This series was GREAT! They left it open for VERSION 2. Hoping for it!!!

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Shout by leean
BlockedParent2022-03-12T17:38:03Z— updated 2022-03-27T17:34:42Z


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Great finale. Reset. Version 2. Bring this series back! Please.

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Really enjoyed this series. It really has great potential. I really hope there will be more seasons. Great characters, empathy, twists and turns. This really is a top class show. :ok_hand_tone1::grin:

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Yates & David, 2 of the most useless characters. All they did was get in the way.

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Now that is how you end a show!

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I still don't get Agent Yates purpose in this show. All she ever did was point a gun at Mac and oppose everything he does.

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Was a great show.
Literally 33 of 34 episodes were great, but this final episode...

This episode uses the lazy time travel cop-out of going back to the beginning and preventing "the event" from ever happening.

That plus the unbelievably corny scene with Marcy & David "ending up together".
Which would never happen because it's already been established that original David would never have the balls to talk to Marcy unless she was mentally challenged. Even if he small talked her on the bus he would never muster the confidence to take it any further.

Marcy fell in his lap... he didn't pursue her.

33 out of 34 great episodes!
Only way they could pull off another season would be with a new cast, which means they would most likely screw it up trying to get woke and cater to feminist and LGBT viewers.

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Shout by Apokalupsis

I'm happy for Marcy and David.
Not so happy how it ended.
But there is always Travellers version 2 so...

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I just finished season 3 of travelers, but I'm a bit shocked that I've read on the internet it got cancelled for season 4 by Netflix. It's really fun to see this shows. What a bad decision they have made for such an entertaining tv shows like this. Really hope they'll reconsider to release the season 4. I really would love to see what will happen after traveler 001 didn't make to the 21st century and be replaced by traveler 002.

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A reboot of the show wouldn't work. It would be too repetitive, but a spin-off of the world in the future might.

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It's been a great season.

Damn it, Philip, you're killing me with the alternate realities!

Grant going back to that moment was foreshadowed and yet I found myself teary-eyed all the same.

Though I first thought they were going for the more obvious twist, with the team coming to question the Director and eventually turn, the idea of a second iteration could be interesting, though only as long as it's not all scrubbed. The character development is more important.

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Shout by ds1

Please be cancelled.
Please, please be cancelled.

The end is like an attempt at a reboot. Topped off with an alternate version of Marcy and David meeting.
Sure, great, they are meant to be together no matter the timeline. That's cute and all.
Really. They are my favorite characters in this show by far (and deserve it) and with them gone I have no reason - or intention - watching another season. However, it basically made everything they went through with the audience undone.
All the things they went through that got them closer. But to not piss off the audience we get this alternate version as a happy end.
That was just unnecessary all around.

Ah, well, it's not like I can see how this will work in a S4 without literally repeating the same stuff with new characters anyway.
...unless one of Phillip's hallucinations are a scene from S4.

...and they forget to kill off that one person who's the most annoying in this.

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Outstanding season. Maybe as good as the first.

A great wrap up to the season and the whole series if it doesn't come back.

If it does come back I can't wait to see how things are different.

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