The child actors are terrible. Sitcom gimmick continues to be cringey af.
And Wanda is basically becoming abusive with how she treats VIsion on top of gaslighting him and basically mind-raping everyone else there. I'm not against the story being that dark but this is, again, being done so poorly and lacking all the nuance this needs to actually be Good or land any of the emotional impact it's trying to force.
Yeah, didn't enjoy this one.

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THIS. EPISODE. WAS. SO. MAJOR!!! I might have to wait until the last three episodes are available because I can't take this waiting week to week... These 30-minute episodes are torture!!!

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Great episode! Vision is finally discovering the reality of the situation and is adamant on helping the people to break free of Wanda's control. It is all so heartbreaking from his point of view and I must say I was quite surprised he doesn’t even know what an avenger is!

That scene of the frozen woman with a single tear running down her cheek was very disturbing.

As for the sitcom format, we got Malcolm in the Middle this week!

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My favorite episode yet. I was a huge fan of "Malcolm in the Middle", and they did a killer job of parodying that series. But that was only a small piece of what made this episode so great, they were able to blend action and drama perfectly on this episode.

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Still not sure if I'll find it mainly crazy, entertaining, or even genius and how they'll manage to end this with only 3 short episodes left. Must admit that I don't remember Monica from Captain Marvel but now that they've mentioned it I'm slowly remembering a few fragments (and I did already intend to watch that movie for a third time anyway). I'm a bit concerned that SWORD will become as boring/predicable as the military/government in the Transformers movies.

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Why I'm watching this? I'm an adult FFS

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I'm not going to knock this because there are clearly many, many people who enjoy it immensely. This continuing story line and the way everything is is interconnected is akin to reading a ten volume Fantasy series. This is a show that hopes to shock you with a reveal, but without the history, the twist means nothing. I enjoy a twist in a short story but I don't have to watch dozens of movies and TV series to get it.

My frustration with this series is similar to that of the X-Files when I first watched it. I liked the self-contained monster-of-the-week episodes much more that the mythology about aliens. It was a mess and I'm there with WandaVision now. It's just a personal preference and I could keep it to myself or stop watching but I'm intrigued by the fans and enjoy seeing the thrills they get from the MCU.

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This show just keeps getting better and better

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Not a MCU fan (never watched any) but this was a really good TV episode full stop. The stuff outside the sitcom still lets it down, but even that was a little better here.

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Yup. There's a reason why super-hero costumes undergo dramatic design changes for the big screen. But hey... what comic book fan DIDN'T chuckle heartily at seeing Wanda and Vis in their old-school attire? Aside from that, its nice to see the series continuing to evolve the more dramatic elements of the show. The sitcom stuff is cute and all, but now we're six episodes in. It's time to step up the game a little. And did anyone notice how they lingered on the "Ellis" street sign When Vision was at the edge of town? Is this supposed to be some sort of reference to President Ellis from Iron Man 3? If so, I'm not seeing what the connection is supposed to be. Maybe its just a coincidence.

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Just. Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are. Fighting? She. Can. Kill. All. Of. You. If. She. Wanted.
She just take your all base and made her town bigger when you got her angry, just leave her alone lmao
And for final: They'll call Strange for help soon; or he'll sense this.

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That ending was CRAZY! But these episodes are SO short. Remaining 3 episodes better be one hour at least each.

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Only 3 episodes left ;_; I really wish these episodes were longer.

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Each episode becomes better than the previous one, how can they do this? So anxious to what's next! So excited to see circus Darcy!

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Every episode this get better! Now Westview has a new waitress!

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Even in science fiction superhero series writers should at least try to avoid this kind of 'hacking' plot advancement... :|

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All Gold
Best episode yet just because
of that ending which was
Frickin Epic
In true Trek fashion
Divert All Power...BOOM.

This show is Outstanding
and complete and utter
3rd best D+ show of
All Time.

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Reference to Top Gun when they say " I feel the need for speed" and high five

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1st play (14 March): English
2nd play (31 March): French Dub

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the costumes being comic book-accurate omgggg

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I hope they will end season 1 with no suspense.

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As a massive fan of Malcolm and the Middle I was in love with this episodes parody.

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Shout by Deleted

Pleasantly enjoyable so far, though not as confusing or convoluted as some people claim, as the series seems entirely schematic and that everything will without exception be cleared up. It's like an amalgamation of the MCU + The Truman Show + Get Out + Shutter Island + probably some comic book issue, without the social or philosophical consideration of the foreign ones of course (nor reaching the emotional depth of any of them for that matter, despite trying), but as I said, that's still a pleasantly enjoyable experience.

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Shout by FinFan

Who was the Frankenstein guy and why did he ask Wanda if she wants something changed? Doesn't that imply she isn't in total control of it all?

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Another episode where 5 mins of stuff moves sorry forward & rest is just a waste of time. I mean the sitcom format is all cute & all but come on, we are in episode 6....37 min show where 8 mins is credits, 5 mins of story progression, and 20 mins of nonsense is getting old. I should’ve waited for the season to finish before watching.

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Nice little homage to Malcom in the Middle

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Shout by JonTheMantis
BlockedParent2021-02-13T01:34:52Z— updated 2021-02-17T12:59:08Z

Marvel is not pumping the brakes at all. Things are spicing up with Vision second-guessing the nature of reality, the relationship between Wanda and Pietro, and the drama in the outside world! The next episode is sure to be even more wild.

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Now, more than the infodump and non-challenging ways for the characters to achieve their goals, I kind of dislike the, well, it's expected, superficial and exposed "heart" of the series: yes, Wanda is supposedly doing all this from the trauma of losing Vision, and while this may be the justification for its creators to convince they are creating art and saying something meaningful, don't be fooled by it. As Bill Hicks one said, don't even get lost into the discussion. I wouldn't say "Piece of shit" as Hicks would've, but just don't try to tell people it's about meaningful trauma. It's entertainment, folks. And don't be ashamed to like it.

I know there will be people that come at you for liking this, yes, saying its shit and just a soulless story with the same tricks they have been feeding you since always. Don't even tell them that it is meaningful, about trauma and grieve... no... you don't have to fool yourselves, you don't have to pretend you are cultured. Just say... "Yeah, it's entertainment, and I like it". At the end of the day, you are the majority.

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Shout by Erebos

I've never seen so much spoonfeeding since I was a baby...
Story structure couldn't be more basic.
All the characters at the base act like cardboard cutouts.
Vision acts like a fucking idiot. Why the hell would he try to escape alone and risk dying when he already knows from the previous episode that Wanda is doing all this, and minutes before he told Agnes that he will fix things.
Absolute garbage writing.

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What an episode! So much going on but the last part really means it's going down!
Worst of all, THREE episodes left. What a ride :)

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Now it’s more like a Malcolm in the Middle or Modern Family sitcom. Another great episode. I had goosebumps in the end.

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Glad I kept watching. Episodes still to short though.

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The episode is superb!! fantasy is fading in Westview, like fast!

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Remember when Wanda had a Russian accent?

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