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Titans: Season 2

2x08 Jericho


Shout by anthoney65
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-10-26T14:26:46Z— updated 2019-11-04T02:48:51Z

First off, screw Dick's weak ass friends. That was not Dick's fault. That was all Deathstroke's doing. Shame on Donna for not pushing the panic button as soon as she saw the pile of dead Amazons.

Dick's problem is he wants to be the Lone Ranger not Robin. Even the Lone Ranger had a partner.

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A really good episode. Maybe Jericho did survive. Slade’s family is pretty tough. He did survive his throat slit after all.

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Flashback inside of a flashback...that’s new. I guess.

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I thought that was a good episode, and yes I would think that Jericho would have survived, first off it looked like he could have just got it in the gut, secondly his father was right there and he's Deathstroke! I'm sure that he still knows surgeons and scientists who might be the ones who worked on him. I don't think that he would have just let his son die without trying to save him. Dick broke his promise not only to Jericho but also with the Titans when he decided on his own to go after Deathstroke when he should have just stayed with Wondergirl. And as what was said in the comments already, Wondergirl should have alerted the Titans as soon as she had seen the bodies as she knew who was targeting them, but she is the vengeful one who thought she could do it on her own.

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This was good.Could feel the emotions.

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Talk about a short-lived attempt at revenge. So I guess this puts an end to the "Deathstroke is being controlled by Jericho" theory. I don't see how he could've survived that. And I guess Gar wasn't being controlled by him either in the previous episode, as some people thought. Overall, another episode I didn't really like, like the previous one.

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Okay if Rose is Jericho’s sister and Deathstrokes daughter, then why was she never mentioned in the fastbacks?

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I thought Deathstroke can smell? Else he wont be killing is own son......

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"Did I just black out and pull my groin?"

It's so awesome the Titans writers are putting some levity into the episodes.

The writers do need to stop with the flashbacks though -- and this episode there were even flashbacks in flashbacks! It's lazy writing to keep using them (it's not just this season, but also last season).

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Damn it. Poor Jericho got caught up in a war between Deathstroke and the Titans. He died trying to save his only friend… this move totally made Richard look like a DICK.

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Well, interesting seeing Delle Seyah Kendry typecast as a character with so many similarities.

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Shout by Mike

Wintergreen is white. What's the point of constant exchange?

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Finally a decent episode.
As a general I’m not terribly fond of them having so many episodes to tell of that happened in the past, it distracts from how little :asterisk_symbol:current:asterisk_symbol: plot there has been this season. But aside from that, in itself the episode was rather enjoyable. Sad that it went that way with Jericho though.

And his father asking him to the church in the first place, and then not getting him out of harm’s way? He practically baited with his own son’s death. Didn’t act like a father until the bitter end.

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