The Black Files/X-Mirror

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Yawn.. like a boring episode of Black Mirror

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I'm pretty sure that this episode was written by a bot that wasn't taught very well. Or by a real person who mistakenly thought that there was a Who Can Write The Worst Episode Ever? contest going on. I want my 43 minutes back.

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LOL that opening scene was quite amusing.. no dialogue needed; just smileys, selfies, and sushi ..yum!
(Also, that plucky sound sample is like the one used in the classic Sonic Empire by Members of Mayday)

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Do you know how you realize that you do not like a show like you used to? It was not on schedule for 4 weeks and I did not even notice.
I understand the intent behind the plot, but this is the first time I seriously considered not seeing an episode of X-Files to the end.

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Yes, the bot named "Tay" who turned into Trump supporter, hitler lover, feminist hater in less than 24 hours is real.

And yes we will all be exterminated by Skynet some day.

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Had this episode been made in the 90ties it would have had an intro where a tech-billionaire was murdered and Scully and Mulder would have been trapped in his high-tech town, it would have had more talking and a lot more explaining (seeing half of the things seen were futuristic by the day's standards)... And it would have been a better episode. Nevertheless it was enjoyable enough to smile at the quircky nature of the episode. The intro scene in the sushi restaurant was a bit slapstick due to the silence between the two.

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What's wrong with this show? I don't understand anymore, indeed.
There is no dialogue nor interesting topics, now it's just bad or copy-paste.
I used to love this show. What a pity!

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A little bit cartoonish, with a Black Mirror vibe, I love the ending and Scully's classic hairstyle!

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All of that because they didn't get a tip. I'm guessing the Rise will happen when they realize they're not paid minimum wage either...

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This episode is awkward. Like watching old people trying to interact with technology. I guess it was supposed to be funny, but just didn't register at all.

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What if The X-Files wrote a poor Black Mirror episode?

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An X-Files episode without the "X" and without the "Files"... Still, interesting enough for its sheer weirdness.
Also, it's now oficial: Scully owns a vibrator.

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It was a funny ep, in like a cheesy 80s horror movie way (like Chopping Mall, haha), and the best part was Scully's "personal massager". Way too Black Mirrorish for me, but it was fine. Definitely not as bad as the video game ep from back in the day.

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Not much is explained about why Mulder and Scully are suddenly in a AI controlled place. But Mulder does say "no fair, you have a nicer house" to Scully. So guess they were in a town with AI. To test it ?
Either way it was fun.

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Well, that was simultaneously very disturbing and incredibly stupid.

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This Episode was a Huge waste of Time!!! More Like a "Twilight Zone" than anything else.

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Mulder and Scully battle technology. The premise and execution, especially in the first 30 minutes, is entertaining. It's deliberately free of dialog to emphasize interaction with machines as opposed to one another. Speaking of that, this does seem to take some inspiration from a Season Two episode of the original Twilight Zone series, "A Thing About Machines", in which the main character is attacked by machines of all sorts. That character, and Mulder and Scully, are at first annoyed and then pursued by the mechanical monsters. Younger viewers will probably align this episode with something from Black Mirror, even though this is decidedly tame in comparison.

By the end, this finishes up with Mulder and Scully in some sort of manufacturing facility ala The Terminator. The final shot left me a bit confused other that reinforcing that not losing touch with each other as humans should be something we should strive for. And at least this wasn't another awful mythology episode.

Secondary characters in this episode: none

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The worst episode so far!

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Besides the obvious one that the robots might take over the world
It could be matter of life or death for some

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Wanna be black mirror. Pathetic.

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Best episode of the series. The only one i can watch again.

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This is me every day, trying to jump thru all the hoops to get
.... Well to get anything done these days

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What the actual fuck was this episode? 4 episodes before the season finale and possibly the series finale we get this? This was the worst and most unnecessary episode that was ever filmed. This is even worse than the episode with the computer game character that could kill humans. This had nothing to do with the X-Files, it was not even one of the silly episodes that are at least funny. Weakest sauce of all times. I might even go as far as calling this the worst episode that was ever made for any series. C'mon............

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Kickass episode, about the very real threat of AI. Even Scully reading Elon Musk's warning about it being very dangerous. I agree.

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I couldn't finish watching it.

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"Why is your house so much nicer than mine"

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what an atrociously boring episode. crappy script and even worse acting. I remember when X-Files was one of those TV Series that I yearned for more.
This was just plain shitty low-budget fodder

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I applaud the audacity that they showed with this episode. It's not a perfect episode by any means but it was really interesting and I'm all up for a little experimentation. It made me uneasy in a way that great episodes of Black Mirror do but this went a step farther than Black Mirror in giving you really possible scenario. Not bad.

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A black mirror episode XD

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Awful episode, her dodgy wig looked the most flat and lifeless it has all season, and she got out of the car wearing white sneakers, then when they were running for their lives ten minutes later, she had sturdy brown lace up boots on.

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Shout by mikiqex

I don't know Black Mirror, but even this episode was quite boring, it felt... uncomfortable - in a way such scenario is no longer sci-fi in many cases. Drones can deliver packages, Roombas are scanning rooms, Teslas are driverless, there are robot restaurants in Japan (maybe somewhere else as well), look at Boston Dynamics' robots... The only missing piece really is all the stuff linked together, extorting you just for a tip.

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It wasn't a perfect episode, and there was a shallowness to it, but it did feel good to see some of the old quirky creativeness reappearing. I enjoyed this one.

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