect that twist (Agatha) but tbh I'm not that into this story so I didn't really care (it's a fun show and I'll definitely finish watching it but the story doesn't seem meaningful and I wonder if this'll even impact the MCU).
Anyway, pretty nice that they've added a mid(/post) end credits scene/teaser (I'm always watching the whole end credits to think about the movie/episode and/or write a trakt.tv shout :D).

Edit: After reading some other comments it seems like this might affect the MCU after all by introducing new characters. Anyway, it looks like one must've at least read the comics to properly understand this (and I'm only into the live action movies and TV shows but at least I've watched almost (WIP) all of them).

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Obviously great! But I actually didn’t love their execution of the 2010s sitcom (Modern Family) it was good but there was a lot going on, like the circus part, maybe she should’ve turned it into like a farmer’s market??? If everything turns into the corresponding era, why would the sword base turn into a circus when those are not that common right now? The wanda scenes were great, she totally embodied Claire Dunphy, and I even got Gloria vibes from Agatha but the circus/vision scenes weren’t a great match to the sitcom/era.

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Weirder and weirder — love it

Kinda amazing to see Agatha Harkness as the top read on Wikipedia

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No idea about the plot points and references, but this continues to be a lot of fun.

Also, my mind is blown that Malcolm in the Middle wasn't a 90s sitcom. So WandaVision didn't do a 90s episode, and instead went from the 80s straight to the early 2000s and then on to the late 2000s/2010s. Was there no decade-defining family sitcom in the USA in the 1990s? I'm not in the USA but the two obvious examples were The Simpsons (would've been fascinating!) and The Fresh Prince (too weird, right?)

Any other examples?

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Shout by effcol

Turns out Wandavision was a magical girl shoujo all along

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I'm ready to see Monica and "Pietro" fighting, but not ready to Wanda under Agatha's control. I hope she revenges Sparky! And I really want Wanda and Vision to be together in the end. Sadly won't happen.

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