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THEM: Season 1

1x08 DAY 9

Reverend Epps :
Oh, black sow...
if only you’d minded me.
Your brood minds me.
They know their place.
But you...
What black magic are you made of?
What perversion...
Let’s you fight against the alliance I have?

Lucky Emory:
Stay the fuck away from my family!

Reverend Epps :
If ever there was an irony to name.
Do you think the rest of your kin can keep me out of their minds?
Their corruptible venal Black hearts?
Oh, sow, by the time I leave you here in this place, I’ll have them rend each other to pieces, morsel by morsel.

Lucky Emory :

Reverend Epps :
For you strength in this trial has earned a mercy from me. I’ll let them take your brain, spare you ever having to know you had a family.
And that mercy... is near.
But for must ponder at your wickedness whilst I exult in my labors.

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George Bell :
The course of true love never did run smooth.
If I have to prove it to you, I will.
If you don’t love me, if you want to leave...
... it’ll be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
But I love you enough to take that chance.
[door opens]
[door closes]

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