lots of files. lots and lots of files.

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This triple episode.. I don‘t know what to say. So much happened in those three episodes, so many twists, so much important information we waited for so long.

And it‘s such a fucking good feeling to see the Smoking Man, who always seemed tough and strong, in the way he was presented. A little fish who is smaller than he thinks he is. And Skinner.. Oh Baby. I love the role of Skinner so much and Mitch Pileggi is playing that role flawlessly. God I love this show.

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A lot of triple episodes from this era suffer from trilogy syndrome where the third is just a let down. This is not the case here.

God this show just gets more and more fantastic

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I love Skinner so much

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A mythology episode.

There's so much going on in this episode. Mulder & Scully are out then back in at the FBI. Melissa Scully is mistakenly shot and killed. We find out that Operation Paperclip was the source of alien & human experimentation. The government or syndicate, not sure which, collected tissue samples of millions of Americans which could be used for post-apocalyptic purposes. Scully's sister dies. Skinner saves the day by bribing the CSM to bringing M&S back into the FBI using Albert Hosteen's and 20 other Native American's memorization skills into play, because he claims they have memorized the contents of the stolen DAT tape with all of Operation Paperclip's secrets on it.

Secondary Characters in this episode: Cigarette-Smoking Man, Krycek, The Syndicate, Melissa Scully, Albert Hosteen, Well-Manicured Man

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“Is there more?”
“More than you’ll ever know!”

What an episode. So much happend in these 45 minutes...

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