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The X-Files: Season 9

9x17 Release

Finally some closure on who killed Doggett's son.

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Closure and very poignant. I cried.

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This is a really touching and well-wriiten story about Doggett finally finding answers to the abduction and death of his young son. There's a point in the episode when Agent Reyes tries to level set Doggett's expectations in finding the killer. She's does this because he's so desparate for answers. The camera zooms in on her and you can just see how much she cares about Doggett and how she doesn't want him to get hurt more than he already is. Annabeth Gish just kills it in this scene and it's the point at which I really started to care about the episode.

It's really too bad that Season 9 had to keep its focus on Scully and her son William. Not to mention the Mulder story line having to continually be retread. If the series would have allowed the focus to be on Doggett and Reyes and their own pursuit of X-Files cases, I think the series could have flourished again.

Secondary Characters in this episode: Assistant Director Follmer

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Holey shmoley.. You mean the AD killed Doggett's son?!?!?!

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What the hell is up with that guys mouth?

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