This was truly a horrible series. Plotsholes up the wazoo, acting and directing like a highschool, complete utter nonsense.
It's baffling this got made.

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Shout by hash
BlockedParent2020-03-07T00:49:50Z— updated 2020-03-09T17:53:41Z

Reaching dangerous levels of Zoo. Please don't fast forward to a somewhat apocalyptic world.

This season finale and whatever led to it is so cliché.

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Pretty lame - I like all things vampire zombie but this was a real hate watch. I hated Ian Somerhalders character Dr Swann- after being so deliciously evil in Vampire Diaries - all his choices here seem exceedingly lame. At the very end he’s turned into a pumped up super hero- also lame- which seems to be the direction the show wants to go in if there is a second season. Has so much promise - I’d be curious to see where it goes in a second season.

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And of course we need a scene like the one between Elyssa and poor vigilante sister. Of course. Bleh.

Pretty bad, uninteresting writing in total. I have little excuse to why I watched it through to the end, other than preferring to finishing things I start and being sick lol. Not a show I'd recommend though.

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I'm not sure what to think, I would like to see more, I like the premise of the show however it also seems lackluster, maybe the budget is too small for it to reach a better potential. I did enjoy this episode though but it seemed to have failed on leaving it on a good enough cliffhanger to make me extremely eager for a resolve. If it returns, I'll watch more, if it doesn't, oh well, it was ok while it lasted. I wanted it to be more than it was and I hope that they can bring it back and be a lot better than this first season.

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Well, that was...something. Part of me is interested in how the second season could be like, if the show gets renewed, given how things turned out. Now that the establishment phase is over and done with, thanks to this first season, I think a potential second season has a more fitting setting to work with and could be a whole lot better. But at the same time, a part of me doesn't care. This show hasn't been THAT bad to watch, but it just wasn't...I don't know, that interesting. Looking back on it, as dumb as the show is as a whole, the first few episodes were entertaining enough. But now that a post-apocalyptic setting has been partly established, as interesting as that could potentially make the second season to be, I'm even less interested in watching a second season.

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