Personal Lists featuring...

Top Chef 2006


Shows and movies released between the years 2000 and 2009.


Game shows and reality competition shows I love <3


I watch A LOT of TV. I sometimes watch the first few episodes and move on for a while but I almost always come back and finish it up.

Sometimes I binge entire shows, series, limited series or mini series, after the show ends (I love streaming!) Everything I have watched is in Now's TV History.

If you have any suggestions, please leave recommendations in the comments. Thanks!


Inside COVID19 • Oculus • WisdomVR Project
Space Explorers: The ISS Experience • Oculus • Felix & Paul Studios, TIME Studios
Welcome To The Blumhouse Live • • Little Cinema Digital


title says it all. ranking is sus at best & highly subject to change. 99% of what i watch is tv>movies so trust me on this (but don't really)
