Shouts about...

V Wars

Season 1

Too many problems with this, most of all how predictable, uninteresting and generally bad this has been written. Would not recommend, unless you just want something mindless, some typical "race versus race" thing and uh, just generally don't want captivating entertainment. Or because you're either curious about "grown up Somerhalder" or you're currently ill like me and your brain doesn't want anything too challenging.

The only interesting characters were side-characters really, and not all of them made it to the end of the show. :confused:

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It was semi-enjoyable. Definitely very disjointed with loads of "what?" moments and a fair share of dumb moments too, probably, but I barely noticed any of them. I guess I'm not as prone as some people where every little detail jumps out at me. Those sorts of things would have to be pointed out to me. Maybe that's a good thing. It warrants a more genuine, honest reaction to things a majority of people hate.

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Overall I rather enjoyed the season. And it definitely felt like a prequel to something larger - especially with the multiple episodes that seemed disjointed with missing information I'm sure was lost somewhere on the cutting room floor. Hopefully there's a season 2 that's a bit more coherent like the 1st half of ssn 1.

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