Personal Lists featuring...

Tron: Uprising 2012


My definitive ranking of every TV show, cartoon, or anime series that I have watched through.

NOTE: TV shows only qualify if the series has ended and all episodes have been watched. Certain shows will be ranked by their seasons, if each one represents its own arc/mini-series.


TV-shows released and aired between 2010 & 2019, or beyond.
*last update 30/04/2024
(all Japanese anime have been removed and transferred to dedicated collection)


the best series to enjoy, I don't know if with family but if in the solitude of your room at 6AM while you wonder what the hell you are doing with your miserable life in the background you can hear a JOJO shouting ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA


My official ranking of every animated show available through Disney+, whether exclusively or through licensing (because many ask me for recommendations).


Shows and movies released between the years 2010 and 2019.


things i won't watch until i've read or watched the source material

(adaptations, remakes, sequels and prequels)


List created and maintained by
