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The X-Files: Season 8

8x11 The Gift

What a rough way to be cured of anything. Being eaten alive first? Yikes. Really don't like this lack of Mulder and scully in this season.

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WHERE IS SCULLY THOUGH. This season is the worst.

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This was a bittersweet episode that felt fairly satisfying overall... except for the fact that an entire village needed to sent to the clanker for multiple crimes - and a small portion of them (one of whom is a sheriff) for murdering an FBI agent in cold blood. How quickly bad writers forget (or how little select show runners care).

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Story about a soul-eater who heals other by taking on their sickness. It's got a pretty gross vomiting scene. It's okay. Doggett and Skinner go solo in this.

Secondary Characters in this episode: none

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That's a pretty cool gift. So now we know for sure that you never have just one agent handle one X-File case. You've gotta have at least a pair at all times.

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