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Titans: Season 2

2x07 Bruce Wayne

This was fine. They can't all be the best episode. Crazy Dick, Jason needed rebooting all episode, Rose still has anger issues, Raven and Starfire do something, and more of Conner's ass. It was a bit slow and the pacing felt off. I also wasn't happy with them calling the episode Bruce Wayne then having him be a hallucination the whole.

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The Bruce Wayne elements being some poor attempt at whimsy? Honestly did not land at all. Poor casting aside it was all just cringe-worthy.
This episode was all over the place. Really not a good direction for the show.

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Where the fuck is this show even going?

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I'm conflicted about this episode. The pacing felt off, and nothing felt real. But Dick's talk with Jason was good. That was pretty much the only good thing about it. Also, fuck Rachel, Dawn, Hank, and Donna for blaming Jason. At least Gar didn't follow suit, at least there wasn't something done that ticked him off to do so. And speaking of Gar, where was he the entire episode? He had like only two appearances. I dislike this episode the most so far.

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What this episode taught me is that Rose has terrible taste in music.

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Can we get a gratuitous butt shot of Conner every episode?

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Bruce is like the actor was cast for Alfred at first. Doesn’t feel like Bruce Wayne at all.

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I'm confused with this love triangle with dick, dove and, hank. in season one they showed her meeting hank first. now they saying she had a relationship with dick. wtf and when

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This season is real bad - I think I'm going to drop this show unless the 2nd half of the season is amazing. This episode was so poorly written. The way the Bruce character acted, even as part of Dick's conscious doesn't make sense - like the writers had no idea. Dick's reveal has nothing to do with Jason's frustrations. The way the group suddenly attacked Jason was ridiculous. And the Rose / Jason bedroom scene was another example of really bad melodrama.

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Jason got kidnapped, tortured and almost died after falling to this death from a skyscraper. No one except Rose seemed to notice he was not exactly himself and checked up on him. Though Rachel had a good reason to think it was him ("you need to have that shit looked at by a fucking priest" after their training incident) having Dawn and Donna siding with her was really odd as they're the most rational of the group and Jason didn't know the significance of the items they got. Both Jason and Dick have their part of darkness and watching both having all their walls destroyed that rooftop scene... the fallout from this is definitely going to be interesting.
And Gar conveniently slept through almost all of it. That's not suspicious at all.

Bonus: Iain Glenn doing the batusi dance and dropping one liners.

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Yeah.... I'm not really feeling this Bruce. He's just a bit too posh for the character. That being said, I'm anxious to see the version of Bruce in the Arrowverse.

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This show is very frustrating. It's always on the verge of being very good with it's story lines, and just messes it up with dialogue, acting, and/or pacing

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As a standalone episode, this was decent, but as a season finale however, it left much to be desired; it's funny, the season premiere didn't feel like a premiere and now the season finale didn't feel like a finale...

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